This is an EXCELLENT email from Sales Director Dana Krieg on how to do a Spa Class start to finish!  You will want to print out & reference when you are booking & holding Spa Classes.  When she wrote it, she assumed you are a brand new consultant & gave you EVERY detail for this to be a successful full circle appointment!  She averages $200 at her Spa Classes, usually sells at least 1 Miracle Set at them, & always finds 2-3 people to interview!  What a great leader & teacher she is!  Have fun with these! 


To book a Spa Class: 


Romance/Describe the idea of being pampered!  "Imagine soaking your feet in a steamy warm basin of sudsy water.  Then being able to learn about our luxurious Private Spa Collection body washes and moisturizing lotions--4 delicious fragrances designed to soothe and relax or invigorate your senses.  Pamper your neglected feet and legs with our rejuvenating limited edition Sugar Scrubs designed to exfoliate dead, dull skin that is so irritatingly itchy(especially during these long winter months)!" 


Book the hostess by giving her choices of dates and times that would work for both of you-- I.e. " What works better for you, evenings or weekends?  6 p.m. or 7 p.m.?" until you have the booking set.  Then ask her if she would like to earn free products by inviting 3 or more of her favorite girlfriends to share the Spa experience?  Set a time up to call her back for her guest list of names and phone numbers (within 24-48 hours).  Then tell her she can earn an extra special gift if she can call you back before you call her with her list; it's called Beat the (Consultant's name)!  This will improve the chances of the guests coming and the hostess will stay excited about holding the class. 


Follow up with the hostess on the date and time you agreed upon to get her guest list if she did not call you back first.  Let her know that you are going to call each guest and pre-profile them.  When you call the guest just ask them questions 1-4 and fill in their address and Email address so you can send them a reminder post card or note about the date and time of the class.  You want to do this even though it is not a skin care class.  WHY?  1.  You will be building some rapport with that guest ahead of time.  2. You can thank her ahead of time for helping her hostess friend out by attending.  3.  You can get her excited about coming by describing what she'll get to enjoy at the class (go back to the Romance dialog above).  4.  Tell her she can earn a free gift for bringing a friend with her so that the hostess will have a great class (get her friend's name and # if possible- then call her too).  When you are finished calling the guests; call the hostess back and let her know how excited  her friends are about coming and that YOU know it will be a great time!  The guests will be more likely to keep their word and come to the class AND the hostess will be more likely to hold the class instead of postponing or canceling because her friends are excited about coming!   **  The gifts you can give to the guests for bringing a friend can be very small-- sample hand lotions or spa lotions that can be ordered from Section 2 of the current order form.  The hostess gift for getting her guest list to you can be the same or a travel size Satin Hands gift set from Section 2.  The important thing  is that the gifts be wrapped pretty.  Tissue paper and curling ribbon work great! 


Materials to bring to the class:


1.  A plastic wash basin for ea. guest coming to soak their feet in. 

2.  Marbles or glass stones (look in the craft section of Wal-Mart or similar stores) to put in the bottom of ea. basin (just a handful so the guests can rub their feet over them while they are soaking-- it's like a mini massage). 

3.  A bath towel for ea. guest to put under the basin as a mat; the guests will need to dry their feet later too.  OR you can arrange for the hostess to have towels if it is OK with her.

4.  2 plastic bags (like Wal-Mart grocery store plastic) for ea. guest-- You will be wrapping ea. foot in one when they have the buffing cream/sugar scrub on, just like a body wrap at a real spa.

5.  A full size Satin Hands and Body Shower Gel, Buffing Cream and Hydrating Lotion.  A full size set of each of the Private Spa sets:  Happiness, Harmony, Today, Dreams (body wash, sugar scrub, moisture lotion and fragrance mist).  *The Sugar Scrubs are limited edition so order some before they are sold out.  Otherwise you can use the regular buffing creams in place of them.  I have a large basket that I carry my Demo products in and I display them in this basket at the class.  It is a pretty looking and convenient way to bring all my full size demo products to the class without looking like a bag lady or looking like you are carrying a lot of stuff.  Just be sure your basket is big enough and sturdy enough to hold them  as I'm conducting the class I just pull products out of the basket as I use them.  I also have a full size Visibly Fit Body Lotion in the basket so guests can try that as well.

6.  Bring a Roll-Up Bag filled with the complete collection of sets described in your beauty book pgs. 16-17.  ** Be sure to check the new Beauty Books when the new quarter starts and adjust your sets to include any new products that may be replacing discontinued ones such as the new Time wise Age Fighting Eye Cream.  Your roll-up bag is wonderful to demo full sized products out of during your classes so the customer sees what the products look like--- the eye buys!

