All right, check it out, my name is Damon Westenhofer. I am a freelance (this means broke) illustrator and concept designer. I live in Louisville, Kentucky where I grew up. I attended the Savannah College of Art and Design for four years. Where I majored in 3D Computer Animation until I realized I didn't know enough about computers. So I switched back to Illustration, which is my main strength. So right now I am sitting on the bench as my wife goes back to school. I have been married for almost a year and we are both horribly busy. It is hard to go to school full time and still work like she does, and I go to work everyday and come home to work on my art or this page until I go to sleep. But I know if I keep plugging away it will pay off. I don't mind putting in long hours of hard work if it means I get to do what I love for the rest of my life. I am going in the comic direction too. A roomate of mine from college named Matt Getz has started his own comic company and has asked me to do a book under his title. Hopefully, we will also pull in another friend named Rob Weston who's art you will soon see in the future Gift Art section of my page. I am starting to submit illustrations to major roleplaying game companies and fantasy magazines and you can check out my White Wolf submissions on this site. Also the Amazon picture in the digital art section will be sent off to a fantasy magazine along with other samples of my work. I am lucky to have been able to go to such a prestigious art school because it has given me a great group of like-minded and talents friends to work with and draw inspiration from. When Matt gets his web site up I will provide a link, his art is great. He was born to do comics.
So let me tell you about some of my interests.
I love books by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time series), and Peter F. Hamilton (The Reality Dysfunction series). Both authors are incredible and in my opinion the leaders in their industries, fantasy and science fiction. My favorite movies are Gone In 60 Seconds, and The 13th Warrior (Reign of Fire was also a guilty pleasure of mine but don't tell anyone). I can't wait for the new movie Underworld to come out. I am a vampire and werewolf nut, but I still manage a social life with people who don't talk about Rpg characters or if Joker could beat up Lex Luthor. The reason Gone In 60 Seconds is one of my favorite movies is because my dream car is a 1967 Mustang Shelby Cobra GT 500 Fastback, or Eleanor if you prefer. Right now I am shopping for a new car and it has been so hard not to just buy a 1967 fastback because I have found a few, but right now I just don't have the time to dedicate to a car that I will need to work on or restore. 'SOB' So anyway, my favorite food is pizza, which I ate most of the way through college and explains my girlish figure, ha ha. My favorite drink is Diet Coke to which I am addicted and my favorite alcohols are Bud Lite and Bourbon Whiskey. My personal favorite comic is Wicked, a short-lived Image series (or I think it is gone, since I haven't seen one in a comic store in ages). It had really great atmosphere, the inker had a really imposing and dark inking style that really lent to the supernatural underworld feel. And last but not least, I would like to tell you about a few of my favorite artists. After you check out my website you should race to the links sections and check out theirs'. My three favorites on the net are Bengal-who will rock your socks off with his amazing and daring use of color and his bold and confident line efficeiency; Enrico Casarosa-who captures amazing gestures in ink and manages to make very impressive pictures while making it look easy; and Alan Tew-who has the funniest sketchbook site I have ever seen. Not to mention he is extremeley talented, I can't tell you how many hours I have spent just pouring over his site. I also really enjoy Hamilton's work-he is a big Wheel of Time fan too. And of course I love the work of my friends Rob Weston and Matt Getz, maybe Matt will give me some stuff of his to post in the Gift Art section. Until next time folks, see ya.
