Ralph Charles Brown lives in Lexington, Kentucky (859.266.4293) in this nice little cottage. |
I have two children,
Gabriel Matthew Brown (age 25) and Andrew Marcum Brown
(age 19). Gabriel, a Transylvania graduate, is working
with at-risk adolescents in Central Kentucky. Andrew is a
junior at the University of Kentucky and a Political
Science major. Heres how they looked in 1999 at Gabriels commencement: |
Here is a picture of me when I graduated from SHS in 1961: |
Here is a picture taken last week for the Colleges web page: |
Like many of us, I now
have less hair to comb but more face to wash. My work
life has been (and remains) full of variety; in my
personal life I have been (and remain) a dilettante with
lots of directions and interests. I work for the
University of Kentuckys Gatton College of Business
and Economics with the formal title of Development
Assistant and the working title of Alumni Affairs
Director, which I think of as corresponding with 20,000
of my closest friends. I enjoy working with students and
teach several classes each year. I live about a mile from work and for ¾ of the year I ride my bike to and from work. |
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