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Welcome to Mr. Zoanthid.com!

I have been keeping reef tanks for almost 6 years now, and I am still amazed every time I look into my tanks. Over the past 3 years, I have been collecting rare Zoanthids from around the world. In June of 2003, I decided to set up 3 propagation tanks to grow out some of the beautiful Zoanthids I have collected in order to share with other Zoo addicts. In February of 2004, I set up 2 more propagation tanks to grow out some of the Xenia and Mushrooms I have collected throughout the years.

All of the corals I sell are 100% aquacultured corals. My goal is to offer rare aquacultured corals at a great price. This will help reduce some of the destruction of our coral reefs. Please try to buy only aquacultured corals to insure our world's coral reefs will be here for future generations to enjoy.

I am always looking for rare Zoanthids to buy or trade. If you have any Zoanthids or Palythoas that might be rare send me an email and a small picture.

:: updates ::

6/19/2004 - 2 more prop tanks added

6/11/2004 - 2 new Xenia types added

5/4/2004 - new Zoanthid added

* Caution *
The mucus of the Zoanthid is highly toxic. Use extreme caution when handling these corals. I suggest using latex gloves and safety glasses when handling or propagating these corals.

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  copyright 2004 - © Mr Zoanthid.com - All rights reserved. No content may be used without written consent