A picture I did in charcoal and colored ink pen.
It was for a project in an English class. Guess what we were reading?
In the play Othello, his close friend Iago is consumed by rage and jealousy
that Othello would promote Cassius, another of their peers, to be his right hand man
when Iago thought he was a shoe in. He procedes to plant seeds of doubt in Othello's
mind about the faithfullness of his wife Desdemona. Most of it revolves around a kercheif
Othello gave her that came from his mother. Here, I portray Iago as a demon.
The strawberries on the kercheif are colored red, as well as Iago's eyes, and Othello's eyes are
green. And, I don't know if you can see it but the knife in Iago's hand is silver and
so is his tongue. A silver tongue implies lying well and being deceitful.
If you can find it, rent the version of Othello with Lawrence Fishburne and
Kenneth Brannagh. It is great, Brannagh absolutely ROCKS! as Iago, he is the ultimate
Shakespearian actor. He also played Hamlet in the four-hour movie Hamlet.