(N64 Games: 20)
and Accessories
- Nintendo
64 Console
- Includes:
A/V Stereo Cables, AC
Adapter, and Gray Controller
- (1)
Atomic Purple Nintendo
64 Controller
- Nintendo
64 4MB Expanion Pack (Installed)
- (2) Nintendo
64 Memory Pack
- (2) Nintendo
64 Rumble Pack
Nintendo 64 Games
- Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness (CI)
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
Cruis'n USA
- DOOM 64 (CI)
F-Zero X (CI)
- Goldeneye 007
Indiana Jones and the
Infernal Machine (Limited 10K release game -
- (The Legend
of) Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Gold Collector's Edition)
Mario Golf (CI)
Mario Kart 64 (CI)
Mega Man 64 (CI)
Mystical Ninja: Starring
Goemon (CI)
- Pilotwings 64
- Ridge Racer 64
Star Fox 64 (Included: Nintendo 64 Rumble Pack) (CI)
Star Soldier: Vanished Earth (CI)
Star Wars: Shadows of the
Empire (CI)
Super Mario 64 (CI)
Super Smash Bros. (CI)
Wave Race 64 (CI)