Dragonball Z Hero Collection 1 Checklist

Dragonball Z Hero Collection mainly depicts scenes and characters from the pre-Buu story arcs, from the arrival of Raditz, then up to and including the Cell games (except for the WGLs and cards 154-156). The regular and single prism cards have white borders, with a caption and the phrase "Dragon Ball Z Hero Collection" at the bottom of the card. The cards can also used for a card game; power levels are on the cards' faces, and other game designations appear on the backs.

The set range is:
1-156: regular cards and single prisms
WGL 1-3: double prisms; the top sticker only has the picture and copyright information--the WGL designation appears on the bottom left corner of the sticker underneath.
Rules card

See some cards!
A regular card: #96-Front #96-Back
And some others: WGL-2 rules card--front
Click here to see more Hero Collection 1 cards: Dragon Ball Z Card Gallery I

All captions for cards 1-156 come from the cards themselves. Prisms are in bold italics; any cards with a "?" I don't have.

1. Gokou & Gohan
2. Raditz
3. Gokou & Piccolo
4. Gokou vs Raditz
5. Son Gokou
6. Piccolo
7. Son Gohan
8. Gohan vs Raditz
9. Piccolo
10. Son Gokou
11. Vegeta & Nappa
12. Chi-chi and Gyumaoh
13. Emma-Daiou & Gokou
14. Kami-sama
15. Kaioh
16. Gokou & Kaioh
17. Gokou & Bubbles
18. Oozaru
19. Son Gohan and Piccolo
20. Group
21. Vegeta and Nappa
22. Saibamans
23. Tenshinhan vs Saibaman
24. Saibaman vs Yamcha
25. Klilyn
26. Chaos vs Nappa
27. Piccolo & Klilyn vs Nappa
28. Gohan vs Nappa
29. Gohan & Piccolo
30. Son Gohan
31. Gokou vs Nappa
32. Gokou vs Vegeta
33. Vegeta
34. Yajirobe vs Vegeta
35. Gokou & Gohan
36. Klilyn
37. Klilyn
38. Son Gohan
39. Ohozaru Gohan vs Vegeta
40. Klilyn vs Vegeta
41. Gokou-Gohan-Klilyn
42. Kami-sama
43. Piccolo's Spacecraft
44. Son Gohan
45. Klilyn vs Gohan
46. Vegeta
47. Gohan & Klilyn
48. Kiwi
49. Dodoria
50. Son Gokou
51. Gokou's Spacecraft
52. Son Gokou
53. Son Gokou
54. Nameccians
55. Nameccians
56. Dende-Klilyn-Gohan
57. Bulma
58. Kaioh & the Z Soldiers
59. Kaioh
60. Zarbon
61. Zarbon
62. Klilyn
63. Klilyn & Saichourou
64. Klilyn
65. Son Gohan
66. Vegeta vs Gohan
67. Vegeta
68. Ginew [team]
69. Ghourd
70. Recoom
71. Burtta
72. Jees
73. Ginew
74. Gokou vs Ginew
75. Ginew
76. Klilyn & Gohan vs Ginew
77. The Son Family
78. Ginew
79. Polunga
80. The Z Soldiers
81. Piccolo & Nail
82. Freeza
83. Freeza
84. Freeza
85. Piccolo vs Freeza
86. Freeza
87. Freeza
88. Freeza s Piccolo
89. Son Gokou
90. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
91. Gohan & Piccolo
92. Freeza
93. Freeza
94. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
95. Freeza
96. Freeza
97. King Cold
98. Super Saiyan Trunks
99. Trunks
100. Son Gokou
101. Bulma & Trunks
102. Gokou & Yajirobee
103. Android No. 19 & Android No. 20
104. Android No. 19
105. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
106. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
107. Android No. 20
108. Android No. 17 & Dr. Gero
109. Android No. 17 & Android No. 18
110. Android No. 16
111. Gokou & Chichi
112. Vegeta vs Android No. 18
113. Kami-sama & Picclo [sic]
114. Klilyn & Android No. 18
115. Bulma
116. Cell
117. Piccolo
118. Bulma
119. Piccolo vs Android No. 17
120. Android No. 16
121. Android No. 18
122. Tenshinhan
123. Gokou & Gohan
124. Klilyn
125. Vegeta vs Cell
126. Cell
127. Vegeta
128. Trunks vs Cell
129. Gokou & gohan
130. Dende-Klilyn-Gohan
131. Dende
132. Mr. Satan
133. Cell vs Satan
134. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
135. Super Saiyan Son Gokou
136. Cell
137. Super Saiyan Son Gohan
138. Gohan vs Cell
139. Cell vs Android No. 16
140. Cell Jrs
141. Android No. 16
142. Gohan vs Cell Jr
143. Super Saiyan Son Gohan
144. Android No. 18
145. Cell
146. Gokou vs Cell
147. Cell
148. Cell
149. Gokou & Gohan
150. The Z Soldiers

151. Trunks vs Cell
152. Four Kaiohs
153. Dai-Kaioh-Sama
154. Son Gohan
155. Videl
156. Son Goten

Rules Card: Super Saiyan Gokou vs Super Saiyan Vegeta

WGL-1 Gohan & Videl (in car)/Super Saiyan Trunks (chibi)
WGL-2 Super Saiyan Son Gohan (head & shoulders)
WGL-3 Super Saiyan Gohan & Super Saiyan Goten (sparring)

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