Anchor HREF: URL you are linking to NAME: name a section of the page TARGET = "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" | window name which window the document should go in TITLE: suggested title for the document to be opened onClick: script to run when the user clicks on this anchor onMouseOver: when the mouse is over the link onMouseOut: when the mouse is no longer over the link ACCESSKEY
CODE: the applet to run CODEBASE: path to the applet class WIDTH: width of the applet HEIGHT: height of the applet ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM | BASELINE alignment of applet to surrounding text VSPACE: vertical space between applet and surrounding text HSPACE: horizontal space between applet and surrounding text BORDER: empty space surrounding the applet NAME: name of applet for reference by other applets ARCHIVE: a compressed collection of applet components MAYSCRIPT: If Java can use JavaScript HREF: URL you are linking to ALT: alternate text if the image isn't displayed SHAPE = RECT | CIRCLE | POLY | DEFAULT what shape is this area? COORDS: coordinates for the link area shape TITLE: Short description of the area TARGET: what frame to go to NOHREF: this area is not a link onClick: script action when the user clicks this area onMouseOver onMouseOut Bold Base Address HREF: default address for hypertext links TARGET = "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" | frame name default window for linked documents SIZE COLOR FACE SRC: URL of the sound LOOP = INFINITE | number of loops how many times to play the sound
Block Quote BGCOLOR: background color of the page BACKGROUND: background picture for the page TEXT: color of the text on the page LINK: color of links that haven't been followed yet VLINK: color of links that have been followed ALINK: color of links while you are clicking on them BGPROPERTIES = FIXED if the background image should not scroll TOPMARGIN: size of top and bottom margins LEFTMARGIN: size of left and right margins MARGINHEIGHT: size of top and bottom margins MARGINWIDTH: size of left and right margins onLoad: Script to run once the page is fully loaded onUnload onFocus onBlur STYLESRC: MS FrontPage extension SCROLL = YES | NO If the document should have a scroll bar
Line Break CLEAR = LEFT | RIGHT | ALL | BOTH go past a picture or other object