VMD-154 Association

Sometime in about 1980, former members of VMD-154 Office Personnel began to work on locating men for a 40th anniversary reunion of the squadron. Bill Bauer from the Camp Elrod Post Office and Roger Rowland, the former squadron Payroll Clerk, initialized the plans. They quickly enlisted the help of Gene Wilson, the squadron Muster Roll Clerk, and the reunion committee was established. They began by phoning men with whom they had maintained contact, and enlisting their help as well. In his squadron file, Emil Naschinski made note that he had received a call about the reunion proposal from Bill Bauer on August 20, 1981. Through the phone calls, the pyramid effect kicked in, and the first association roster was developed.

By February 12, 1982, the first newsletter was mailed along with a questionnaire and a roster of 59 men. This newsletter stated that there had been 500 men in the squadron and asked for assistance in locating them. A second newsletter was issued March 31, 1982 with details about the reunion. By this time, the roster included 79 men. Bill and Mary Bauer made arrangements to host the reunion in their hometown of Lenexa, Kansas. The event was scheduled for August 7 and 8 at the Howard Johnson's Motel.

Additional notices were mailed May 6th and June 30th to serve as reminders about reservations and to provide updates. Mini reunions held in June and July in California, New Jersey, and Illinois, served to whet anticipation of the scheduled August reunion.

The reunion culminated as planned, with 67 squadron members in attendance: Bill Bauer, Merlyn Baxter, John Bohn, Jim Bowen, Adrian Brinck, Hank Cadieux, Hank Cahoon, Fritz Carlson, James Caudle, Speed Cerku, Alex Dirdo, Bruce Ellis, Hal Engelhardt, Dave Fry, Andy Galatian, Gordon Gray, Bill Grimm, Sid Groff, Arden Hawkins, Joe Hennington, Ron Hermann, Ed Huss, Al Jones, Swede Landgren, Jack Lane, Joe Lisicky, John Long, Henry Manion, Charles Mason, Byron Matthews, Jesse Meredith, Jerry Mermuys, George Michael, John Mick, John Mikula, Dave Miller, Eddie Mitchell, Vete Mitchell, Bob Moore, Carl Mundy, Brenton Myking, Emil Naschinski, Alex Petrovic, Nick Petrovic, Ed Porter, Bob Powers, John Repicky, Joe Reiter, Roger Rowland, Snitzie Schneider, Art Smith, Lynn Stewart, Jack Tarver, Ed Thompson, Ray Trudell, Pat Valva, Carl Wallin, Elmer Walters, Willie Whitaker, Clarence Wike, John Wiley, Dallas Willis, Gene Wilson, Bud Yount, Chet Wood, Don Woods, and Nick Zogas

Thus, the tradition of regular reunions was born. Officers were elected, by-laws were passed, and an on-going search for squadron members was instituted. That search still continues today. Semper Fidelis!

"Mary Bauer passed away a few weeks ago. She was Bill Bauer's wife. Mary deserved a lot of recognition from the VMD-154 reunion fellows. In around 1980, Roger and Bill decided there should be a reunion of the outfit. They were both in the office on Espiritu Santo. Both of them had kept many records. In that capacity, they believed if there were to be a reunion, they had the start of the information to locate men - quite an undertaking as it turned out. Aside from cheerleading, I didn't help; however, Mary was knee-deep in the search. At last they set up the first reunion in Lenexa, Kansas. Mary was a real trooper. I'm not slighting Bill's efforts, but they were all shared by Mary. It was a mission to her. After the first reunion in Lenexa, the reunions took off with great enthusiam. Time has thinned the ranks, but I'm glad to see it is still going. I feel Mary Bauer's beginning contributions should be noted. Mary did not wear the uniform, but she was the "First Lady" of VMD-154 reunions."

Letter from Frances Rowland (wife of Roger Rowland)
"VMD-154 Newsletter" January 2004