Chapter One

The smell of dirt and his mother’s azalea bushes was strong to Taylor’s nose as he sat nestled amongst the landscaping of his family’s home in Tulsa. Inside the house, his parents and his brothers and sisters were having dinner, discussing what had gone on with their day. He smiled as he heard Zac and Mackenzie begin to argue over who’d won a particularly tough battle in some video game he wasn’t familiar with. Seven months had gone by since he’d seen or spoken to any member of his family. It was July and it was hot and humid, but his body wasn’t affected by such things any longer. His mind though, was a different story. He lay his head back against the house and closed his eyes, listening to every clink of the silverware on the plates, every tiny word uttered by the eight people he missed most in the world. He listened as someone got up from the table and walked across the room to the sink. He could tell by the footsteps, it was his older brother Isaac. He heard him rinse his plate, as he always did, then set it in the dishwasher. “Who’s turn is it to do dishes?” He heard him ask.

“The girls.” His mother answered.

“Avie, come upstairs when you get done, okay?” Isaac said, then Taylor heard him walk away.

Carefully, Taylor stood up and brushed his pants off, then he silently walked around the side of the house and looked up at the window that he knew was Isaac’s. The light had just come on and a warm, inviting glow that he couldn’t resist was upon him. A few feet away, a large tree stood; a tree he’d climbed before whenever he needed to get out of his house without his parents knowing. Or to get back in. Tonight, he’d use it to get closer to his family. It took no effort whatsoever for his superior body to jump up and grab the lowest branch and none to pull himself up to gently land on the roof. With the ease of a cat, he made his way across to lie and look into his brother’s room. There he saw Isaac, sitting on the side of his bed, his guitar in hand, but no music coming from it. His hair was a little longer, his skin a little darker. Unlike himself, his brother had obviously been out in the sun this summer. Tears began to form as he looked at him for the first time since he’d sent him away from New York. It was taking every bit of will power he had not to jump up and tell Isaac he was home and to let him inside. He knew he could make Isaac open the window, and he could spend all the time with him he wanted, but he knew he wouldn’t do that. Vampires did not have to be invited into a house, they could come and go as they pleased, but he knew he’d never step foot in this house again. He was merely visiting, because of some self-destructive mood he was in. It wasn’t just hard to look at and listen to his family, it was torture. His eyes shifted as he saw the door open to his brother’s room and Zac walked in.

“What’s up, man? You alright?” Zac asked.

Isaac sighed, “I don’t know. Just…a weird feeling or something, y’know?”

“Yeah?” Zac said, sitting down on the bed. “Like what?”

Isaac shook his head, “I have no idea. Just weird.”

Zac looked at him for a minute, then leaned back on the bed, “You writing something?”

“Well, I was working on a song last night, but, it’s just not coming to me now.” He said and he leaned the guitar up against the bed. He stood up and started to walk towards the window, causing Taylor to slither to the side to not be seen. “Zac, sometimes, I have some kind of dream or something…” he stopped.

Zac sat up. “Go on.” He said.

Isaac was now right up against the window, gazing out into the dusky sky. Taylor watched him shut his eyes and lean his forehead against the glass. “I don’t know, man.” He said, then he turned back to face him, “It’s like, maybe I’m seeing something that Taylor is. Or maybe it’s something that he wants me to see.”

Zac looked at him, concern in his eyes, “Ike, Taylor doesn’t want us to see anything. He wants us to think he’s dead. And who knows, maybe he is.”

Isaac turned back, “Oh, he’s not dead. And you know it.” He said, his voice carrying a certainty in what he said that Zac couldn’t argue with. “I know that Sonya sends emails to Mom sometimes.” He stopped, thinking he’d said too much.

“She does?” He asked, “Have you read them?”

Isaac paused, “No. I don’t need to.”

Zac’s voice turned bitter, “That’s right. You and Avie can just feel him and know whatever it is he wants you to know.”

Isaac rolled his eyes, “It’s not like that. Whatever it is between him and her, well, I don’t even think Sonya or Beatriz really understand that.”

“Whatever.” Zac sighed.

“Look, you told me he offered—” Isaac started.

“And I refused!” Zac spat back.

“Well, you know what? He didn’t give me a choice. I don’t know why he did it, but he did. So, don’t hold that against me!” Isaac said back.

