September Meeting Minutes
         by Secretary Connie Blankenbaker

1.  Kathryn Clark talked about the Paint-Out
    on the Wabash, October 13th (see
    September/ Newsletter for details).
2. Terry Armstrong’s Workshop is November 
    10th. $50 for WVWS Members.
3. Barb Lee talked about the Art Fair at 
    Duncan Hall, November 4. You can 
    display your paintings for sale. 
4. LaDonna Vohar was the evening’s 
    demonstrator. She draws and paints 
    beautifully. She does murals and 
    furntiture.  LaDonna prefers Daniel Smith 
    paints because of their intensity. She was 
    very entertaining and interesting and has  
    a natural talent. We thank her very much 
    for coming. 

Anyone who can come, please get to our meetings!! They are informative and fun!
Wabash Valley Watercolor Society 
Member Show 

Congrats to Barb Lee for winning People’s Choice.
Cheryl for 
the exhibition.
“I loved the 
good show ...
with Tibetan 
building!” Ehua
In the News 
*Area IV Agency on Aging and Community Action Programs winners in the second annual Senior Art Contest for those age 55 and over:
       *Advanced Painting
        1st Place – Alice Harpel, Crawfordsville
        3rd Place – Jo Honig, West Lafayette
        *Advanced Drawing 
        2nd Place – Noel Johns, Mulberry
Entries were on display at Morton Community Center.

Joan Goldstein exhibited at TAF during Oct.

Axie Frey & Ellen Reinke  exhibited at Sugar Creek Art Center.

 Artwork by Jim Mailloux is featured at Willow Stained Glass Studio.

Rebecca Brody  has watercolors of local scenes and portraits at Main Street Cheese & Wine Cellar.

Linda Lauter won 3rd place at Artworks Art Fair in Kokomo. She has works currently exhibited at the City News. 

Ehua Attigneenongnanac had watercolors exhibited at the Art Association of Rutherford, NJ. & at the Logansport Art Association November 7- December 22, 2007. Members:

If you would like to receive a newsletter in the mail instead of on the internet, please let Barb Lee know. The reason we put them on the internet in the first place was to save trees. However, if you prefer a hard copy or can’t get it to print off your computer, Barb can send you one. Members in the News November/December 2007      
Click here for September/October Newsletter

Kathryn Clark  is having an exhibition of watercolors at the Hoosier Salon Gallery in New Harmony, IN until Nov. 15th.

Sara Vandercleed is currently in a solo exhibit at the Longbranch Coffee House in Carbondale, Illinois- home of Southern Illinois University until November 12. 

Sara  & Lorie Amick are both participating in the Madison (WI) Holiday Market November 2-4 at the Alliant Energy Center.    Heidi Harner’s painting, "Familiar Faces,” won Best of Show in the Friends of Colombian Park Zoo juried show September 2007. Also, she is going to have artwork in the November 2007 issue of "Polo Player's Edition" magazine. Her piece is called "A Gathering", featuring three black Nokota horses nuzzling each other. Her
acrylic, "The Red Cottage," was juried into the Women Artists of the West (WAOW) winter show at Joyous Lake Gallery in Pine, 

Alice Harpel will be having an art show at the West Lafayette Library durng the month of December. The title will be "An Abundance of Color." Upcoming Meetings:

November 20th:   Linda Lauter- How to create a book of your art.                                     

December 18th:        Art Museum

January 15th:      Becky Brody- Calligraphy and how she combines it with her art.

February 19th:     Live model- Bring your own painting supplies. 

Upcoming Shows:

May 9-Jun. 14      WVWS Juried Show

Aug. 1-Sept. 6     WVWS Member Show
The Terry Armstrong Watercolor workshop Nov 10th Sat. on painting detail still has a few of spaces left.
Art Quiz
1.  In terms of painting composition, what's a  
     focal point?
       a. The top, left-hand corner
       b. The bottom, right-hand corner
       c.  The point in a painting that draws the
              viewer's eye to it
       d. The point in a painting that the objects
             point towards
The newsletter is published 6 times a year.
Deadline for the next newsletter is December 22, 2007.  Send any news or information to L. Lauter at or mail to 820 Deerwood Ridge, Lafayette, IN. 47905
1. Jenny Hulen
2. Becky Brody
3. Axie Frey
4. Marsha Castello
5. Kathryn Clark
6. Carolyn Cason
7. Susan Axtell
8. Linda Lauter
9. Jo Honig

Answers on last page
Members in the News 

Several artists have paintings at the Mental Health Association (via Art Museum).  See if you can match the painting with the artist..... a. b. f. d. e. c. g. h. i. Answers Whose picture::   1. Jenny Hulen-  f. Metta $6002.   Becky Brody- c. Morning Glory $2503. Axie Frey- g. French Connection $250   4.    Marsha Castello- d. Tiffany Revival5. Kathryn Clark- h. Bridge Construction with Red Path     6. Carolyn Cason- a. Cherry Blossom $140     7. Susan Axtell- i. Future Generations, $500     8. Linda Lauter-  b. Miramar Beach $250       9. Jo Honig- e. A Day in June $100 Upcoming Events the News Alice Harpel will be having an art show at the West Lafayette Library durng the month of December. The title will be "An Abundance of Color."
Art Trivia
 1. Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years
    painting the Mona Lisa's lips.
2. Roman statues were made with
    detachable heads, so that one head
    could be removed and replaced by
3. During his entire life, artist Vincent Van
    Gogh sold just one painting; Red
    Vineyard at Arles.
2: Which notorious 20th century European leader
    said: 'Anyone who sees and paints a sky green
    and pastures blue ought to be sterilized.'?
    a. Joseph Stalin
    b. Benito Mussolini
    c. Adolf Hitler
3: Is it acceptable to use hairspray to fix
    pastels rather than fixative?
   a. Never, fixative is a specialist art product
       which is why it costs so much more than
  b. The chemical basis in fixative and basic
     hairspray is the same, so in theory it
     should be fine.
Answers last page
Answers Quiz:  1. c; 2. c; 3. b