PP 19 consists of artwork from the early portion of the Cell Games saga. All pictures of Cell are early-stage, and all references to Trunks mean Mirai (Future) Trunks, except for one Baby Trunks cards. Cards are designed in a similar manner to PP 20 and previous sets; a blue-grey stripe can be found on the right side of the card, while a narrow stripe (of various colors) on the left has the PP set designation. The card back has the "PP System" number. Prisms are listed in bold italics.
Set range:
799-804 Prisms
805-840 Regular cards
799. Cell
800. Super Saiyan Vegeta
801. Son Gokou and Son Gohan
802. Super Saiyan Vegeta and Super Saiyan Trunks
803. Super Saiyans Vegeta, Son Gokou, Trunks
804. Vegeta, Super Saiyan Son Gokou, Son Gohan, Trunks
805. Androids No. 18, No. 17, No. 16
806. Piccolo vs. Cell
807. Vegeta
808. Cell
809. Krillin
810. Son Gokou
811. Piccolo and Son Gokou
812. Vegeta and Trunks
813. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
814. Son Gokou
815. Son Gokou and Trunks
816. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
817. Kamesennin, Oolong
818. Trunks
819. Son Gokou
820. Piccolo
821. Son Gokou, Son Gohan
822. Son Gohan
823. Cell
824. Super Saiyan Vegeta vs Cell
825. Super Saiyan Vegeta
826. Trunks
827. Trunks
828. Trunks and Vegeta
829. Tenshinhan
830. Son Gohan
831. Android No. 18
832. Piccolo
833. Trunks, Vegeta, Son Gohan, Son Gokou
834. Baby Trunks, Dr. Briefs
835. Cell
836. Krillin
837. The Room of Space and Time (?)
838. Popo
839. Cell, Android No. 18, Trunks, Krillin, Super Saiyan Vegeta
840. Trunks, Cell, Vegeta
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