Pictures from the Bristol Renaissance Faire

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Bristol RenFaire
Gates to the Bristol Renaissance Faire
Feast of Fooles on the Midsummer Stage
Knight in shining armor
Her Majesty's joust
Feast of Fooles in the Cheshire Chase Action Theatre
The Seadogs
A play in a clearing
Edmund Tilney
Her Majesty the Queen
Rolo Polo's Hit-and-run comedy
More Fooles
Sir Edmund Tilney and his nieces
A food fight?
The Lord Mayor as a Foole, and his wife
Seadogs to the rescue Sir Edward Cook and Loki
Farewell Fooles
Juggling fire In a strait jacket Suspended in a tree
The Swordsmen
Make the sound you make when a sword pierces 					your lung.
The Sturdy Beggers Mudshow
The Lord Mayer is Dead
Brf Home
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A Funeral and an Execution
Various Acts
The Streets and Shops
Sound and Fury
The Flaming Idiots
MooNiE the Magnif'Cent
MooNie the Magnif'Cent