Amada followed up their first Yu Yu Hakusho Hero 1 set with a larger set with three types of special
cards: hard prisms, WGL cards, and silver foil Platina (PC) cards. This set is structure more
like the second Sailor Moon Hero Collection set than other series' HC sets, in that there are
more than the usual 16 Platina cards, in addition to the larger reg set. Like the first YYH Hero
card set, the card front identifies the character(s) depicted, while the card back had card game
Set Description:
144 Regular cards (#157-300)
12 Prism cards (#301-312)
28 Foil PC cards (PC-1/PC-27)
4 WGL double prism cards (WGL-1/WGL-4)
Any blank listings are cards I do not have.
158. Toguro
159. Kuwabara
160. Toguro
161. Hagiri
162. Kaito Yu
163. Karasu
164. Kuwabara
165. Yanagisawa, Kido, Kaito
166. Yanagisawa
167. Kuwabara
168. The four guys, with teen Koenma
169. The four guys
170. Sakyo
171. Kuwabara
172. Mitarai Kyoshi
173. Toguro
174. Kuwabara, Kurama, Botan
175. Hiei
176. Kuwabara, Kurama, Botan
177. Kuwabara
178. Toguro & young Genkai
179. Kurama double portrait
180. Yusuke vs Toguro
181. Hiei
182. Hagiri
183. Itsuki
184. Karasu (blond)
185. Kamiya Minoru
186. Keiko & Botan
187. Teen Koenma
188. Hiei
189. Kurama
190. Kuwabara
191. Hiei
192. Toguro
193. Karasu
194. Toguro
195. Young Toguro & young Genkai
196. Kuwabara
197. Amanuma Tsukihito
198. Kurama
199. Yusuke
200. Hiei
201. Kurama
202. Kuwabara vs Toguro elder
203. Yusuke
204. The four guys
205. Yusuke
206. Hiei
207. Kamiya Minoru
208. Botan
209. Sensui Shinobu
210. Itsuki
211. Kido Asato
212. Bui
213. Yanagisawa, Kido, Kaito
214. Young Genkai
215. Yusuke
216. Kurama
217. Yusuke
218. Botan
219. Hiei
220. Kuwabara
221. Botan
222. Kurama
223. Yusuke
224. Young Genkai
225. Yusuke
226. Hiei
227. Kurama
228. Toguro
229. Yusuke & Hiei
230. Kurama
231. Kuwabara
232. Amanuma Tsukihito
233. Yusuke vs Sensui
234. Sensui
235. Yusuke
236. Kurama
237. The four guys
238. Kamiya Minoru
239. Kaito, Yanagisawa, Kido
240. Makihara Sadao
241. Yusuke & Hiei
242. Bui
243. Sensui
244. Sensui & Hagiri
245. Murota
246. Yusuke
247. Yusuke
248. Head of Toguro elder
249. Yusuke & Hiei
250. Yusuke & Hiei
251. Kuwabara & Yusuke
252. Makihara Sadao & Amanuma Tsukihito
253. Amanuma Tsukihito
254. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Genkai, Kurama, teen Koenma
255. Yusuke
256. Kaito, Kido, Yanagisawa
257. Kurama, Yusuke
258. Kuwabara & Yusuke
259. Yusuke & Kuwabara
260. Yusuke double portrait
261. Kurama
262. Sensui
263. Amanuma Tsukihito
264. Itsuki
265. Yusuke
266. Hiei
267. Kuwabara
268. Yusuke
269. Kurama
270. Koenma
271. Kurama
272. Hiei & Yusuke
273. Genkai
274. Sensui & Itsuki
275. Kurama & Hiei
276. Yusuke
277. Itsuki & Sensui
278. Sensui & Yusuke
279. Yusuke vs Hiei
280. Amanuma Tsukihito & Kurama
281. Yusuke
282. Yusuke vs Kamiya Minoru
283. Hiei
284. Amanuma, Makihara, Hagiri
285. Sensui, Itsuki
286. Kurama, Toguro elder
287. Yukina & Hiei
288. The four guys
289. Genkai
290. Hiei & Kuwabara
291. Hiei
292. Yusuke
293. Kirishima, Kuwabara
294. Botan & Kurama
295. Teen Koenma & Yusuke
296. Kido vs Yusuke
297. The four guys
298. Murota vs Yusuke
299. Sensui
300. Youko, Kurama
301. Hiei
302. Toguro, Yusuke
303. Yusuke
304. Sensui & Itsuki
305. Kuwabara
306. Yusuke
307. Botan
308. Kurama, Kaito
309. Kurama
310. The four guys
311. Several characters
312. Yusuke vs Kido
PC-01 Yusuke
PC-02 Kaito, Kido, Yanagisawa
PC-04 Botan
PC-07 Kamiya Minoru
PC-08 Sensui
PC-09 Itsuki
PC-10 Kuwabara
PC-11 Youko
PC-12 Hiei
PC-13 Toguro (young)
PC-14 Kurama
PC-15 Hagiri
PC-16 Amanuma Tsukihito
PC-17 Hiei
PC-18 Kurama
PC-20 Kurama
PC-21 Sakyo
PC-23 Toguro
PC-24 Yusuke
PC-25 Kido
PC-26 Kuwabara
PC-27 Sensui & Itsuki
PC-28 Kurama
WGL-1 Hiei, Kuwabara, Kurama
WGL-2 Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke
WGL-3 Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara
WGL-4 Kuwabara, Yusuke, Hiei
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