Taylor watched as Zac stood up and walked toward Isaac, “I don’t hold it against you. I just…I wish he hadn’t done it. I think it makes it harder for you to move on.” Taylor winced, knowing Zac was right. He still wasn’t sure himself why he’d taken Isaac’s blood and established a link with him, when he’d known he was going to sever all ties to his family. Perhaps it had just been some selfish whim, not wanting them to be able to forget him.

“None of us can just ‘move on’, Zac. It doesn’t matter if he’d done that or not, I still couldn’t just forget he was ever a part of us. And you can’t either.”

“What’s going on?” Taylor’s ears perked up when he heard his sister’s voice.

“Nothin’ Avie. Ike’s just losing his mind a little, that’s all.” Zac said.

Isaac and Avery both ignored him, their eyes meeting. “Have you…you know…felt anything? Lately?” Isaac asked her softly.

“It’s strong tonight.” She said, her cryptic words causing Zac’s brow to furrow.

Isaac turned back toward the window, “I know.” He said, searching for something he knew he wouldn’t find. Again, he turned back to her, “He hasn’t…said anything to you, has he?”

“No.” She answered. “What about you?” She asked.

“Nope.” Isaac said. “That’s only happened once, that I know of, and I was right there in that apartment with him. I could have just imagined it, really.” He mused.

Avery smirked, “You didn’t imagine it, Ike.” She said, sitting on the bed next to Zac and pushing his hair away from his face. “He can do it, when he wants. Not from there maybe, but from pretty far, still.”

Isaac rubbed his eyes, “I guess I’m just going insane or something. I just thought maybe you’d felt…I don’t know, something.”

“Well, if Mom gets Vampire Instant Messages, why don’t you all just ask her about it?” Zac said.

“Did I ask you to come into my room, or was it Avie?” Isaac asked him.

“Fine. You all can sit in here and try to get messages from Taylor. In fact, how about you hold a séance, I mean, he’s dead, right?” Zac said, standing up and walking out the door.

Isaac and Avery watched the door for a moment, then looked at each other. “What’s up with him?” Avery asked.

Isaac shook his head, “I think he misses Taylor, even though he tries to act like he doesn’t. I think he’s past denial and pretty into anger right now.”

Taylor lay back on the roof and looked up at the sky. The stars were starting to come out now and he knew it was time to leave before his presence made things any worse than they were. He shouldn’t have come, and he knew it. With a sigh, he pulled himself up and glanced once more in the window to make sure neither Avery nor Isaac would see him if he stood. Both were talking intently to each other, Isaac’s vigil at the window momentarily forgotten, so he took that moment to step to the edge of the roof, and soundlessly drop down to the ground. With a last glance back at the window, he trotted across the yard and into the trees that surrounded the property. Once he’d climbed the fence, he found himself on the road out of the neighborhood and he could see Sonya sitting in the car, waiting for him.

He got in the passenger side and shut the door. “Well?” She said, looking at him with her green eyes.

“Well what?” He answered.

“Well, did you get what you came for? Are you less homesick now?” she asked.

“No.” He said. “And I’m not in the mood for a lecture right now, if you don’t mind.”

Without a word, she started the car and drove down the road, and towards the city. Finally, she spoke, “Where to? Do you want to go back to the hotel? I assume you didn’t have supper with your family. Shall we hit the town?”

“Nope, no supper.” He said quietly. Then he looked up, “Um, can you let me off here? I’ll get back to the hotel myself, okay?”

Sonya looked over at him, attempting to read what was going through his mind, but it wasn’t as cut and dry as it had been at one time. He was getting better at masking his thoughts, though if there was any kind of great emotion coming from him, he was like an open book. “What are you up to?” She asked. “Are you feeling alright? No headaches tonight? You know, you got a bit of a sunburn out there. You really should have waited a little later, or at least stayed in the shade ‘til the sun totally went down.” She looked at his cheeks, flushed from the tiny bit of sunshine that had touched them.

“Yes, Mom.” He said.

“You still didn’t answer my question. Why do you want to get out here? It doesn’t look like the best place in Oklahoma to get a bite.” She said, looking out at the few houses dotting the landscape.

