We at Coruscant Customs had a grand ol' time in Indy at the Star Wars Celebration II.  Collected below are some of our fondest Celebration II memories.  So let us return to that galaxy far far away . . . . Indianapolis, and remember the way we were.

 Blue Snaggy: Seeing Kenny Baker live and in person is one of the greatest experiences of my life. I love Kenny, he frickin rules! Not only is he R2D2 but he is also several other characters from other moves that require small actors. My favorite other than R2 has always been Wally Thomas Fidget from Time Bandits. Meeting Kenny in person was great for me and Adam-wan. Despite the long lines and frustrated fans Kenny was super nice and acted like he was having the time of his life. Thanks Kenny, you are a huge icon, and not just because you gave R2-D2 life.


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 Adam - Wan: If you have been fortunate enough to meet Kenny Baker, then you know just how nice a lil' fella he is!  However, after watching him draw "beeps" on an 8x10 R2 photo of some poor guy right in front of me in line, I was prepared to snatch the pen out of Kenny's hand and slap a restraining bolt on his noggin! Luckly, Kenny just wrote his name on my 8x10, all be it  very . . . very . . . slowly.  I still love you Kenny! 

 Blue Snaggy: This area of the Celebration was designated to Lucas Arts Games. All game consoles/pc formats were represented and you could even play all of the upcoming games. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds was present and boasting about their new (at the time) expansion pack, which is very cool. They had the game sped up 300% so people could play quick games insuring that everyone could play that wanted to. It was killer watching Adam-wan kick ass at light speed. I normally only have "real time" game play to watch him lay the smack down, but no, not on this glorious day.



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 Adam - Wan: Here is the Lucas Games multi-screen area.  It was super neat checking out all the Star Wars games that was coming out the following year.  I played a little bit of the Star Wars: Battlegrounds Clone War expansion and actually got a small crowd to watch me play on the big screen!  I also scored a free strategy guide!  If I wasn't so damn good at that game I might actually read it!

 Blue Snaggy: I did not see this Star Wars momma at C1, because I wasn't there. However, I did see her at the RCA Dome. She is just one of hundreds of fans dressed as their favorite Star Wars Characters. She obviously has great costumes but I like the sexier star wars babes, like the Mara Jade costumed fan I saw later that day. And then when I met the real Mara (Shannon Baksa), oh man what a weekend. Oh yea this costume is 100% authentic and kicks mega-ass. You go girl!


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 Adam - Wan: I just knew I had seen this Star Wars chick before.  Hmmm could it have been at Celebration I?  Well, low and behold . . . yes it was!  Adam-Wan never forgets a cute face!  The Padme pic is from Celebration II of course, and the other was taken at the Denver Celebration.  I wonder if she felt a tingling in the force when she saw me again . . . er . . . probably not.


 Blue Snaggy: Ah, the hilt of Dooku's lightsaber. What a beaut. Christopher Lee has actually had this prop in his hands. Wow, what an artifact. This entire prop room was great. It was wonderful seeing all the props that ranged from all 5 movies under one roof, inside of one room. The saber hilt design, in this instance, is incredible. The evil Sithlords have way better lightsabers than the Jedi Knights. The coolest feature about the Jedi Knights lightsabers is that one saber has a purple blade. It's no wonder why they eventually got creamed. C'mon, purple?




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 Adam - Wan: This prop, Dooku's lightsaber hilt, was one of the highlights of the props room.  Since I had never seen this type of lightsaber hilt before, I tried to think of ways of getting it into my backpack before the 501st tackled me and beat me into Dewback dung . . . just kidding. I guess I'll have to settle for the Hasbro one, or maybe the replica one (if I hit the lottery).     

 Blue Snaggy: Look at all of these vintage figs. How cool is that? It was great shit like this around each and every corner at Celebration 2. This photo just represents a small portion of the total amount of retail vender shops that encompassed a large portion of the main show hall. You could have found any Star Wars item imaginable, any  under the sun. It was truly an uncanny sight, seeing everything you have ever seen and more all in one room (and it's all for sale). Adam-wan and I, collectively, bought a huge chunk of history.

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 Adam - Wan: Talk about a time warp!  Man, I dream of traveling back in time!  To witness historic events?  Hell no!  I want to go shopping at K-Mart in 1977 and buy all those precious . . . precious toys!  I really do have dreams of finding mint vintage Star Wars figs.  I need therapy!

 Blue Snaggy: SACUL is SOCOOL! Here he is in all of his glory, the man himself. The one who made every good Star Wars feeling you have ever had a reality. The mastermind himself, drum-roll please!!! George Lucas in action figure format. It was worth standing in that hellaciously long line to get my hands on a few of these Celebration 2 exclusives. I can't wait to see who the figure will be at Celebration 3. Please Lord, don't make it Rick McCallum. Please.

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 Adam - Wan: Here he is.  The real star of Celebration II.  I bet people missed seeing all kinds of stuff just to wait forever in the Celebration II store line to get a Sacul figure.  Er, wait a second.  I did that!  Damn Celebration II store line!  Anyway, I did get several of these figs, so I'm happy.  I can't wait to see who the exclusive fig is for Celebration III !!


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