(Sorted in order of Ward) Map of Silverymoon Wards

Updates to this page have text that is adjusted in color depending on the change. 

Name Occupation Race Location Description
Bethany Stichhewn Seamstress at the Lady's Neredowell tailor shop Human Central - Old City Head Seamstress at the Lady's Neredowell tailor shop.  She is also an informant for The Frozen Locks. 
Bilnip Glittergem Jeweler Gnome Central - Old City Bilnip is a gem cutter and jeweler who works out of a high priced shop in the Old City.  He enjoys talking shop over a cold mug, and its suspected he tarries over his ale to avoid going home and facing his shrewish wife.  Milly Glittergem has a tongue as sharp as a lash, and she's not afraid to use it.
Boden Faye Magic Shop owner of the Fiery Sprite Elf Central - Old City Boden runs the Fiery Sprite Magic Shop down the street.
Clyde Griffon None Human Central - Old City Clyde is a snitch that hangs out at the Seven Knuckle resthouse.  He is very well informed, but works for a price.
Davrin Scarbrow Innkeep of the Broken Blade Inn Human Central - Old City A grizzled and scarred old veteran, now retired adventurer Davrin Scarbrow hosts a modest inn nearby.  He is famous for his adventuring days of old stories as well as protecting passed-out patrons from pilfering pickpockets.
Gorsh Caravan Master Human Central - Old City Gorsh is a fat slob, and overly trusting, but he seems an honest enough sort.  It seems his success lays in shrewdly guessing which goods would be in most demand in each city, and filling that demand before his competitors.  He passes through Silverymoon regularly, and brings news from the other kingdoms of the Realms.
Cali Farnsworth none Human Central - Old City Cali is the girl who the girl who was rescued by the group from her wizard master who had kidnapped her and took her and her child to a tower to have them sacrificed for some evil ritual.  She currently lives with her father.
Hal Farnsworth Retired Tailor Human Central - Old City Hal is gracious to the group for bringing his daughter back home, alive.  He is stressed over the idea that his baby grandson is a were-creature, and is seeking the assistance of the Harpers and from the Spellguard to help him in this issue.
Helena Meldragon Clerk for "the Business" Human Central - Old City Helena is a gentle but strong hearted woman who works with the group to handle paperwork and taxes for the business.  She has five children that occasionally get in the way of her coming to work.  Her oldest, Jaime, offers to out Azazulle with his stable when business is extremely busy.
Krup Stable Boy Human Central - Old City Krup is the stable boy who works for Azazulle. 
Lum the Baker Baker Human Central - Old City Lum runs a bakery a few doors down from the Broken Blade.  You can smell the fresh bread baking outside the tavern most mornings.  Darvin suspects Lum, who is himself a widower, will get around to asking Sara to marry him.
Pip none Human Central - Old City Pip is Davrin's young nephew who sometimes does chores around the Broken Blade and runs errands for his uncle.
Randal Dan Owner of the Silver Mist Inn Dwarf Central - Old City Randal owns the Silver Mist Inn which is next door.  He often drops by to converse during the day when business is slow.
Rhett Taffy Barkeep of the Silver Harpy Grogshop Dwarf Central - Old City Rhett is a gruff dwarf who runs the Silver Harpy Grogshop.  The mead is strong and cheap and the clientele keep to themselves.  Rhett speaks with a thick accent and he never shuts up.
Sara Assistant Baker Human Central - Old City Sara is Pip's mother and Davrin's sister.  Her husband, a rank and file member of the Knights, was killed in a skirmish with orcs last winter.  Davrin helps her look after Pip when she's at work at Lum's Bakery.
Yavrin Strongbow Trader Half-Elf East - Near the Sundabar Gate Yavrin operates a caravanserai on the east side of town near the Sundabar gate.  A shrewd trader, Yavrin started in the business as a caravan scout and guide.  He gained a reputation for hauling things through routes no one else would dare try, and getting his goods there in one piece. 
