Pam Baker

Pam at 40th Reunion

Pam at 45th with Gordon and Edy Brown, and Ron and Karen McMichael.
Pam has one son, Dr. Frank M. Shipman III, a professor at Texas A&M in computer science.

She is retired and wants to learn to sell on EBay and asks, "Anyone doing this already? Love to get some pointers."

She says, "My son recently became engaged to a lovely California girl. So a wedding is coming up and I am so excited. They just bought a lovely new home that I can't wait to see."

Pam at Christmas 1999
Pam's son at Christmas 1999
Pam and her son, Dr. Shipman, at the University of Colorado when he received his Ph.D.

1994 - Lynne Sutherland, Pam Baker, and Nancey Ford
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