about me pics links misc
Affinity Group Inc. - The current company I work for
Accelerated Consulting Group - My previous employer in Florida
Weezer - Greatest Band EVER....period
Elliott Smith - I'm never gonna know you now, but I'm gonna love you anyhow
Jurassic 5 - Build you up to break you down like forgotten monuments
D Squared Project - Nothin but Chumps, but I love em
Elijah Wood is Very Very Gay - Hmmmmm...they do have some good points
MJ - The stats you need to know by heart
Kate Beckinsale - dang
Clan ZA - Danny Dones Clan ZA website
Chicken Kitchen - Best place EVER to eat
Urban Dictionary - Can be used to determine half the crap I say.
Kurt Halsey Frederiksen - Artist who does cool stuff, at least I think so.
She will never see me behind this couch!

Have your people call my people...
2004 - a hotdog jones joint