Armand Bern Blacksmith at Silveryworks Dwarf East - The Market Armand is an excellent blacksmith, his work in the past has been excellent.
Colgren Holwenth Owner of The Unicorn Coach Company Strongheart Halfling East - The Market Owner of the largest stables in the city The Unicorn Coach Company.  While cold in his attitude he none-the-less has assisted in official investigations in the past.
Throm Ironhand Master Armorer of Ironhand Arms and Armor Dwarf East - The Market Throm is the master armorer and weaponsmith who owns Ironhand Arms and Armor on the east side, near the market.  He lives in a couple of rooms above the shop with his wife, Jorin.
Kira Stoneshine Cleric of Moradin Dwarf East - The Temple Quarter Kira is a priestess of Moradin and owes Ulfgar a deep debt of gratitude in his help in the past.  She is a kind to Dwarves in particular, but opens her heart and arms to other races that are in need.
Mathew Smallpockets None Gnome North - Near the City Wall A young gnome who fancied himself a thief and was trying to score jobs to get into the Frozen Locks.
Selena Silversdottir Courtesan Human North - Near the City Wall Selena runs the Minstrels' most opulent house of pleasure.  She is the chosen consort of Chosam Grye.  A handsome woman in her early 40s.
Chosam Gyre   Leader of the Minstrels Guild Human North - Near the Hunter Gate An older man, trim and agile. He is mainly involved in small gambling operations, prostitution, and providing other "entertainments" to his customers. He has requested that the group try to find some information on who is responsible for the burglaries, he has offered to pay for information.
Councilman Tyrin Weatherbane Councilman of the North Ward Elf North - Near the Hunter Gate Sits on the Silverymoon Council and has been very vocal in his admiration of the various watch detectives who help keep the city safe (without pulling a direct salary from the city's coffers).
Lander Nighthawk Watch Detective Human North - Near the Hunter Gate A think-skinned, well-established Watch Detective, Lander Nighthark has the respect of the city as a whole.  He is more than passing familiar with the local thieves' guilds, which seem to leave him alone in general.
Sterling Dumas Fox of the Frozen Locks Guild Human North - Near the Hunter Gate Sterling is in heavily with the racketeering for the Frozen Locks. He has a slimy reputation among even those who like him. Given the right amount of money, Sterling has been known to drop hints about his guilds activities.  Sterling was to be brought to questioning to the Knights of the Silver when Christian and Kelmar found him dead in his house. Killed by two unknown assassins on Eleasias 1.
Cho Paulstine   Merchant in the Silver Coffers Human North - Near the Old City Cho has had his business broken into twice, both times the Picks have been the burglars. The first time the assailants killed his guard Garion, the second time they knocked out his new guard, Lara Moonbeam. He asked the group to give him the ledger that was stolen from his warehouse. The group returned the ledger and he is very grateful to them. In the future he may provide a discount on goods or just a good contact.
Picke Tumblesnap Wolf of the Frozen Locks Guild Gnome North - Near the Old City Picke has grown fat off of the wealth he stole as a foot soldier in the Frozen Locks, and is enjoying taking off his final days and just dabbling in guild politics.  Picke is very distraught over the recent burglary activities.  He has offered to pay the group to find out who is responsible for the burglaries.
Captain Elryn Brightblade Captain of the Watch Human South - New Section Captain of the watch who directly reports to the Knights of Silver.  The watch is mostly made up of common-folk working to eventually join the Knights of Silver who patrol the markets and taverns, breaking up brawls and catching the odd shoplifter.  When he comes across cases which are beyond the means of the overworked watch he is know to bring in private watch detectives to help solve a case with the blessing of the Knights of Silver.
Lady Alanyia Proudaughter Sergeant in the Knight of Silver Wood Elf South - New Section A sergeant in The Knights of Silver, she has assisted in the past.  She reports directly to the Newgate Captain of the Knights of Silver, Ashton Gorlock.
Moor Instructor at the Lady's Collage Human South - New Section Moor is an instructor at the Lady's College.  He gave the stable that Azazulle owns for a service that Azazulle did for him.
