6 Eleasias

Teril and Ulfgar left to help a friend. After a few days, a man walked into the business and asked for help. His name was Cho Paulstine. He was a merchant who was paying the Silver Coffers Merchant’s Guild to protect his goods. The Silver Coffers is a racquet designed to keep any thieves from breaking into merchant’s stores and warehouses. It actually works since the thieves are behind the racquet, their guild does not loot from the merchant’s store, and if any other thief breaks into the merchant’s property, then the Frozen Locks hunt down and find the thief, teach him a lesson of who is boss in Silverymoon.

Cho explains to the group that he had been burglarized twice. The first time, the assailants killed his old guard that he only hired to give the poor old man a job. They stole some goods the first time. Then the second time, they knocked out his new guard and stole only his ledger. Cho explained that he had items in crates that thieves would have found far more valuable than a simple ledger. Cho pleaded with the group to find and bring back the ledger, since the Silver Coffers couldn’t seem to find it.

Off the group started, first by questioning the Cho’s guard, Lara Moonbeam. She had witnessed two thieves, both with cloths covering their nose and mouth. One was a man, the other a woman. The woman gave her an uneasy feeling when she looked at her, and her eyes glowed kind of like a cat’s eyes. The man had a dagger and the woman a sap. Lara was able to fire off one spell before they surrounded her and knocked her out. When she woke later, they were gone and the ledger was gone, but nothing else was disturbed.

Pick Tumblesnap was the next person on the groups list to get information. Pick had no idea of who or what group was responsible for the burglaries. Pick was very upset by all the recent burglaries on Coffer’s merchants. He was sure that whoever was doing this was organized and methodical. He offered the group money for proof of whoever is doing this.

One of the group’s friends Yavrin Strongbow knew of a merchant who had a recent break in. He gave them the name Aureen “Bluehair” Gouwwyn. Aureen is a beautiful air genasi who is mainly a weapons merchant. She had had a break-in about 2 weeks back. The thief or thieves stole some weapons from her hold. Bluehair did not have any love for the Silver Coffers, and considered them a group of villainous thugs.

A couple of other contacts on the streets provided the group with further information. One person claimed that he saw the thieves on a rooftop, both of them were women; one of them was probably an elf by the way she walked. Another contact saw a break-in in progress, I saw three people. One woman had cat-eyes, and a bandoleer of daggers running up her legs. One was keeping watch on the roof; he was either a Halfling or gnome, by size.

Most of the Minstrels (the rival thieves guild in Silverymoon) that the group talked too did nothing but complain about the pressure they were now facing. The Knights of Silver are out in force looking for leads on who killed a councilman a week back, and the Frozen Locks are bruising up Minstrel trying to shake information about the burglaries. The Minstrel contacts all knew nothing of who was responsible but many petitioned the party to talk to Chosam Gyre, their leader.

The group found Chosam in a tavern and whorehouse called the Dancing Goat. Chosam invited the group over to speak to him. The burglary issue exasperated him. It was causing undue stress on his guild; the Frozen Locks were coming down on his people because they assume the problem is in the Minstrels. He had mention in the conversation that he had heard reports, describing the burglars: one is a gnome or halfling, one is a female with cat’s eyes, and one is a female with dark red hair. There may be others, but these were the only descriptions he had.

He offered the group compensation for any information they could get about the group of thieves. He believes there is some conspiracy afoot, if two guilds of thieves cannot find any information on a third organized band of thieves.

Shortly after, a group of Frozen Locks walks into the establishment. Tensions mount as the group approaches Chosam’s table. The Locks are led by a man named Laszlo Burain and also has another in tow, Jaelamoor, who holds no love for Azazulle. Laszlo and Chosam exchange tit-for-tat for a few moments, until Laszlo points out the real reason he is here. He wants Chosam, who commands the only other organized band of thieves in the town to hand over the loot they’ve been taking from Coffer’s merchants and stop the burglaries.

Chosam insists that he is not behind the break-ins, and even invites the Locks to search his warehouses, that they will find nothing but the Minstrels belongings. Laszlo agrees, and decides that the Dancing Goat is going to be the first place they search. His Locks goons split up and search out the other floors.

Eventually one of the Locks comes back downstairs with a ledger in hand. The ledger is none other than Cho Paulstine’s ledger. Just as Laszlo begins to point the finger, one of the Locks that is on the third floor is pushed over the balcony by a woman with cat’s eyes. The man pushed from the top balcony crashes into Jaelamoor, whose hand was in the pocket of a dwarf patron. As the too men crash to the floor, the coins erupt from the dwarf’s pocket, angry the dwarf rises to punch the thieving half-drow. A bar fight breaks out.

The guys grab the ledger in the brawl and go chasing the cat-eyed woman. She throws up a globe of darkness blocking the view of the second and third floor balcony. On the second floor, a woman starts screaming and then the group hears broken glass. The group splits, part of them chasing the cat’s eyed woman ends up cold, the other investigates the scream. On the floor is a dead Minstral bouncer, the screaming prostitute, Polenra, points to the windows and says that the Lock killed him then jumped out the window. The search for the Lock ends cold.

The group gets the ledger back to Cho and received the reward. The group of thieves who are responsible for the break-ins remains at large.