Word Scramble
Okay, kids. Any words that you see like this below,
you need to re-arrange the letter to form words. As an example:
narit = train.
- A railroad sogcrins is where a real road meets a railroad.
- A train rides upon railroad skarct.
- The Railway Museum is in the state of ukkytenc.
- A nocctroud is the person who collects the tickets.
- The vocitemool is the car at the front of the train.
- The obocase is the car at the end of the train.
- Two things that can power a train are seelid and maset.
- A really famous railroad character is mohsat The Train.
- The different sections of the train are called yilawar cars
- A radalori is the type of thing a train drives on
- The person who drives the train is the grenenie.
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