The Main Temple / Altar

The altar contains symbols and offerings traditionally related to Our Lady. On the left, sitting next to a simple amphora is a golden kylix, or wine cup, filled with wine. In front of this is offering plate containing bread, fish, eggs and fruit. In classical times, these items were left at the crossroads as an offering to Her. Moving right, we see a flaming brazier, which symbolizes the flame of her traditional torch, and by extension Her eternal light piercing the darkness of ignorance and fear. Below this are several other symbols, frequently in Her possession in Her aspect of Hecate-Trevia; the rope, the dagger and a pair of keys.

The rope symbolizes the chord of life itself; the chord of birth and the astral chord. It also denotes the web of life and fate which binds all mortals in the world. The dagger expresses the concept of the cutting away of illusion so that wisdom might arise (in much the same manner as the sacred purbha of the orient), and the crossed keys stand both for the crossroads and for the wisdom that can allow us to make the right choices when we come to them.

To the far right is an offering bowl, filled with coins. This bowl is a symbolic way for visitors to leave an offering to the Goddess as a token of respect. The coins themselves are textured with the faces of actual coins minted in Thessally during the hieght of the classical period, and bear the image of Hecate on their face. The same coin is used in the Temple interface as a button to access this informational text.

Above and slight to the left of this bowl is an incense burner, typical of those used in Greek household shrines.