Adam-Wan Kenobi's Top 10



Hermi Odle

Fans just went ga-ga over Ephant Mon, and I'm sure people will go equally crazy for good ol' Hermi.  I bet kids would go crazy for their plush Hermi buddy doll.  Heck, I bet everyone will want everything Hermi!  With a name like Hermi how could Hasbro overlook this potential goldmine?  Sure, he is a bad guy, but we don't have to tell anyone.  So, keep his morals a secret so we insiders can snicker at kids who sleep with Hermi dolls . . . cause he is bad . . . real . . er . . .bad!

9 Hem Dazon

Hem Dazon is an Arcona who finds employment as a scout.  Like all his Cantina brethren Hem, rocks my socks!  Apparently, Hem's golden colored eyes reveal that he is addicted to salt.  And who isn't?  Salt make french fries D-elicious!  I wonder If Hem orders Margaritas just for the salt-lined glass . . . drinking a margarita with Hem on cinqo de mayo would make my year!! 

8 General Tagge

Poor ol' General Tagge is just one choke away from being excused from the Empirial table.  Good thing he let dumb old Motti get the Sith-treatment.  Do you know what the prequel movies are missing (ok, there's a lot of answers)?  They are missing style'n 70s sideburns!  Look how cool Tagge looks!  It appears Lucas, around 1983, traded in his love of fashionable facial hair for midgets.  Bad move George!   

7 Myo

My . . . my . . . .Myo!  What's so cool about Myo?  Well, he does have one eye, black skin, and a white beard . . . which all points toward being one cool fella!  Maybe if we all sing a song about Myo Hasbro will receive our prayers.   (To the tune of "Day-O") Myo! . . . My-i-o . . . Myo come and me wanna his fig.  Come Mr. Hasbro man, make-a me his fig-ure.  Myo come and me wanna his fig!   hehehe See he likes the song cause he is smiling!

6 Dannik Jerriko

What's not to like about a fella who sucks peoples cranial fluid out for nourishment.  Come on, it's a hell of a lot cooler than "death sticks."  Dannik likes to consume the "soup" of other killers, cause they taste great and are less filling.  This figure should come with his pipe and a smoke-colored "blast effect" to simulate the smoke coming out of his pipe!  Hasbro should also put him in a 2-pack with a fallen killer that Dannik could attach his coiled proboscises too.  That way he could have a packaged meal . . . kinda like a juice box! 

5 Red Leader

I must admit that I love Rogue Squadron!  They rule!!  I was a bit disappointed by the totally P.C. (United Colours of Beniton) Naboo squadron in the Phantom Menace.  What women couldn't fly in the rebellion (come on George think!!)?  Anyway, Red Leader here needs his own fig, and his own that I think about it all of them do, Red squadron, Gold, etc...ya know I'd buy em all!!

4 Wioslea

I usually don't get excited about female salespersons figures, but when she has a huge bug head, long antennae, and multiple eyes, I get all tingly!  How cool would this figure be!  If Hasbro put Wioslea on the next fan choice poll, I bet she would win (I would vote for her unless my 1-3 were on the list).  This character is why I love Star Wars: A New Hope so much, cool aliens, great story, and no confusing CGI acid trip!  

3 Major Bren Derlin

In all honesty this character could be ranked number 1, if I thought Hasbro had the balls to make him!  This is none other than John Ratzenberger, better know as Cliff Claven of Cheers fame!  Hey, the mustache doesn't lie!  This figure would rank as one of my all-time faves if made!  Then maybe John would go to Celebration III and sign autographs, and he and I would become friends and hang out all the time, and relive our years in the Rebellion, and . . .er . . .o.k. . .on to number 2 . . .

2 Admiral Ozzle

I recently met  Michael Sheard who played Admiral Ozzle at Celebration II, and thought he was a cool gent with his bow tie and all.  I sure wish he could have signed my Ozzle figure. . . wait a minute . . . there is no Ozzle figure!?!?!  Grrrr!!!  I must have one by Celebration III !!

1 General Maximilian Veers

Yes I know that there was a "Gen. Veers" figure with the AT-AT, but that's really not General Veers!  C'mon the figure is really just a generic AT-AT commander!  I want a General Veers figure with a great likeness and removable helmet!  I want a 12" figure too, with AT-AT gear and officer uniform!  Come on Hasbro get a move on, or Veers and I are gonna "Target the main Hasbro building . . . maximum fire power"!!! 


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