
Civil war 3D:

Best mutton chops/comb-over combo of the civil war

Annie Surratt, daughter of Lincoln co-conspirator

General Louis D. Watkins and wife

C.S.A. General Silbey

George Custer

Capt. Ed Doherty, captor of John W. Booth

General James Garfield before his political career

Dr. Mary Walker- Civil War Surgeon, Medal of honor recipient

General Duffie'

General Edwin V. Sumner

General John Logan

General George Andrews

Matthew Brady's Portrait of a Lady

Miss. Alice Harrison  (Matthew Brady)

Portrait Of An Actress (Matthew Brady)

CSA General Joseph Reid Anderson

CSA General J.J. Archer

Abner Doubleday

Roswell  S. Ripley  C.S.A.

Gen. Samuel K. Zook- killed at Gettysburg 1863

Gen. Nelson A. Miles

Gen. R.B. Ayers

Maj. Gen. William W. Belknap.  (Impeached by House as Sec. of War under president Grant)

Gen. Robert H. Milroy

Maj. Gen. Harris M. Plaisted

General Edward Washburn Whitacre

General Mortimer Dormer Leggett

Sgt. Oscar Ryder


John Lorimer Wordon- Commander, USS Monitor

Commodore Franklin Buchanan

Commander CSS Merrimack

Captain T.P. Mott

Hon Gordon Newell Mott

Gen. George Leonard Andrews

Gen George Sykes (with facial scar)

General William Tecumseh Sherman