7.  Beauty books, the guests' and hostess' profile cards, sales tickets, pens, self-adhesive name tags, raffle tickets (Wal-Mart),  "It's In the Bag" recruiting and "What Do You Think?" customer surveys.  (Go to Ann Jones' Unitnet Site   -Training Center-Recruiting to get copies of those pieces if you aren't familiar with them or ask your Director for them), small wrapped gifts for door prizes


Setting up and conducting the class:


1.  Arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of time to set up for the class.  You want to have enough chairs for guests and hostess arranged in a semi-circle with room to put the towels and basins on the floor in front of each chair.  Have a space available for you to put your demo basket, beauty books, roll-up bag and door prizes where you can get at them easily and the guests can see them.  You can ask the hostess "Who's coming tonight that you think would enjoy doing what I do?"  If she gives you names-great, have her tell you a thing or two about them as you are setting up.  If she says "Oh, I don't know or no one- that's fine too.  Then ask, "What about you?  Do you think you'd enjoy doing what I do?"  She will probably say I don't know or No (or Yes).  Whatever she says, you answer with, "That's Great (or Fine)!  Just watch me tonight and see if I'm having fun."


You will want to get your hand full of marbles in ea. basin and a small squirt of the Satin Hands and Body Shower Gel so the water will be sudsy.  Wait to put the warm water in until all guests have arrived and you are ready to begin so the water doesn't get cold.  As the guests arrive have your hostess introduce you and give her a name tag.  Also have them get out of shoes and socks and roll up pant legs.  You can also give them a beauty book, pen and their profile to fill in any missing information; then have them put it aside or under their chair for later.  When it appears that everyone has arrived get the warm water into the basins and have guests begin soaking their feet and massaging them on the stones in the bottom of the basin.  Note:  the guests will be pampering their own feet; you will not be touching them. 


Begin the class by introducing yourself and thanking your hostess for inviting you into her home.  Tell how you know her or met her.  Present her with her small wrapped gift (the one she earned by getting you her guest list) and encourage her to open it.  (This will plant a seed in the guests' minds that they may also want to be a hostess)  Thank the guests for coming and let them know that by being there they are helping the hostess have a great party.  Have everyone open their Beauty Book to page 2 and read that information to them or ask for someone to volunteer to read (encourages class participation).  Go on to pg.5 and read/ discuss the benefits of using Mary Kay and having you as their personal MK consultant.  After reading this page say:  " I want you all to sit back and enjoy yourselves today.  You are under no obligation to buy anything; however, it is my job to help you get what you want.  So if there is something you fall in love with today, I have products with me for you to take home (or I can order those products for you).  AND if you are saying yes, yes, yes, but your wallet is saying no, no, no I have many ways to help you get what you want including cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover.  I also have creative payment options like the Husband Unawareness Plan or the Fold and Hold Plan".  Explain that the Husband Unawareness Plan is part cash, part check, part credit card and he won't know the difference 'cause you pay the bills (smile) and the Fold and Hold Plan is when they purchase and divide the cost in 2 or 3 payments.  They write out the 1st check to be cashed the week of the class; and the other 1 or 2 checks are written out and post dated for when her next 1 or 2 pay periods are and you just fold them and hold them until then.  (You will want to get all the checks that day!)  Then tell them that you truly do not want any "pity purchases" but you only encourage them to take home what they truly love and will use.  Let them know that you will be having individual consultations at the end of the class to answer any specific questions they might have as well as and purchases and the reason for this is because you respect that their finances are private and it is easier for you to help one person at a time so you can give them  the personalized attention they deserve.  Also remind them of the  100% Satisfaction Guarantee-- if they take something home and are not happy with it for whatever reason; they can bring it back to exchange it for something they prefer better OR get their $$ back no questions asked. 


Next you will say"  While your tootsies are getting a well deserved soak; I hope no one is offended if I practice sharing some quick facts about our company as part of my training.  We like to have fun in Mary Kay so I have a fun little game that will help YOU win prizes!!  Who likes prizes?"  Raise your hand and the guests will raise theirs.  Say, "Good"  This is where you share your What's In The Bag marketing.  (See Ann Jones' UnitNet site at   for info. on how to make up that Bag under Training Center-- Recruiting or ask your Director for details)  The idea is to have objects that represent the 6-7 main reasons women begin a MK business:



Money-- could have Monopoly $$ in the bag (suggest a $100 bill or 2 $100 bills stapled together to represent the cost to get started in MK and the amount earned at an average skin care class, respectively.



Recognition and Prizes--  use Objects like ribbons earned at weekly success meetings, a MK prize brochure, a ring box, prizes you have earned.