Vlad Taman Wizard of the University Guild Human South - New Section Vlad seems to be a very nice gentleman who is watching over the progress of Kelmar.  He and Kelmar seems to have had some kind of long running grudge against each other.  Now that Kelmar and Christian seemed to have merged to one person, Vlad is looking into some possible solution to Christian/Kelmar's problem.
Bobby Two-Toes Smuggler Tiefling West - Near the Moorgate A Minstrel smuggler, so named because he lost two toes to a drunken client who dropped a broadsword, rending him three less toes.
Captain Brys Captain in the Knights of Silver Human West - Near the Moorgate Captain Brys lives in the barracks for the Knights of Silver. He is a good man and a first rate commander, he knows of the group and has helped out with information in the past. At the moment he may not be too thrilled with the group. He enlisted their assistance not long ago and the group's mage not only got one of his most promising men killed, but looted the corpse of the Knight of Silver and left the naked corpse in the street.
Jolan Elek Merchant of Elek's General Trade Human West - Near the Moorgate Jolan runs the general store on that side of the city, not a huge selection, but reasonable prices for what he has.
Lara Moonbeam    Adventurer Half-MoonElf West - Near the Moorgate Lara is Cho's guard, she was watching his warehouse the night it was robbed and was knocked unconscience before she had a chance to fight them. She is a member of the Silverymoon Adventurers Guild.
Lieutenant Prator Lieutenant of the Knights of Silver Human West - Near the Moorgate A strong fit man in his late 40s, Lieutenant Prator oversees some aspects of the Knights of Silver that have to do with maintaining the peace in Silverymoon.
Roluin Doughhand Baker at the Crescent Roll Half-Elf West - Near the Moorgate Baker a the Crescent Roll, a popular place for the regular watch and the soldiers of the Knights of Silver when they are off duty.
Aureen "Bluehair" Gouwwyn Merchant   Air Genasi West - Near the Old City She is a beautiful merchant who has recently had many weapons and some other good stolen from her by the burglars. She has no love for the Silver Coffers, and considers them a group of thugs.  She is a member however, like most merchants.
Bigger Beggar Human West - Near the Old City Although he appears to be merely another beggar, he is actually street enforcement for the Minstrel's thieves guild, protecting the courtesans on his streets and helping to collect fees from uncooperative customers.  He doesn't steal from anyone, and he seems to genuinely care about the girls he takes care of.
Chay Prostitute Human West - Near the Old City A prostitute in the old city, she works at Selena's establishment.
Jorna Barmaid Dwarf West - Near the Old City Barmaid at the Golden Cup, she's a sight for sore eyes, in the eyes of a dwarf, she considered handsome.
Lady Anne Courtesan Elf West - Near the Old City Madame of the Comely Courtesan whorehouse.  She is famed for her ability to charm the socks off (along with other clothes) and open the purses of any man stepping into her parlor.
Ma Carver Innkeep at the Golden Cup Inn Human West - Near the Old City Mrs. Carver is the proprietress of the Golden Cup Inn.  A large and jovial woman, she is known for bringing down the house with her booming voice that she sings lude songs to entertain the patrons.
Miszer Owner of the Dancing Stag Inn Human West - Near the Old City Miszer is a gruff sort who owns the Dancing Stag.
Nob Bouncer Human West - Near the Old City Nob is a hulking bouncer at the Golden Cup Inn.  He's intimidating but treats regulars with a firm nod from time to time.
Polena Prostitute Human West - Near the Old City She is a prostitute who works at the Dancing Goat.
Raven Blackhair Courtesan Human West - Near the Old City Raven dances (among other things) at the Comely Courtesan whorehouse.
Tooth Beggar Human West - Near the Old City A cackling and ribald old man who works in the street in front of the Dancing Pony.  Tooth drinks when he can afford it, and complains when he can't.
Toothless Harry Beggar Human West - Near the Old City A beggar as well as a spy for the Minstrels keeping an eye on their interests in the town.