“I just do, okay? And no, I don’t have a headache. I’m not freaking out or anything. Man, a guy has a couple little episodes and suddenly I need a babysitter!” He said.

Sonya raised her eyebrow at him, “Finished?”

He just looked at her for a moment, “Yes.” He said.

“Good. Because frankly, when you have an “episode” as you call it,” she said, “it’s never just some little cranky thing or whatever. You kill or rape or—“

“Alright, I got it, I got it!!!” He said, getting angry. He looked away from her, “I didn’t mean to do any of those things, y’know.”

“Taylor, I know that. And that’s what makes it scary for us. When it happens, we don’t know what you’re going to do. And you lose control of your powers and that can mean you are defenseless, or it might mean you’re going to blow something up.”

He looked at her, “I’ve never blown anything up!”

She smirked, “Not yet!”

“Well, I feel fine, okay? I haven’t done anything like that for awhile, right?” He said.

“No, you haven’t. And that’s why Beatriz allowed you to come here. Just be careful, alright? I’m not sure that I think this was a good idea, but who am I to argue with you and your Queen?” Sonya said.

“She’s not a queen, she’s like, a witch or something.” Taylor smiled.

“Whatever she is, I must do her bidding, so, here you are.” She said, gesturing around her. “Go on. Do whatever mischief you will, but remember, I’m responsible for you and if you get me in trouble, I’ll make your life miserable. You know I can do it.” She said, narrowing her eyes at him. “Be back well before sun up. I don’t want to have to come looking for you.” She shook her head as he opened the door, “I can’t believe I’m doing this. Is this something I can do with you?” She said, looking at him as he stepped down onto the pavement.

He shook his head. “I’ll be careful, and I’ll probably be back within a couple hours, alright? Don’t worry.” He said, giving her his best smile.

“Sure you will.” She said, pulling away as he shut the door. He watched as she drove away, then he began to walk back the way they’d come. The streets outside of Tulsa were much farther apart than in the city, so he actually had a bit of a walk ahead of him. He stopped for a moment, listening and thinking about where exactly he was in relation to where he was going. With a glint of green in his eyes, he set off across a field of tall grass and hopped a barbed wire fence, not missing the irony that it was meant to keep predators, like himself, out.


“So, where’s the young Prince tonight?” a punky, dirty looking girl stepped over to the table Melanie and Camille were sitting at. It was a particularly rough crowd at “The Living End” that night and the two thought they’d take advantage of it and pick up on any gossip going around.

Camille smiled and scooted over so the girl could sit. “How dumb do you think I am?” She said. “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t be telling anyone here.”

“Aw, I don’t see anyone here tonight that would be considered his enemy. I was just wondering. He’s actually been coming around a little more. Even without his watchdog now and then.” The girl smiled, showing her fangs.

Melanie smirked, “And how exactly did that happen? I’m actually beginning to feel sorry for the little prick. Beatriz hardly lets him out of her sight.” She picked up her glass and swallowed down a gulp of water.

With a glint in her eye, she responded, “Well, I wouldn’t either, if I was her. She’s not getting any younger.” And then she laughed.

“Yeah, well, neither is he.” Melanie said. “There seems to be enough of him to go around.” She said, looking at Camille.

Camille ignored the comment. “So, what’s going on that the Lady needs to know about?” She asked the girl.

She snorted, “Well, the Elders haven’t done anything out of the ordinary I don’t think. Nothing any worse than usual.” She downed her drink and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Roberto seems to be gathering up a small army. It sort of looks like folks are beginning to choose sides.” She leaned in closer, “And so far, I don’t see a lot of folks wanting to side with the Elders. Do you think this thing can work? I mean, if it doesn’t, what will the Elders do to whoever’s left?”

“I hope we don’t have to find out.” Melanie said, looking around her. She didn’t trust that the Elders wouldn’t have spies here, since it was a hive of activity for all the little groups of Vampires in the city, particularly the disenfranchised and those on the fringes of their society.

Melanie looked at the girl closely. Then she spoke, “Nikki, I can’t tell you how important it is that this not get around. If it does go badly, I’d think that anyone that knew about it in the least would be going down. Don’t tell anyone anything unless you are a hundred and ten percent sure they need to know. And be careful, the Elders are everywhere.” She looked around the room again, as did Camille. “Remember those old creeps that were in here the night Daniel was here? Some of those old guys are just…freaky.”

