We at Coruscant Customs had a grand ol' time in Indy at the Star Wars Celebration II.  Collected below are some of our fondest Celebration II memories.  So let us return to that galaxy far far away . . . . Indianapolis, and remember the way we were.

Blue Snaggy:  The Lego displays are some of my favorite memories of the entire celebration. Being a huge Lego maniac myself, I nearly passed out at the site of some of these Dutch-blocked masterpieces. When looking at the sheer mass of these Lego-ed monstrosities, I couldn't help but ask myself just one question -- "Why is this set not available for retail sale?" and who cares if you have to take a second mortgage out on your home just to buy it. cele1.jpg (43111 bytes)

Adam - Wan: My jaw hit the floor when I saw the Lego dioramas!   Not only were these things immense , but were also beautifully built!  The one pictured here is the final battle on Geonosis.  This one in particular made me wish I had 200 Lego clone troopers!



Blue Snaggy:  You know things are not all that bad when you are, quite simply, walking around the convention center and just happen to stumble upon an actual Jedi starfighter. I loved seeing all of the movie props and such. This ship is a true beaut and the only thing missing was the opportunity to sit in the ship and operate all of the switches and stuff. cele2.jpg (17152 bytes) Adam - Wan:  I was kinda disappointed in the lack of props and ships at Celebration II.  At Celebration I there a lot more movie props, costumes, and large scale models.  One model that was a hit for me was the full-size Jedi star fighter.  This thing was incredible; from its detailed paint down to the astromech droid!  All I could think about is how much time it would take to make my own!


Blue Snaggy:  This shot represents just another example of why Lego should rule the world. When this fine rendition of the galaxies most notorious Jedi is finished it will be nearly 15" tall and it is totally constructed by fans. You got in this line (which is pretty much the beginning to all celebration II stories) and waited your turn to help build this incredible structure. cele3.jpg (39608 bytes) Adam - Wan:  One of the cool aspects that I sorta missed out on was the 10' tall  Lego Yoda.  While I saw and helped build part of the basic structure, I was unruly ripped from the convention on Saturday and missed out on the final product on Sunday.  I vow to stay all 3 days for celebration III.


Blue Snaggy:  Hasbro/Kenner had an enormous display of all Star Wars toys ever made. This picture represents many vintage items being shown. Whenever I want to see a set up like this I go into my basement or drop by Adam - Wan's house and peek into his toy shrine. However, it is always nice to see specimens that are 100% mint to perfection. cele4.JPG (39878 bytes)  

Adam - Wan: Wowser!  Look at all those precious precious toys!!  It kinda looks like my room . . . I wish!  This was the Hasbro museum set up with all the Star Wars toys ever made.  I must admit that I have a good portion of them, but the ones I didn't own made me wish I did!



Blue Snaggy:  I could never give Lego enough praise. This life size Jango kicks serious ass and so did the life-size Vader, Maul, oom9 and all other things Lego. I wish all structures were made from Lego in real life, that would be the coolest. Seriously, the Lego show room was frickin incredible and I cant wait until we showcase Lego on Coruscant Customs. cele5.JPG (38100 bytes) Adam - Wan: Here is another look at the Lego area (one of the coolest areas as far as I'm concerned!).   Pictured in center was the life-size Lego Jango Fett.   This was one of the coolest things I saw at the convention!  I kept waiting for some kid to knock it over...must have been glued.  Supposedly it took Lego Masters weeks to build this monster model!  How do I become a Lego Master?  Sign me u



Blue Snaggy:  It's no wonder Luke fell for her. With her force boobs and all. However ample this photo may be -- I just have to ask myself why this autograph opportunity exists in the first place, but then this picture reminds me every time. Maybe at the next convention Miss Jade here can give out lap dances as well as autographs. That would be oh so keen. cele7.JPG (30630 bytes) Adam - Wan: Oh my!  Did this picture stray from an Adult entertainment convention?  Is this some CGI effect gone wrong (or very good, hehehe) !?!? No this is model Shannon Baksa, who portrayed Mara Jade on a few Decipher cards.  So why is she signing autographs along with the likes of Kenny Baker, Carrie Fisher, and David Prowse?  I guess this picture answers that.  Any fan boy who opted for her autograph over a real actor needs to go to the nearest Star Trek convention, after all I hear they hire big breasted women to appease geeks all the time..  On the other hand it was a nice view, like two Lobot heads under a blanket.


Blue Snaggy:  This is HASBRO at its best. This might possibly be the greatest 12" action figure ever created. The facial sculpt is dead-on. and the detailing of the costume is phenomenal. This figure is one of the first to offer the new finger articulation and should come in handy for those hard to obtain "realistic" lightsaber battle poses. This figure would be a wonderful addition to anyone's collection. cele8.JPG (19685 bytes) Adam - Wan: Man o man where's my wallet!  This has to be Hasbro's crowning achievement!  Look at that sculpt!  I cannot wait to own this gem!  A Star Wars Christopher Lee 12", I must be dream'n!


Blue Snaggy:  This was a cool HASBRO figure making walk up seminar. The figural engineer here showed us some samples of figure making including demonstrations on tools of the trade and various techniques applied to this artform. Soon we will need to scratch Aayla Secura off of Adam's top 10 most wanted figures since this happy Hasbro employee was making her when this photo was taken. When asked when she would be released he said he replied, "Sometime in 2003." We are counting the days! cele9.JPG (31056 bytes) Adam - Wan: Now this little display was a nice touch.  Here we have a actual Hasbro figure sculptor showing all the customizers the tricks of the trade.  You know I listened real good!  What's cool is that the prototype he was working on here was none other than Aayla Secura!  Oh one of my top 10 most wanted figures made! Yeah!  Well almost.


