The Sophia Award  

One of the missions of the Temple of Hecate Online is the furtherance of Humanity's occult knowledge and spiritual growth by providing information resources. In recognition of other sites, (who may or may not believe in Our Lady as we do) which provide invaluable sources of knowledge and information, or who enrich the soul through artistic works or innovation, we award the Sophia. It is our small way of thanking the site owner for the hours of work they have put in on their pages, and the invaluable gift they have given to the rest of us. Such sites are guideposts for all of us, bright points of light that stand out along this new electronic frontier, pointing the way in one form or another towards our ultimate growth and enlightenment.

We invite our visitors to take the opportunity to visit these exemplary sites, through the links below.

"Sophia" Award Winners:

The Perseus Project
Pagan Places
The Stele
The Silicon Circle Occult Gateway
The House of Hades
Order of the White Wolf
The Goddess Art of Jonathan Earl Bowser
Fabrisia's Page
Where The Wild Things Are: The Anton Szandor Lavey web-site
The Hermetic Library
Mermade Gallery
Mitologia (Portuguese)
Witches Workshop
The Shadow of Olympus
Temple of Hecate
The House of Life
Druansha's Pagan Heart, Good Hellenic material, rituals etc
Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses, Many shrines to the Goddess in all Her forms. Nicely done.
Temple Babylon, Great interative graphics..another online interactive temple
The Threskian Web Site
The Book of Being
Everything Spartan, Lakonian and Messenian
Shrinking Banshee's Gods on Earth (The gods on TV)
Greek Mythology of Smoking Knight

The Award's Symbolism:

The term 'sophia' is greek, and translates to 'wisdom', both in its conventional and esoteric sense. The burning torch or temple brazier is an ancient symbol of Our Lady denoting a guide through the darkness of ignorance, and the source of wisdom itself.

Nomination of a Site:

Visitors to the Temple may nominate a particular site for this award by writing to the Webmaster. Upon receipt, we will visit the location and determine if it meets our criteria. If so, we will promptly contact the site owner and give them notice of the award.'

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