Ayashi no Ceres


Yuuhi - One of my favorite cels! *smiles softly* ~NFS~

Searching for solace.

Whatcha readin'? ^_^

Aya & Tooya ~NFS~

Shhh...don't tell anyone...they're really on a beach in this scene... *snickers*

...when good cousins go bad... ~NFS~

BUTTON!!!!! *squeals* ~NFS~

Don't worry, I've got gills!

Mommy, Daddy, &......Uncle? ~_^

Long-Duck-Dong errrr.....Wei Fei...sumpthin... heh!

Nothing to see here folks! Nope, don't even try clicking on me...HEY! YOU!! You clicked on me, didn't you?! *pfthhhhhh!* (DISCLAIMER: No, I've never actually been there. I just looked it up 5 seconds ago to amuse you... Caution, there may be adult content there, not suitable for all you wee bairns out there!)