Self-esteem/ Self-improvement--  a mirror, MK Women's vitamins, a before and after makeover photo of yourself, Heart- shaped candy


Car Program--  the car program brochure, a toy car (red or pink), car keys


Advantages-- a pack of thumb tacks (tax benefits) , a rubber band around family photos or by itself to represent flexibility, a product box cut in half to represent 50% discount on personal products, a watch to represent working on your own time, small pack of Play dough or Silly Putty to represent flexibility, a MK training tape to represent free training,  Pictures of your MK sisters/ friends to represent girlfriend time and support systems. 


Be Your Own Boss--  again use a watch or rubber band for flexibility,  a daily planner to represent being able to plan when you work and when you and your family play.


Have several of the above items in a clear bag (miracle bag works great); pass it among guests and have them pick items out one at a time until they are all gone.  Then have guests guess how ea. item represents one of the above reasons women begin in MK.  Each correct guess gets them a raffle ticket or if they guess wrong a neighbor can steal their guess ( or you can help them by giving hints so everyone ends up with tickets).  They can earn more tickets by asking additional questions about the co.  if you feel comfortable answering those.  Towards the end of the class you will be doing a door prize drawing or two (again small prettily wrapped gifts) using the tickets they have earned so have them put the tickets under their chair or in their pockets for now.  The whole game should last about 10-15 minutes; not too long so they get bored but long enough to give everyone a chance to guess and earn tickets.


Now explain that they have been soaking their feet in the Satin Hands and Body Shower Gel which is unscented and good for people with fragrance sensitivities.  Ask if anyone is fragrance sensitive and if so you have unscented products they can use if they choose or they can use the Private Spa Collection you are going to present.  Everyone will be trying the Satin Hands and Body Buffing Cream on 1 foot/leg and they will get a chance to pick their favorite Private Spa Sugar Scrub to use on the other foot.  Go around at this time and squirt some SH&B Buffing cream into their hands and have them massage it onto one foot telling them to NOT put their foot back into the water because you will then go around and put a plastic bag on their foot and "wrap" their foot up in it and rest it on the towel next to their basin.  Have them rinse their hands in the basin and dry them on part of the towel. Describe the Buffing cream as you do this letting them know it will exfoliate and smooth away rough skin on their feet, legs, elbows.  It is also great for shaving legs because it will allow them to get a closer shave as it removes dead skin.  (Put these statements on cue cards or memorize them).  Next you are going to describe each of the Private Spa sets and pass around the Body wash of  ea. as you romance it.  The statements on pg 15 of the LOOK BOOK (Winter 2003 edition) are a great way to describe them.  Let them smell each one as you talk about them.  Tell them the Harmony (blue) and Dreams (pink) are to calm and relax; while the Happiness (Yellow) and Today (orange) are to energize and motivate.  After you have passed each around have ea. guest choose the scent they like and give them a squirt of the Sugar Scrub in that fragrance to use on the other foot and get it wrapped as well.


Next, you are going to take a few minutes to demo the miracle set on the back of one hand; say, "Pick a favorite hand to be pampered today.  I'm going to give you a sneak preview of the pampering you can expect when you book a skin care appointment with me.  Use pg. 6-7 to describe each product they will use on the back of 1 hand just as if you were teaching a skin care class:  1. a dab of TW3 in 1 cleanser they rub onto the back of the hand then rinse off in their basin and dry with their towel as you describe it reading from pg.6 of the Beauty Book.  2. A squirt of Night solution and describe the benefits of using the Day/Night set with the TW.  3.  The Age-Fighting Moisturizer on the back of the same hand- describe it as on pg 6. 4.  Key to the success of this demonstration: a dab of MK Foundation on the back of that same hand AND on the back of the other hand that they did not do anything else to;  as they are blending it into both hands you are describing what they are seeing and feeling: Say," You will notice a big difference in how the foundation blends into your skin.  See how much smoother and easier it blends into the hand you pampered with the TW skincare?  Doesn't it look and feel softer and more even and flawless? (as you are nodding your head up and down!)  Notice how much more evident the fine lines and wrinkles are on the hand that only has the foundation on it when compared to the hand you pampered with the TW--Look how flawless the back of that hand appears!!  Tell me which hand you would like to have your face look like 5, 10, 15 years down the road!  Now imagine us pampering your entire face when you choose to have a skin care and glamour appointment with your personal MK consultant and be eligible to earn great discounts and free products!!  I can help you with that later.


