Dennis James Crosby


1960 Dennis at 40th Reunion
Dennis currently lives at 3623 Adams, Riverside CA 92504

He works as a Computer Lab Instructor for Riverside Community College in Norco.

The Early days - 1954 at the UL homecoming game "starring" Johnny Unitas.
Among some of the original "Indians" are Pamela Baker, "Butch" Briggs, Dennis Crosby, Chester Goins, Bob Hepler, Bill Miller, Linda Pfeiffer, John Pfeiffer, and Mac Smith.
The Early Days - 1954 at Betty Haile's graduation party.
John Pfeiffer, Melva Groot, Joyce Kunzman, Dennis Crosby, Mac Smith, Betty Haile, Gloria Morrison.
Graduation Night 1960
Bob Hepler, Dennis Crosby, Joe Moran, Chet Goins, David Scott, Marvin Dick.
Then................... Later with daughter Tana at a Rose Bowl parade.
Dennis with future ex-wife Myrna Carlson (SHS 62), sister Judy Crosby (SHS 63), and future/current brother-in-law Randy Ivy (SHS 61).
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