January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1930  Me and Knoop worked on our fence.  Elmer helped Ely Sherrard haul logs.

January 2, 1930  We went to Virgil's.  Rained all day.

January 3, 1930  We helped Virgil kill hogs.  Turned cold.

January 4, 1930  We worked on fence between Knoop and me.  Romie Masters was here.

January 5, 1930  George Knoop and family spent the day with us.

January 6, 1930  Elmer and the Knoop's went to Etown.  I done some jobs.

January 7, 1930  We worked some on fence.  Rained most all day.

January 8, 1930  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.

January 9, 1930  We worked on fence.  Murt had heifer calf.

January 10, 1930  We worked on fence.

January 11, 1930  Elmer and Knoop went to Etown.  Rained.  I cut some wood.

January 12, 1930  I went to Roy Irwin's.  Elmer and Mildred went to Ely's.  Rained all day.

January 13, 1930  Elmer and Mildred was at Virgil's.  I went to Virgil's in evening.  Virgil's folks was sick.  Had tomane poison.

January 14, 1930  We worked on fence in evening.

January 15, 1930  We worked on fence.  Colder today.

January 16, 1930  We killed hogs.  Knoop got one hog.  Weighed 288 pounds.

January 17, 1930  We worked up the lard and sausage of the hogs.  Snowed at night.

January 18, 1930  14 below zero this morning.  Elmer and I went to Ely's and brought Wilma Lois home.

January 19, 1930  We went to Kerrick's in afternoon.  6 below zero.

January 20, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  Mrs. Eli Sherrard was here.  11 above zero.

January 21, 1930  We hauled manure and straw.  Bob was here at night.

January 22, 1930  We hauled in stack of hay.  Bob helped.

January 23, 1930  Elmer hauled manure.

January 24, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.

January 25, 1930  Hauled manure in evening.  I was at Virgil's at night.

January 26, 1930  I was at Virgil's.  Elmer was at Knoop in evening.

January 27, 1930  Rained.  We worked some in shop.

January 28, 1930  Elmer traded horses with Romie Masters.  I done some jobs.  Ida Bogard died.

January 29, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I cut some wood.  Cold.  9 above zero.

January 30, 1930  We hauled some fodder and manure.

January 31, 1930  We hauled manure.  Bred Ruby.

February 1, 1930  We hauled manure.  I was at Virgil's at night.

February 2, 1930  Richard Nall and wife was here.

February 3, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I cut bushes along the creek.

February 4, 1930  Rained all day.  Elmer fixed some harness.

February 5, 1930  We worked on fence between us and Knoop.

February 6, 1930  Elmer went to J. D. Nall's and bought a calf for $2 in morning.  We finished putting up fence between Elmer and Knoop.  Lethia, Kate and Jack Sherrard was here at night.

February 7, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I done some jobs.

February 8, 1930  We hauled some manure and brought some oats from my place.

February 9, 1930  I was at Virgil's.  Elmer and Mildred was at S. B. Williams.

February 10, 1930  We hauled manure.

February 11, 1930  We began plowing for corn.

February 12, 1930  Plowed in morning.  Bred Elsie and Murt.  Rained in evening.

February 13, 1930  Snowed and rained.  Bad day.  Nothing doing.

February 14, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.

February 15, 1930  I went to John Masters' in evening.

February 16, 1930  I was at John's.  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely's.

February 17, 1930  We hauled some fodder and manure and went to John Nall's and got a calf.

February 18, 1930  We went to Etown.  George Knoop went with us.

February 19, 1930  Elmer plowed. I cleaned up fence row.

February 20, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I packed some rocks.  Bro. Sparks was here in evening and at night.

February 21, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I worked on fence row in evening.

February 22, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I went to Gray Hampton's with Bro. Sparks.

February 23, 1930  I was at quarterly meeting at Gray Hampton's.

February 24, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I burnt tobacco bed in evening.

February 25, 1930  We burnt and sowed tobacco bed.  Elmer plowed.  Annie came today.  Rained at night.

February 26, 1930  We done a lot of jobs.

February 27, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled manure.

February 28, 1930  We hauled some fodder for the cows and some straw and oats.  Elmer plowed some in evening.

March 1, 1930  Rained some in morning and turned cold and snowed at night.  I went to Ed Ash's with Annie.  Elmer plowed some.  We sowed some tobacco seed and cabbage and tomato seed.

March 2, 1930  I was at Ed Ash's.  Cold.  Elmer and Mildred was at Virgil's.