Now get the bags off their feet and give them the fragrance for body bath they want to wash the scrubs off their feet and legs.  Follow up with the moisturizing lotions and or the Visibly Fit Body Lotion which you can tell them helps even their skin tone, firm their skin and reduces the appearance of spider veins and cellulite.  Say, " Don't your feet and legs feel so much smoother and softer?  Isn't it fabulous to have all the dead, dull dry skin gone and be smooth and moisturized? ( as you are nodding your head up and down)


Close the class by romancing the Spa Sets for $58.  I  remind them that they make great birthday, baby shower (for new mommy who really needs some pampering!), bridal shower gifts and that if they want to pick up a set for themselves and 1 or 2 sets to have on hand as gifts they can get them for $50 each and save.  I also go through the sets in the roll-up bag (pg 16-17 of Beauty Book), especially the miracle set(sets 1&2 that we did on their hand). Before I do I say, "Close your eyes and imagine your favorite outfit that you bought for the last special occasion you had-- the one that makes you look and fee fabulous.  Now think of the shoes and pantyhose, the jewelry that you had to go with it.  Now think of  whether you got your hair or nails for that occasion.  Now add up in your head  the total cost of that one outfit and all the things that went with it,  got it?  You don't have to say out loud but was it $200, $300, or more?  Now ask yourself how many times you have worn that great outfit in the last 6 months.  Isn't it amazing what we as women will spend on something that will make us look and feel great temporarily?!  But we sometimes hesitate to spend good money on skin care.  And our skin is the one thing that we have our entire life that we can't change like our clothes or hairstyles.  Now I go through and tell them what is in all the other sets giving 1 or 2 details about ea. product as I show them (pulling them out of the roll-up bag).  I let the guests know that when they meet with me 1on1 we can discuss products specifically for them and/or set up a time for them to try anything in particular.


Tidy up the area and let the hostess serve her refreshments.  Begin meeting 1on1 with guests and ask each:  "Did you have a good time today?  Did you learn anything new that you didn't know before?  Do you have any questions for me? How do your feet/legs feel, wasn't the Spa Collection great?  How do you like the way your hand looks and feels since you pampered it with the TW? (I of course am listening to her responses before going to the next question)  _____ (Guest's name), it doesn't matter to me but is there any reason we couldn't set you up with a personalized roll-up collection today or were the Spa and Miracle Sets more what you had in mind? (Then BE QUIET AND LET HER ANSWER--THE NEXT PERSON TO SPEAK IS THE ONE WHO USUALLY TAKES THE PRODUCTS HOME).  When she gives you her answer write up her ticket and decide how she wants to pay for it.  Collect the $ or checks or cr. card #, etc.  If she:


---Buys the entire roll-up; don't act shocked just write up her ticket.  Also, find out what eye, cheek colors, liners, lipstick, gloss, mascara colors she wants.  If she doesn't know or needs to leave soon set up an appt. to meet with her in the next 24-48 hours to do a facial and customize her colors then, still collect her $ now so she is less likely to change her mind and give her as many of the other products she purchased as you can now.

--only wants the miracle set, fine and then ask if there was anything else you can get for her and remind her of the spa sets and the $50 special.  Take her order.


--wants products but $ is an issue; go over the payment options; also ask her to be a hostess with 3 or more of her friends (18 or over) to get $75 in products for $25. (One of the many discount options you can choose to offer; or you can offer free products, etc.  it is your business :))


The easiest way to keep booking classes is to book them from the classes you are holding.  At your individual close you will want to book at least 2 of your guests as future hostesses and give them some type of hostess discount as discussed above.  Find something that will excite them and help them want to be a hostess.  Say, "_____ (guest's name), at each class I choose 2 or 3 people to be my future hostesses and tonight I picked you because____________ (give them a sincere compliment like they were fun to be around, or they were helpful or asked good questions, etc.).  Is there any reason you wouldn't want to share your follow up appointment with 3 or more of your best girlfriends and earn some free products/ great discount on products?  What would be better for you beginning of week or end of week?  Nights or weekends?  A.M. or P.M.?  Set up the appointment and do the same hostess follow up as was discussed in the beginning.  You have just done a FULL CIRCLE CLASS!

As you are doing your individual close with each guest you will also want to choose at least 2 of them to listen to company information and give you their opinions; if you like all the guests and would like to ask them all that is great too!  This is what you say, "  ______ (Guest's name), as part of my training I need to listen to my Director share some company information with 10 sharp women this month and get their opinions. I immediately thought of you; is there any reason you wouldn't be able to help me out with my training?  I think you'd be great and I'll have a special gift for you as a Thank-you?  It will take about 30-40 minutes; what would work better for you, a day or night time?  (You will want to check with your Director before hand to come up with some mutual dates/times that would work)  Book her practice interview. 


The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun with your customers; build rapport and relationships.  If you can learn to book, hold a good class, sell sets, and invite people to listen to company info.  the rest will fall into place and you can dream big and have those dreams come true!!!  Good Luck,  I believe in YOU, 

Sales Director  Dana Krieg