The Main Temple Entranceway

The Main Temple was built in the classical Greek temple style, and inspired by the famous Temple of Athena in Athens. Adorning its roof are statues of the God Hermes, consort of Hecate. Also considered a chthonic deity, Hermes was known in his aspect as "Hermes-Psycopomp", the Guide of the Dead and the arbiter between the Underworld and the worlds above. In ancient times, herms, or phallic carvings were situated at the crossroads everywhere in Greece, and served as shrines not only to this God, but also to Hecate.

Below this, in the triangular space known as the pediment, is a scene depicting Hecate as the Guide of the Dead, standing at the crossroads, as spirits of the departed rise from their graves to meet Her. Here, She is seen in Her modern form, as a single deity, with Her arms outstretched in expression of greeting and mystery.

Above the entrance in Greek is the official motto of the temple of Hecate Online; "En Erebos, Phos", which translates to "In Darkness, Light". This motto expresses an idea similar to that of the famous Yin-Yang symbol of the orient; that one force does not exist independently of the other, and that for balance, both must be. In the Hecatean tradition, this also expresses the idea that Our Lady and the path of spiritual knowledge can only be found by searching the deepest recesses of the soul. It is there, through honest self-examination and testing, that the Light of Wisdom can be glimpsed.