Adam-Wan Kenobi's Top 10

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Yarael Poof

Someone tell me why we have 100 different Qui-Gon Jinn figures and no Yarael Poof figure?  Don't get me wrong I love Qui-Gon, but who did you look at when you first saw the Jedi Council? Mace Windu . . . Eeth Koth!?!? . . .Adi Gallia?  No! . . . it was Q-tip head, Yarael Poof!!!  I want him packaged to scale (deluxe probably) with his lightsaber and  jointed knees, so he can sit and look cool, just like he was when he was the coolest Jedi in the council!  . . .where was he in Episode II?  Not digital enough for Lucas??  


8 Younglings (Lil' Padawans)

One of my favorite parts in Episode II involved Yoda and the younglings!  Sure it was cute, but it was a taste of old school Yoda there, and funny (which seems lacking thus far in the prequels).  I would love to see these pint-size Jedi tikes in a 3-pack...maybe 2 human, and one alien.  Then I would set them up with Yoda and think how the hell I am going to come up with a holographic star field!!

7 Kitik Keed'kak

Kitik Keed'kak, a Mos Eisley cantina patron, is a  tall alien with a short temper!  And she is super cool to look at.  How come with all the digital technology at their fingertips, Lucasarts hasn't made cooler aliens than found in Episode IV?  The cantina rocks so hard!  I'll buy my drinks in Mos Eisley over any Coruscant sports bar . . .  any day!!!!mper

5 General Jan Dodanna

What the hell does Hasbro have against regular looking white guys!?!?!  I mean, I understand that ol' Jan here isn't up to Saga line super action feature standards, but he helped lead the Rebellion for Christ's sake!  Plus, he's super cool with that Kenny Rogers look!  Ya, I could custom make a Kenny Rogers figure from him!!  Oooo I want him now!! 

4 Aayla Secura

Ok ok so I missed her autograph at Celebration II, I mean I didn't even know at the time she would make the final cut of the film.  The photo even looks like it was made with photoshop!  Blue Snaggy got her autograph, lucky him.  Now I'm tryng to find one on eBay for less than $30!

3 Barriss Offee

Hubba hubba, this new Star Wars hottie ranks up there with a young, virile Carrie Fisher on my geeky dream date list (she's hot even in person!)  And I must make her mine!! . . . I mean in plastic form of course!  I want a 3 3/4 figure, a 12", a deluxe, a life-size . . . er . . . ok I'll settle for a regular figure, until I kidnap her at Celebration III (just a joke kids!) mwaa ha ha!