This document will run you through some of the basic differences between Forgotten Realm Characters and Standard D&D characters.


Humans are found in almost every corner of Faerun.  They have all the standard traits found in the Players Handbook.  The only difference is Humans start out with common and regional tongue for free as languages.

Dwarves are divided into 3 types: Gold, Shield, Gray.

Elves are divided into five playable subraces:  Drow, Moon, Sun, Wild, Wood.

Gnomes are divided into 2 types:  Deep and Rock

Half-Elves are the same as the PHB and can be found in many regions throughout Faerun.  They can be half-drow, half-sun, half-wood, etc.  But they have no special abilities from the intermixing except the half-drow has 60ft darkvision.

Half-Orcs are the same as the PHB and can be found in many places throughout Faerun but are usually found in Amn, Chessenta, Damara, the Moonsea, the North, Vaasa, and Waterdeep.

Halflings are divided into 3 types:  Ghostwise, Lightfoot, Strongheart.

Planetouched are all special races that have many special features about them.  They all have a level adjustment of +1, which means that if your supposed to make a 4th level character that your character will be 3rd level.  The three basic types of planetouched are Aasimar, Genasi, and Tiefling.  Each of them has special abilities for each subrace and the Genasi are even divided into air, earth, water, fire.  I'm not going to list every single feature they have but I will list their ability adjustments and preferred Class.

Aasimar carry the blood of celestial being in them and are usually good-aligned.  They have +2 Wis, +2 Cha and have the favored class as Paladin.

Genasi a descended from elemental-related creatures.  Their preferred class is fighter.

Tiefling carry the blood of evil outsiders and are usually aligned evil.  They have +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha and a preferred class of Rogue.


All Classes are the same as the PHB.  There are subtle differences in some classes, but nothing that has to do with stats, just rules, such as Druids receive their spells from a patron deity instead of from nature.


After you have selected a class and race, you then have to choose a Region from where you hail.  Regions are important because they give you your regional language, bonus free equipment, and choice of regional feats.  The list of Regions is very large, so you can either look that up yourself, or talk to your DM once you've chosen your class/race and he will help you pick your region.


Players who choose to be Paladins, Rangers, Druids, or god forbid someone actually choose Priest will have to choose a Realms Deity to be a patron of.  Just talk to your Dm about that.  There are some stipulations on certain religions and others will and won't allow cross-classing with other classes.