Camille looked back at them, “Use your mind Nik—you’ll know.”

The girl nodded her head, her dark hair falling in her eyes. “Watch the males especially.” Melanie whispered. “Only Roberto deals with them, and once he’s decided, then Kirk. They’re the only ones.”

Camille looked into the girl’s eyes, “And be careful of Roberto. He’s true now, but I don’t know for how long.” She said silently.

The girl nodded again, then picked up Camille’s drink and downed it. “Are you thirsty?” Melanie asked, her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, actually.” The girl said, “I haven’t really had time to get anything, y’know? I sort of had to rush to get here.”

“Blood’s free, Nik.” Melanie stated, opening her purse. “Here,” she said, handing the girl a wad of bills, “get a hotel for a week or something. I think Beatriz is gonna be calling on some of you guys. And you know how she is.”

“Thanks Mel. Hey, what’s it like up there, anyway?” The girl smiled.

Melanie shrugged, “It’s alright. You gotta pay either way though, know what I mean? I have to watch her baby boy and bring him snacks when he doesn’t feel good.” She said, sarcasm dripping from her words.

“Yeah, well, I wish someone woulda given me that job.” The girl said, standing.

“Ha!” Camille laughed, “You do know it’s punishment, don’t you? Beatriz didn’t like us and she sent Sonya down. Now, we gotta pay the price. But, it’s a living.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” The girl said, then she turned and left. Camille and Melanie would stay there the rest of the night, listening in on thoughts and conversations and taking notice of everything that caught their attention to take back to Beatriz.


Zac lay in his bed, the remote control in his hand. On the screen he watched himself and his two brothers holding hands, taking a bow after their performance. The next scene cut to the tour bus, all of them sitting around the little table playing cards. His father seemed to have a video camera at all times and at one time, he’d found it extremely annoying. Now, it was all he had left of his older brother. He understood why Taylor didn’t want them to be near him, but it didn’t make it any easier to live with. When he’d come to realize that Taylor really was a vampire, that it wasn’t some sick joke, and that it was in fact not some myth but his very own life, he’d almost liked the idea. His brother would never grow old, never get sick, never die. And yet, he’d watched him get very ill from eating a few bites of pie at Thanksgiving, and saw him die on stage along with two thousand other people watching as well. And while he didn’t grow old, he’d certainly had to grow up. The look in his eye as he’d sent them away from him was heartbreaking. He watched as the Taylor in the video tossed a Hershey’s Kiss in the air and caught it in his mouth, then turned to his father and stuck out his tongue, coated in chocolate, his eyes shining as he laughed. Now when his eyes shone, it was a signal to anyone near him to be careful, that he was turning into a predator. Zac turned away from the tv and covered his eyes with his hands, not wanting the tears to fall. Once he’d regained his composure, he hit ‘stop’ on the VCR, and turned the television off, pitching the remote on the table. Standing, he made his way out and down the stairs to find something to take his mind off how much he was missing his brother.


Charlotte lay in the lounge chair beside the pool in her backyard. Her friends had invited her to go to a movie, but she just hadn’t felt like going. She looked up at the stars in the sky and wondered what would become of her. At one time she was a straight A student, a cheerleader, a busy person; now she lay around and did as little as possible. She cried a lot and found her mind wandering constantly to thoughts of the boy she’d lost. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as her arm dropped to the side and she stroked the ears of the cat that lay beside her chair. “Hey, Samantha. Thanks for hanging with me.” She said, loving the feel of the silken fur under her fingertips.

