Task Instanced Dungeons:
Camelot Hills
Level 1-10 dungeon:
Taskmaster Traint stands in front of Cotswold bindstone.
Dungeon looks like a pile of rocks and is at /loc 13,740 33,784
If going in solo, mobs con blue to a lvl 1 toon then turn green at lvl 9.
Camelot Hills
Level 11-20 dungeon:
Taskmaster Prairdred stands to the left of the entrance to Prydwen Keep
at /loc 25,510 45,820
Dungeon is inside old, gnarled tree at /loc 26,097 55,906
If going in solo, mobs con yellow to a level 11 toon.
Avalon Marsh
Level 21-30 dungeon:
Taskmaster Lucir is located just across bridge to Adribard's Retreat
at /loc 55,026 14,148
Dungeon is back across entrance bridge inside tree at /loc 50,915 16,997
If going in solo, mobs con yellow to a level 30
Campacorentin Forest
Level 31-40 dungeon:
Taskmaster Mairlin is located to the left of the entrance to Caer Ulfwych
at /loc 39,492 34,157
Dungeon is pile of rocks due north near top of map at /loc 39,903 3,517
If going in solo, mobs con yeloow to a level 31
Camelot Hills
Level 41-50 dungeon:
Taskmaster Trudan is located to the right of the gates in front of Castle
at /loc 35,394 2,184 in Camelot Hills
Dungeon is located inside an old tree at /loc 42,950 9168