Shieldmeet - The first game begins.  A city councilman is killed, assassin is later linked to Sterling Dumas.

Eleasias - Highsun

1 - Kelmar and Christian have there accident.

Sterling Dumas is murdered.

Companions embark on a mission to find Cali Farnsworth, they find themselves in a mage's tower.

2 - After killing Cali's master, they find that the reason she was kidnapped was so that her infant could be sacrificed to Malar.  The wizard was taking sacrifice directions from a book with a symbol of the People of the Black Blood. 3 4 - Cho Paulstines warehouse is broken into.

Teril and Ulfgar leave with Tari 'Softhands' to find a friend of Tari's who left Sundabar gate on Shieldmeet and hadn't been seen since.

5 6 - Cho Paulstine pleads for help in finding his ledger which was stolen by a mysterious band of thieves.  The Companions find the ledger but never find any clues to finding the thieves. 7 - A guild war breaks out between the Minstrals and the Frozen Locks.  No bodies are being found on the street, nor has any violence broken out on the street, but the Minstrals seem to be in hiding and the Locks are on the prowl. 8 - The break- ins seem to cease, more than likely because the Locks are out in the streets at night looking for Minstrals to beat on. 9 10
11 12 - The next game begins.                

Eleint - The Fading



Highharvesttide -