Taylor stopped just short of coming out of the trees. The lawn was freshly mowed and he could see the pool in the moonlight, the reflection of the stars flickering off the surface of the water. The darkness was complete now, the sun having set long ago. He looked at the patio furniture carefully placed around the pool, the perfect landscaping—he raised his head, sniffing the air. He could smell her. Her arm moved and then he saw her in the chair. She wore a tiny bikini, showing off the body he’d never gotten close enough to when they were together. Once they were apart, he’d come very close, but his brother had interrupted. Carefully, he made his way through the edge of the woods, ‘til he could step out and still be hidden behind the garden shed. His eyes had no trouble seeing in the dark and with each step closer to her, he saw more of the tiny details of her he’d been craving. Her dark hair lay on her shoulder, nearly hiding her breast, but not quite. Her full lips moved now and then as she spoke to the cat that lay beside her chair, soaking up the last bit of warmth from the concrete. As he took another step, it’s yellow eyes shifted to him. He watched the pupils widen, much like his own did in the darkness. Another step and it lay it’s ears back, the hair on it’s back beginning to stand. As he got still closer, it opened its mouth, baring fangs and hissing. With a smile on his face, Taylor sent something dangerous it’s way, causing it to run away.

Charlotte opened her eyes, watching her pet hide under the deck, “Sammy?” She called after her. She then shook her head and turned back, “Oh my god!” She said, seeing the form of a man standing so close to her. Her hand flew to her chest.

“Charlotte…” Taylor said, moving even closer. Her fear quickly turned to shock as she saw and recognized him. Tears came to her eyes as she realized she had to be dreaming because he was dead. He stooped down so their eyes met, hers glittering with wetness, his reflecting the tiny bit of moonlight from the sky. “You’re not dreaming.” He said, reaching out and touching her leg.

She smiled and sat up in the chair to be closer to him, “It’s okay, I dream about you all the time.” She said, a teardrop falling and leaving a shiny trail down her cheek.

“I know. I’m sorry about that.” He said, taking her warm hand in his. She didn’t say anything back, just gazed into his eyes, taking in their shimmery depths. She watched them close slowly as he breathed her in. He brought his hand up to her cheek, touching the smooth skin. He leaned in and watched as her eyes closed, preparing for the kiss that was to come. As lips touched lips, he felt his body stir, felt his senses firing and his teeth felt the familiar ache that came with the lengthening of his canines. In her mind, she heard him, “This is real, Charlotte”

She opened her eyes. His face had taken on a bluish cast against the cobalt sky. She could see the sharp teeth peeking out from parted lips. “I want to do it again, Taylor.” She whispered. He looked up at the house, listening. “Nobody’s home.” She said, touching the hair that once again framed his face. His lip curled up on one side, and he kissed her wrist. He then backed up from her, stepping towards the pool, his eyes never leaving hers. She gasped when he suddenly dropped down into the clear water, it’s surface closing over him as if he weighed nothing. Rushing to the edge, she looked down to see his face, just under the water. “Get in.” She heard in her mind. For one short moment, her head told her to run. She looked back under the deck to see the eyes of her cat, shining back at her, a low growl coming from its throat. “Charlotte…” Without another thought, she jumped in. Immediately, his hands were about her waist, lifting her up out of the water. “Oh, your hands are cold—” she said. He began to step back toward the shallow end until he was standing, looking down at her, water dripping off his chin.

“I’m sorry.” He said, then he smiled, “Did you miss me?” His eyes glinted in the light of the pool, nearly the same color as the pool itself.

“Yes.” She answered.

“I missed you, too.” He said, putting his hand around her ribs and unclasping the top of her bathing suit, letting it fall and drift to the floor of the pool. He then moved down to the bottom, hooking his fingers in and pulling it down til she stepped out of it, leaving her naked before him. Leaning in for a kiss, he ran his hands up and down her body, feeling her back arch as she slowly became aroused. As he placed his lips on her throat, she turned her head and balanced herself on her tiptoes. For a moment, he let his tongue run along the silken skin of her neck, his fingertips feeling goose bumps rise on her arms. When at last his teeth rested over the vein, he pulled her up close and she wrapped her long legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around her back as he bit in. He knew sometimes they would panic and struggle, so he held them tightly in his grasp until their fear gave way to blood loss. Charlotte was not struggling. In fact, she tightened her legs around him, just as unwilling to let him get away. Taylor felt a warmth flowing through his body, just as Charlotte’s blood flowed into his mouth. His ears took in the erotic sounds of her breathing and her voice catching in her throat. Loosening his grasp on her, knowing she wouldn’t pull away, he brought his hand between them, touching the velvety nub she’d pressed against him. At his touch, her head fell back and her mouth opened, letting out the moan she’d been suppressing. His hands had warmed and now felt electric in the cold water. Taylor pulled away reluctantly, knowing he’d taken too much the last time. He didn’t want to make the same mistake and he didn’t want to run out of time. He had to do it right this time; to fix what he’d broken those seven months ago. He looked down at her; her eyes were shut and her lips parted. On her throat, two small wounds, blood seeping out of them and running in little rivulets to join the chemically enhanced water of the pool as it ran down her chest. By the time it hit her stomach, it was a pinkish colour instead of the rich red it had started out as. Slowly he pulled her back down to the deep end of the pool, careful to keep her head out of the water and leaving a trail of pink in the water, and a smell that was tantalizing to the still hungry boy. He entwined his fingers with hers and stretched her arms out to rest on the sides of the pool as he made his way up her neck to her lips, lapping up the blood as he went, but careful not to let the wounds close up.

