The women of old knew me. They came to me for the things that mattered to women-a safe childbirth, a blessing upon their loved ones, especially when those were abroad. And they came to me for other things that only they knew of and of which I shall not speak....I was a well known figure to the women of the house and to their daughters, although I was less well acquainted with their men-folk (though their were some to whom I took a fancy to). It was I that young women came to for a safe birthing, and I who they came to when the Fates decreed that the child was lost. Some who came to me became my priestesses after their tears had dried.
The workers of magic, the witches, the healers, the midwives and the sorcerers --they all knew me. They met in worship of me in the time of the dark of the moon at the places were I held court. These were the secret places where none but the initiated could witness my power and know my wisdom, places that were foreboding to those who were strangers to my ways; the graveyard, the cross roads, the deep forest on the darkest of nights. It was they who heard my hounds and answered my call to knowledge and power. And while they did this, those who knew me not trembled in their beds.
I am older than the Gods, for I was first among them. My names have been many and many have honored me in their most private of workings, for mine is the province of what truly resides in mortal hearts. It is to me that they come for the fulfillment of their desires. King and Queens have offered me their kingdoms, Knights their victories and more humble folk, their devotion-all in exchange for my blessings. Mine is not the path of the faint hearted or of those that deny themselves. Mine is the path of truth in knowledge, for in my Darkness there is the Light.
Now in this time of Turning-this time of great change for Man, I am come again to trod the crossroads though it be a simple road, or a super-highway, for I am ageless and this is the time of my calling out to those whom Fate has decreed are mine. We shall meet as we have met before and as we will meet again on the far shore. There is no other road. Be welcome among the shadows and come unto my light once more.
From "Crossroads: The Path of Hecate" Copyright 2005 Greg Crowfoot
All Rights Reserved. No duplication of this material may take place without express written permission of the author.
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