The Taverns of Silverymoon


The Bright Blade Brandished:  Located on the northbank in the West Ward, on Sunset lane in the westernmost angle of the Wallrun.  All are welcome at this friendly alehouse, which consists of two floors of rustic charm, with curtained booths.  Wizards down on ther luck can earn 1 sp per mage hand spell cast to whisk tankards overhead to waiting hands.


The Broken Tusk:  Located in the west ward, near the docks, this dark and dirty place has many sailors and ruffians who patron the bar.  It is reputed to be one of the lasts places to go if you’re looking for a casual drink and one of the first places to go it you’re looking for some of Silverymoon’s most wanted.


The Dancing Goat: Located in the east ward, the Dancing Goat is renowned for raucous revelry at all hours.  It is a site of endless, enthusiastic dancing and flirting, with a remarkable vintage.  The Dancing Goat sometimes attracts the attentions of pickpockets and other professionals.  The upper two floors of this tavern provide many a traveler with accommodating rooms which to release some of there woes for an hourly fee.


The Hammer and the Helm:  Found on Highaxe Lane in the North Ward, this cheerful barn of dwarf revelry also welcomes trusted sword-companions.  Many of the Knights of Silver patrons this bar after their shifts is up.  Roast fowl wings provide missiles when jests go bad, amid oceans of stout, Strongbeard cider.


Helmar’s Wall:  In the Central Ward, bridging Bowshot Ride at its meeting with the Old Wall stands this former city gatehouse built of massive beams and rough stone walls.  Helmer’s Wall boasts a superb wine cellar.  It is quite popular with students of the various collages, both scholarly and magical, who haunt these bare boards, alight with hope and dreams and pompous high-minded speeches.  Such activity often makes for an entertaining evening, although the worst speakers are often pelted from their perches.


The Silver Harpy Grog Shop:  Located in the Central Ward, this bars location is in a cellar under a tailor shop.  The cheap, but overly strong mead is served by a dwarf who is famous for his ever constant rambling mouth.  Regular patrons of the bar will note the boisterous fights between the owner and his wife are a highlight that can’t be missed.


Sorlar’s Smiling Satyr:  Located in South Ward, on the Auchtareen Lane, this relatively new, bright maze of stained glass windows, booths, curtains, and odd stairs makes difficult navigation for the tipsy.  The establishment caters to females and dignified or timid males escorting them.  The proprietor is a sorcerer of some skill who brooks no brawling.


The Stagstand:  Located in North Ward, on the north side of the Old Wall, nine doors west of the Market, the Stagstand features antlers everywhere and bright battle banners lit by lanterns.  This place is a dining house and dance hall rather than a simple taphouse.  The Stagstand serves venison, strange-tasting eel pie, crusty cheese baked river crab, an assortment of spiced breads, hearty darksmoke rothe sausage, and the famous nut cheese of Silverymoon.  Lade in the evening the large, empty dance floor often comes alive with revelry.