Dragon Ball Z PP Part 28 Checklist

Any cards with a "?" I don't have, and a few I can't identify; if you know what the card is, let me know.
All PP 28 cards have "Dragon Ball Z" in yellow-gold lettering, in the lower right corner of the card. The prisms have solid color backgrounds, and have the same cel art as Hero Collection 4 prisms.
Also, there are two releases of PP 28 34-card packs. One contains sticker-type prism cards, and the back of the PP envelopes contains a box with a text passage. The other contains cardboard prism cards, and the back of the PP envelopes show the picture of a card viewer (?).
All prisms are listed in bold italics.

Set Range: 1226-1273, probably 1274-1276 as well
This set has 12 prisms, and 36 regular cards.
Prisms include: 1226-1231, 1268-1273
Regular cards include: 1232-1267

Note: 1274-1276 are gold cards that belong to PP 28; however, they may have been a prize item and not something not included with pull-packs or DX PP Cardsets.

To see a gallery of various PP cards, click here .

The list:

1226. Super Saiyan Vegeto
1227. Son Gohan
1228. Trunks
1229. Son Goten
1230. Super Saiyan x3 Gokou, Super Saiyan Gohan, Super Saiyan Goten
1231. Son Gokou

1232. Super Saiyan Gotenks
1233. Super Saiyan Vegeta
1234. (Kaiohshin?)
1235. Videl
1236. Vegeta
1237. Shin, Kibito
1238. Piccolo
1239. Son Gohan
1240. Videl
1241. Great Saiyamen
1242. Super Saiyan Gokou
1243. Vegeto
1244. Majin Buu
1245. Super Saiyan x3 Son Gokou
1246. Majin Buu
1247. Shen-Lon
1248. Super Saiyan x3 Son Gokou vs Majin Buu
1249. Super Saiyan Gokou
1250. Rou (Dai)-Kaiohshin, Kibito
1251. Super Saiyan Vegeta & Super Saiyan Son Gokou
1252. Super Saiyan x3 Gotenks
1253. Goten & Trunks (entrapped)
1254. Super Saiyan Vegeto
1255. Majin Buu
1256. (Kaiohshin?)
1257. Super Saiyan Son Goten, Super Saiyan Son Gokou, Son Gohan
1258. Son Gohan, Son Gokou, Trunks, Son Goten
1259. Son Gokou & Super Saiyan Vegeta
1260. Shen-Lon
1261. Son Gohan & Son Gokou
1262. Son Gokou
1263. Great Saiyamen
1264. Super Saiyan Vegeta & Super Saiyan Gokou
1265. monster on the Kaiohshin planet
1266. Majin Buu vs Super Saiyan Vegeto
1267. Super Saiyan x3 Gotenks
1268. Super Saiyan x3 Gokou vs Majin Buu
1269. Majin Buu
1270. Vegeta
1271. Super Saiyan Gokou & Super Saiyan
1272. Piccolo
1273. Super Saiyan x3 Gotenks
1274. (Gold Card)
1275. (Gold Card)
1276. (Gold Card)

(Thanks to Brent Parsons for his help with the card set number ranges on PP 27 & 28.)

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