Adam-Wan Kenobi's Top 10




Why oh why did Hasbro not release this ship when they launched the Shadows of the Empire series?  They could have easily released this ship instead of a repackaged Slave-1!  The Virago should be sculpted in a manner in which the "wings" could be bent back or extended. Listen now Hasbro, and hear me later, I need a Virago so my Outrider has something to . . . . outride!?! 

9 Punishing One

One of the coolest aspects of collecting Star Wars Decipher CCG cards, is seeing all the stuff you've read about.  The Punishing One is Dengar's ship featured in "Tales of the Bounty Hunters".  While Dengar is my least favorite bounty hunter in The Empire Strikes Back (I still like him better than most ep.1 & 2 characters though), I still love his ship!  Hasbro should make this one packaged with a resculpt of good ol' Dengar!

8 The Mist Hunter

Oooo! A bounty hunter that hunts mist!  How scary!  Hehehe!  This here ship belongs to Zuckuss.  the ship might be called the mist hunter because Zuckuss can't breath oxygen and thus the ship is filled with gasses appropriate for Zuckuss's bug-like lungs.   Or some Star Wars writer had something against  humidity.  This ship should come packaged with a more articulated Zuckuss and perhaps a bounty or two . . . and free mist!

7 Republic Cruiser

Ok, I know I'm stretching the limits on what Hasbro can produce . . . but wouldn't a Republic Cruiser be neat-o!  I can think of a ton of capital ships I would love to own if it were feasible, but the Republic Cruiser could be made in the scale of the Naboo Royal Starship, and not sacrifice too much in scale.  I would make this a FX ship, with that low-rumble heard in the opening scene of EP. 1! 

6 IG-2000

Can you guess who's ship this is?  For a droid programmed to kill, ol' IG-88 sure spends a lot of time being vain! I wonder if he spends lots of time in the mirror?  Anyway, the IG-2000 (sounds like a Infomercial product) is one hellava cool ship!  I would package an articulated (please Hasbro make a new mold!)  IG-88. 

5 The Hound's Tooth

This ship ends my list of bounty hunter ships, with Bossk's Hound's Tooth.  I like this ship because there is so much room in the forward part of the ship, which would make for a great figure compartment or diorama!  The Hound's Tooth is also bigger than the other bounty hunter ships.  This ship would come packaged with a more articulated Bossk and lots of keen bounty hunter gadgets!

4 Geonosian Solar Sailer

You know I always get all giddy when a new Star Wars vehicle is introduced that is so different from anything created before!  When I saw the Geonosian Solar Sailer in the trailer I thought it would be ultra neat to have one hanging from my ceiling, with its sails all unfurled.  I got even more excited when I knew Count Dooku would be a passenger.  Sadly Hasbro has not realized the coolness of this ship, because there are no immediate plans to make it. =(

3 Bespin Cloud Car

One of my childhood favorite ships was the Bespin Cloud Car.  I would often ponder what would happen if some Tie Fighter shot out the middle.  I would guess that each pod could fly independently.  Now a-days I just wonder how Hasbro could have produced 3 different versions of Luke's X-Wing, 3 different Slave-1's and countless Tie's and yet not one Cloud Car!  C'mon Hasbro get your head out of the  . . . er . . . clouds and make a cloud car . . . ya!  

2 Sith Infiltrator

Here's a mystery for ya.  How can a character who was arguably the most popular, and who has no less than 9 different figures of himself, not have his vehicle produced?  Of all the vehicles that have never been produced, this one seems the most likely.  The only answer I can formulate to answer this mystery is that Hasbro has been waiting to unleash something very, very special on us with the Sith Infiltrator.  And they better!!

1 AT- TE Walker

One of the highlights of the massive clone/dumb robots war at the end of Attack of the Clones, was the massive AT-TE!  This pre-AT-AT was a killer addition to the clone army arsenal.  If at all possible Hasbro should make, or package with the AT-TE, the drop ship that delivers this metal dinosaur to the battlefield!  If I am ever to make a realistic diorama of the final battle of AOTC, I will need a mountain of cash, and many AT-TE's!!