Hello and welcome to my online portfolio.

This website was built for one of my classes in 2002, and gets updated only occasionally now. Much more can be added, while other areas could be deleted. All in due time.

About me: I am an Illinois transplant since 1990; born and raised in the northeast (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut). As an adult, I've lived in California, Arizona, and Tennesee. My family's heritage is available at Genealogy.com. I am a mom of three children, work full time and go to school to finish my degree as well as being involved with ministries within my parish and diocese.

Peace and Blessing be yours. Cindy

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord

"plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11

High School Graduation 1976

Now and Then

Introduction | Site Map

Last Updated: January 15, 2008