1/3 Greek Month of Gamelion begins(January-February) Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
1/6 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
1/8 Midwife's Day or "Babo's Day"(Greece, Macedonia)
1/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
1/29 Moon of Hecate
1/31 Festival of Hecate (Hecatesia)
2/1 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
2/2 The Greek Month of Anthesterion begins(February-March)
2/5 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
2/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
2/17 Birth of Kali (India)
2/29 Moon of Hecate
3/2 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
3/3 The Greek Month of Elaphebolion begins (March-April)
3/4 Feast of Flowers: Hecate/Flora
3/6 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
3/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
3/19 Hindu New Year for Sitala (Kali)
3/27 Moon of Hecate
3/30 Beginning of Anethesteria Festival
4/1 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
4/2 Anthesteria Festival Ends/The Greek Month of Mounikhion begins(April-May)
4/5 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
4/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
4/29 Moon of Hecate Prosymna (Roman)
4/30 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
5/2 The Greek Month of Thargelion begins(May-June)
5/5 Sacrifice to Zeus, Apollo, Hermes
5/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
5/29 Moon of Hecate Prosymna (Roman)
5/30 Night of the Queen of The Underworld
5/31 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
6/1 The Greek Month of Skiraphorion begins(June-July)
6/4 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
6/6 Cakes for Artemis of the Crossroads
6/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
6/17 Day of Eurydice
6/21 Day of the Cauldron
6/29 Moon of Hecate Prosymna (Roman)/ Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
7/11 The Greek Month of Hekatombaion begins(July 10-August)
7/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
7/14 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
7/27 Procession of the Witches (Belgium)
7/29 Moon of Hecate Prosymna (Roman)
8/8 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
9/7 Greek Month of Boedromion begins(September-October)
9/10 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
9/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
9/15 Eleusinian Mysteries begun
9/21 Eleusinian Mysteries concluded
9/29 Moon of Hecate
10/3 Offering to Hermes, the Nymphs, Gaia & Athene
10/6 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
10/7 Greek Month of Puanepsion begins (October-November)
10/10 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
10/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
10/22 Day of the Willows (Mesopotamia)
10/29 Moon of Hecate
10/31 - 11/2 Samhain/Halloween (Pre-Christian and Medieval Europe)
11/3 Fire Festival of Hecate (Europe)
11/4 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
11/5 Greek Month of Maimakterion begins(November-December)
11/9 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
11/11 Night of Hecate (Old November Day)
11/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
11/7 Night of Hecate
11/30 Day of Hecate at the Crossroads
12/4 Offering to Hecate and the Chthonic Deities (Khthonoi)
12/5 Greek Month of Poseidon begins (December-January)
12/8 Offering to Hermes, Aphrodite, Herakles, & Eros
12/13 Noumenia (New Moon Day) and Deipnon (Supper)
12/29 Moon of Hecate the Crone (Roman)
From "Crossroads: The Path of Hecate" Copyright 2005 Greg Crowfoot
All Rights Reserved. No duplication of this material may take place without express written permission of the author.
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