The Carburetor Chronicles
In no particular order are pages that have been helpful or at least fun. - great ride reports, great members (not a club, not ever), sense of humor required - a "guru" type of airhead shop in GA. They run a free message board that has a lot of great information available and they do great work. revardbmw. com - The Indy area BMW dealer - great place, nice people. - The Airheads BMW club,
and their sweet logo.
The marketplace in the monthly magazine is a great source of stuff, and they have a lot of tech articles
as well, best of all the people are great. - Internet BMW riders club. Lots of tech articles, and they have a flea market page that has bikes, parts and accessories for BMW riders. Duane Ausherman's Site - If you want to know something about airheads, especially /2's and /5's he wrote the book, one webpage at a time. A former BMW dealer with an incredible depth of knowledge on these bikes. Lots of great tech info, and he has a motorcycle in his living room!! Chris Bynum's Site - He has a number of ongoing airhead projects. Good photos and the patented "Restor-o-meter" Bob's BMW - Lots of stuff for airheads and a downloadable catalog Blue Moon Cycle -Lots of airhead stuff, and a downloadable catalog with a lot of /2 stuff Indian's R90S site - A guy in Norway who knows way about R90S' than you do. Aerostitch - Moto gear heaven. I haven't purchased any of hte riding gear yet, but those that have swear by it. Lots of other great stuff. The catalog a great starting poing for equipping yourself, hell even a finishing point. nigritude-ultramarine - The entry in a Google contest - Smugmug is a great picture hosting website |