Blue Snaggy:  In the movie props room we had the first hand opportunity to view this awesome Tusken family. These are actual props from the movie and we here at Coruscant Customs loved seeing these Tusken get-ups. Even though there was only one prop room it was filled with a whole lot of great stuff. These costumes were just a small portion of everything shown at celebration. cele10.JPG (34309 bytes) Adam - Wan: There was only one prop room, but it was packed with Star Wars goodness!  Here are 3 life-size costumes for a Tusken Raider family!  These were gorgeous, and looked feasible to customize.  The design on the Tusken female and child are really cool, and I was glad I got to see them first-hand!


Blue Snaggy:  More props from the prop room. I remember when ROTJ first came out I saw these exact masks in a magazine. I loved them then and I love them now. Seeing them 20 years later, for real, is a dream come true. The craftsmanship that goes into these pieces are unreal. It's kinda sad that for the most part these masks have been replaced by CGI. The CGI stuff is cool, however I believe there needs to be more room for the mask use of yore. cele11.JPG (37091 bytes) Adam - Wan: Ah remember the days when puppets ruled?  Remember when Star wars creatures . . . felt more . . .Star Wars?  Remember when you could possibly get an autograph of the guy playing said creature?  Well these masks brought back a lot of memories (and yes a lot of sadness in this age of CGI acid trips).  I wish Uncle George would use these masks more often, so Star Wars of new would feel like Star Wars of old.  


Blue Snaggy:  This shot proves that all Tusken Raiders start out cute. As time goes by, the terrain must harden their soul and blacken their hearts as they scurry for protection from one sandstorm after another. Such a relentless lifestyle, where only the strong thrive. But they all started out cute and cuddly. cele12.JPG (30416 bytes) Adam - Wan: Here is another picture of that spunky little Tusken tike!  He's super cool, and look closely . . . easy to make . . .Mwaa ha ha!!!


Blue Snaggy:  Quite possibly the most horrendous line at the entire celebration, the official Celebration II store. Everyone wanted to get their mitts on the exclusive Sacul figure and these lines showed us just how bad. We met some interesting folks in this line, to say the least. Even though this line was excruciatingly long it was still a total blast. Just being around 35,000 people who mostly have the same passion for the Star Wars Universe as yourself is truly a wonderful feeling. cele13.JPG (35515 bytes) Adam - Wan:  Oh pit of despair!  Oh never ending lines of torment!  Oh! sold out mementos of my desire!  Oh . . . uggg . . the Celebration II store.  Whoever came up with this massive store concept needs to be beaten with a gaffi stick!  I've heard people escape the Sarlacc Pit faster than get out of the Celebration II store! Blue Snaggy and I stood in line for 2 hours to find out most everything we wanted was sold out!  We did however secure the elusive Jorg Sacul fig!    
Blue Snaggy:  If you plan on going to Celebration 3 you will need to pay close attention to this picture and start practicing patience. Because you will be standing in very many lines throughout the weekend, starting with this one. What you see here is the line just to get into the show and as you see, this line is huge. As a matter of fact it wrapped all the way around the RCA Dome. That is damn big! What is amazing is, you never seem like you are stuck in a line. Time flies with so many fans to rejoice with. 

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Adam - Wan:  I am not exaggerating when I say the line to Celebration II wrapped around the RCA dome.  Blue Snaggy and I entertained ourselves by watching all of the costumed crazies that roamed the line for compliments and photo ops.  One fella in particular was quite the chubby biker scout, which made me wonder if the Empire was lowering the fitness requirements to enlist!

Blue Snaggy:  Look at the girth of this Lego display, and this is just one corner!! This is just another reason to why Lego should be made to rule the world. I wish they would release army builder sets so this scene could become a reality. The Hellfire Droid is killer as is this whole show piece. Kudos to Lego!!!

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Adam - Wan:  Oh my lord!  Man did I feel like a kid when I saw this setup!  I just wanted to dive in and start playing with all those cool mini-clone troopers!!  I mean look at em!  I need a job at Lego, so I can get perks like extra Lego pieces for my massive dioramas!  
Blue Snaggy:  Vader, vader he's on the attack - he's a Lego maniac!! This piece, made by master builders, is a life sized version of his majesty and has electronic lights and sound features. The Darkest Lord of the Sith has never looked quite so becoming. Standing next to this bricked monstrosity has a genuine pleasure. Ada-wan had to smack me around and tell me to quit drooling on myself. 

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Adam - Wan:  Here we have the dark lord of the Sith in all his Lego glory!  This Lego statue was as impressive as the Jango Fett one.  I tell ya I'm becoming a Lego master builder just so I can make Lego Lego Sithlords! 
Blue Snaggy: I've often asked myself what jawas might taste like. And, if I were on Tatooine and in a dire of enough situation would I attack one with the purpose of making the mini cloaked one my desired meal option. Well, thanks to Lorta Phanble's I can now taste my dream come true, in a pleasurable condensed format. Em, em utinni good!

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Adam - Wan:  A vender had this proudly displayed and I must say it flat out rawks!  Ya know, if Uncle George made Cream of Jawa soup, I would buy cases and eat it everyday and yell Utinni!! when I finished a bowl!

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