Name Occupation Race Description
Harl One-tusk Barkeep of the Broken Tusk Half-orc Harl hosts a tavern of scum and villainy that is listed on the top five places for people of Silverymoon to avoid.  The Knights of Silver are often called to the tavern to bust up brawls, or just generally check up to see if they can find any of the most wanted of Silverymoon patroning the bar.  It is often rumored the bar stays open only for its predictable draw for criminals so that they can be more easily found.  Azazulle wrecked the bar up one night, placing Azazulle on the list of people to serve the special ale to, located in the backroom.  Harl's right tusk is broken off.  Harl's attitude in general is drink or get out.
Jaelamoor Thief Half-drow A vicious thief bent on making his way up in the ranks of Silverymoon's underworld.  Azazulle foiled his kidnapping plot and severely wounded him.  He escaped Azazulle.  He is known to be a Frozen Lock.  He was last seen with Laszlo Burian in the Dancing Goat tavern.
Hyram Taverten Bear of the Frozen Locks Guild Moon Elf Brother to the leader bear of the Frozen Locks, Mourn Taverten.  Hyram beat a prostitute under Selena's care.  Azazulle hunted Hyram down at one point and beat him within an inch of his life.  Hyram survived the incident.
Umgral Fox of the Frozen Locks Guild Half-orc A Frozen Locks Guild enforcer, Umgral has had a couple run-ins with Ulfgar in the past, most recently when Umgral was sent to take care of a filthy halfling thief.  He has a nasty scar along the right side of his face to show for it, although he wasn't none too pretty to look at before anyway.  At least he kept the eye.
Captain Brys Captain in the Knights of Silver Human Captain Brys lives in the barracks for the Knights of Silver. He is a good man and a first rate commander, he knows of the group and has helped out with information in the past. At the moment he is not too thrilled with the group. He enlisted their assistance not long ago and the group's mage, Kelmar, not only got one of his most promising men killed, but looted the corpse of the Knight of Silver and left the naked corpse in the street.
Sergeant Akiva Uziel Sergeant of the Knights of Silver Dwarf Sargent Uziel was Christian's mentor during training. He has very little love for most humans, but he respects dedication and honor, 2 things Christian had in abundance. He hates Kelmar for looting Christian of his horse and armor and leaving the body of Christian Durney at the scene of the crime.