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Trying different ideas, always a work in progress....





Name-Level/Class-Guild Rank
Guild Rank 0
Lord Shadow Master


Bareak 36th level Armsman Calyndria 7th level Friar Cieldricc 1st level Acolyte Cpain 21st level Theurgist
Dreis 18th level Cleric Dutchblessing 24th level Cleric Dutchcaos 21st level Sorcerer Dutchs 21st level Minstrel
Dutchskill 21st level Scout Dutchslilbuffgirl 44th level Cleric Dutchsor 22nd level Friar Dutchspeeds 22nd level Minstrel
Dutchstelth 21st level Infiltrator Fatherdutch 21st level Friar Lildutch 34th level Paladin Lootus 22nd level Wizard
Mrsdutch 35th level Cleric Revpet 22nd level Wizard Soeron 20th level Cabalist Sonofthesun 50th level Paladin
Sonwan 17th level Heretic Tallgold 22nd level Reaver Tankerdutch 21st level Armsman Thaoand 26th level Cabalist
Wehitzac 21st level Cabalist Wizyly 26th level Theurgist    


Guild Rank 1
Shadow Lord


Afinnor 22nd level Sorcerer Ceolwulf 50th level Paladin Chyzivis 50th level Theurgist Electricutioner 20th level Cleric
Ghettobiatch 41st level Cleric Hillbillybowman 21st level Scout Incondum 20th level Sorcerer Legedish 20th level Friar
Nofaith 25th level Heretic Quicknquiet 18th level Scout Sarashspeed 34th level Minstrel Shadowshott 30th level Scout
Solinnir 25th level Infiltrator Thenecromancer level 23 Unmerciful 50th level Infiltrator  


Guild Rank 2
Shadow Destroyer Commander


Adudric 50th level Minstrel Astysorsha 20th level Infiltrator  Chaco 50th level Cleric  
Esorsha 31st level Scout  Randxxx 37th level Armsman Rosslin 50th level Mercenary  


Guild Rank 3
Elite Shadow Destroyer


Airsummoner 13th level Theurgist Barabbas 50th level Infiltrator Chaysin 50th level Infiltrator Dutchice 23rd level Wizard
Dutchshot 36th level Scout Laureena 34th level Sorceress Mordrid 50th level Cleric Mulebabe 21st level Minstrel
Panekiller 50th level Cleric Silverbound 27th level Infiltrator Suyunsdeath 50th level Necromancer Trercyn 24th level Armswoman
Umerican 50th level Paladin Wisheye 21st level Minstrel Wisheyed 22nd level Reaver  



Guild Rank 4
Chaos Commander


Araulith 20th level Cleric Armael 50th level Paladin Brilal 50th level Necromancer Darksorce 28th level Sorcerer
Dutchlove 5th level Heretic Dutchstorm 6th level Heretic Shaoko 50th level Minstrel Veleak 50th level Paladin
Wulfstalker 25th level Infiltrator      


Guild Rank 5
Chaos Hunter


Aeida 39th level Theurgist Amiron 37th level Wizard Centurion 21st level Reaver Ceronesh 10th level Cabalist
Civilizer 47th level Friar Commcrack 5th level Sorcerer Daimer 26th level Minstrel Duwan 25th level Wizard
Eazysniping 24th level Scout Easylivin 17th level Paladin Gaelinn 42nd level Paladin Hawkwingx 6th level Cleric
Jaderia 36th level Paladin Kezayre 11th level Necromancer Larianel 26th level Heretic Loeki 32nd level Theurgist
Macius 10th level Theurgist Malgenizz 24th level Armsman Mortallis 23rd level Infiltrator Petthekitty 21st level Infiltrator
Phrum 23rd level Minstrel Pointblanke 12th level Infiltrator Raoth 37th level Theurgist Rikali 41st level Friar
Sadine 50th level Necromancer Slain 23rd level Theurgist Thornash 27th level Paladin Tiempo 29th level Reaver
Vonwhipalot 10th level Reaver Warenger 23rd level Sorcerer Yetanothermordrid 44th level Necromancer  


Guild Rank 6
Destroyers of Elven Kind


Abieder 20th level Paladin Casegard 10th level Wizard Elvros 22nd level Paladin Paramin 21st level Paladin
Poleattack 8th level Armsman Shameonme 15th level Minstrel    



Guild Rank 7
Elite Shadow Stalker


Billyboe 8th level Wizard


Guild Rank 8
Shadow Killer


Easyliving 10th level Cleric Honeybell 7th level Cleric Hwyde Dyed 22nd level Armsman Nucleardevastation 21st level Wizard
Renoa 22nd level Reaver      


Guild Rank 9
Shadow Recruit


Ambyen 42nd level Sorcerer Asilon 11th level Cabalist Atheia 20th level Paladin Captainsmackdown 20th level Friar
Cartesian 21st level Sorcerer Crippledd 21st level Infiltrator Elitehaxxornubbin 23rd level Mercenary Elucidation 20th level Cabalist
Ganadelf 21st level Wizard Highlanderxx 6th level Scout Kayda 20th level Wizard Kipcha 20th level Friar
Litllrev 1st level Acolyte Sadenine 21st level Friar Sneeaki 35th level Infiltrator Spcrafter 5th level Wizard
Stunnrun 24th level Minstrel Thyrap 46th level Sorcerer Voltin 33rd level Necromancer Wolfito 5th level Paladin