“Ungh, Taylor…” she moaned, laying her head back on the concrete.

“Yes?” He answered, pushing her wet hair away from her neck. He watched again, fascinated by the blood, pumping delicately from the two small holes.

“I don’t know….I just…God, I just want you so bad. I’m afraid I’m gonna wake up and you’ll be gone again.” She’d opened her gray eyes to make sure he was really there.

“You are awake, Charlotte.” He said, and he slid back under the water. For a moment, she watched him, his image wavy and shifting through the water. Then she felt his hands on her breasts and his tongue caressing her clitoris, now hot from his feeding. The combination of the cold water and the warmth of his mouth was nearly unbearable, and yet it was sublime. Though she didn’t want to, she closed her eyes again and let herself feel every sensation. Taylor looked up at her face through the red cloud that had gathered around her. She was a beautiful girl and he’d loved her at one time, but now he knew he had to let her go—he was ruining her life. As he brought her body pleasure, he brought her mind peace. He eased her memories of his ‘death’ and he urged her to let him go. As her breath began to come faster and the sounds coming from her became urgent, he gave her an image of his friend Aaron. He knew he’d come between them and he felt that Aaron had loved her better than he ever could have. With no pesky older brother there to come between them, Taylor gave her a sensual experience like no other. His mind was in tune with hers and he knew exactly what she desired each moment. He felt her back arch and her head went back as she called out his name. “Aaron…” He replaced his own name with his friend’s. He felt her reach a peak and he slowly eased away from her, rising back up out of the water and taking a much needed breath. “Charlotte, let’s get you inside.” He whispered. He then reached down and licked the remaining blood from her neck and, taking one last drink from her, he ran his tongue over the wounds and pulled her into an embrace. In one smooth movement, he was on the pavement behind her, pulling her out of the water. Leaving a trail of water behind them, they walked up the steps of the deck and through the sliding glass doors of the house.

Charlotte still wasn’t sure she wasn’t dreaming. How could she be with Taylor, when he was dead? Repeatedly, she looked up at him, watching the water drip off his chin and his hair. Tiny droplets clung to his long eyelashes. She watched him push his hair out of his face and pull her over to the kitchen table. He then picked the phone up off its cradle, and handed it to her. “I have to go.” He said, looking into her eyes.

“I miss you, why can’t you stay?” She said softly. “Why do you always leave me?”

“Call Aaron.” He said.

She looked away from him for the first time since she’d laid eyes on him in the darkness. “Aaron’s with Becky now.”

Taylor wrinkled up his face, “She’s a slut.” He spat.

“Well, he seems to like her.” She said, looking back at him. Her eyes went to his lips, now rosy from the blood he’d consumed.

“Only because he thinks he can’t have you.” He answered. “Call him.” He said, and his eyes became brighter to her, and she couldn’t help but dial the numbers.

“He won’t be home.” She said, “It’s a Friday night…”

“That’s his cell phone, he’ll answer.” He said, standing up. He watched her as she waited.

“Hey.” She said quietly. “Are you busy?”

“Where is he?” Taylor asked her silently.

“Aaron, where are you?” She asked.

He didn’t have to wait for her to repeat it, he heard it as her mind took in the information. The bond was strongest right after feeding. Silently, he backed out the door, and was on his way to make sure things went as he wanted them to.

Later, Charlotte would wonder about the puddle of water on the kitchen floor, and wish the dream she’d had, hadn’t ended so quickly.

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