Legend Valley - Columbus, Ohio - July 15 1979 photos by Roger Young
Third time seeing Utopia and the
venue was anything but.
My first (of 2) near death Todd Shows.

Bands were:
Eddie Money
Cheap Trick
The Cars

Long story short:
All night party in parking area,
Gates open 6:00am
show starts 12 noon
people already fighting for water.
No drinks available at consessions.
Almost left, didn't, saw show,
went home with MASSIVE
sun burn and dehydration.

We finally got word that pop was
available at consessions. Got in
line and bought 2 pops after 2
hours and missing Todd joining
Cheap Trick for 2 songs.
Would have died without it tho.

The show was great, but had to
enjoy in extreme pain.
Basically the BTTB show with
a sneak peek at some Adventures

Thanks again to Roger Young
for the photos