March 3, 1930  I come home from Ed's.  Still cold.

March 4, 1930  We cut stalks off the wheat and hauled some posts from Ely's.

March 5, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer plowed.

March 6, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I tore down some fence.  We sowed some red top.  Rained at night.

March 7, 1930  Rained all day.  Not much doing.

March 8, 1930  We hauled manure.

March 9, 1930  I was at Emma Cowley's.  Elmer went down to Eli Sherrard's.  Ernest Miller, Claudia, Mary Kate and Jesse Hobbs was here.

March 10, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled fodder in morning and plowed in evening.  Bill cut bushes.

March 11, 1930  I cut bushes on creek.  Elmer plowed.  Bill cut bushes.  Rained and snowed.  Knoop's were here at night.

March 12, 1930  Hauled straw in morning. Elmer plowed in evening.  I finished bushes on creek.  Bill done same.

March 13, 1930  Elmer went to Etown and got fertilizer and clover seed.  I trimmed fruit trees.

March 14, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I trimmed fruit trees.

March 15, 1930  We planted potatoes and finished breaking pond field.

March 16, 1930  Andrew Atcher and family was here.

March 17, 1930  We began sowing oats.  Virgil helped in evening.

March 18, 1930  Rained all day.  We made harrow for George Knoop.  Frank Hibbs died.

March 19, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled manure in morning and began plowing in the bottom in evening.

March 20, 1930  We sowed oats.

March 21, 1930  Rained.  We cleared some oats.  Elmer and Mildred got their chickens from Bailey's.  Got 80.

March 22, 1930  We sowed oats and grass and clover.

March 23, 1930  I was at Elmer Hibbs'.

March 24, 1930  We finished sowing oats.  Sowed 19 1/4 acres.

March 25, 1930  We helped Virgil sow oats in morning.  Snowed and turn cold in evening and at night.

March 26, 1930  22 above zero this morning.  We cut briars in evening.

March 27, 1930  We hauled some straw and hay in morning and helped Virgil sow oats in evening.

March 28, 1930  We helped Virgil finish sowing oats.

March 29, 1930  Elmer plowed in morning and went to Bob Sherrard's wedding at night. I was at Virgil's at night.

March 30, 1930  I went to church at Sycamore.  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely Sherrard's to dinner.

March 31, 1930  Elmer plowed. I cut some bushes out of fence row in bottom.

April 1, 1930  Plowed and set posts in bottom.

April 2, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I sowed some clover seed.  Bob and Corine was here at night.

April 3, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  Claudia and Corine were here.  Me and Bill made pen for sow.

April 4, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I dug post holes.

April 5, 1930  Elmer plowed in morning and was sick in evening.  I dug post holes and trimmed grape vines.

April 6, 1930  We was at Eli Sherrard's and to Sunday School.  Bred Elsie.

April 7, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I dug post holes.

April 8, 1930  I dug post holes in morning.  We made garden in evening.  Elmer and Eli went to Etown.

April 9, 1930  I went to Etown and to Ed Ash's to get seed corn.  Elmer finished plowing in bottom.

April 10, 1930  I come home from Ed Ash's.  Elmer hauled manure.

April 11, 1930  Elmer helped Virgil scrape ditch in morning and Virgil helped us make ditch in evening.

April 12, 1930  Boys scraped out ditch to drain pond in my field.  I done some jobs.

April 13, 1930  Virgil's folks was here.  We went to the flats to hunt some corn.

April 14, 1930  We hauled in some hay and straw.

April 15, 1930  We went to the flats and got load of corn.

April 16, 1930  Elmer went to the flats and got load of corn.  We cleaned off the church yard.

April 17, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled manure.

April 18, 1930  Elmer plowed some.  Bill harrowed.  I done jobs.

April 19, 1930  Elmer plowed and harrowed.  Bill harrowed.  I dug some post holes and made drag.

April 20, 1930  We was at Sycamore to Children's Day.  Aunt Bet Nall died at 6:30 this evening.

April 21, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Aunt Bet Nall's funeral.

April 22, 1930  Elmer went to Etown to get fertilizer.  Bill harrowed.  I done jobs.

April 23, 1930  We began planting corn.  Jack Sherrard helped.

April 24, 1930  We planted corn.

April 25, 1930  We helped Virgil plant corn.

April 26, 1930  We helped Virgil plant corn in morning.  I went to Etown.

April 27, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Bob Sherrard's.  I went to Sunday School.

April 28, 1930  We began harrowing the bottom.

April 29, 1930  Boys harrowed in bottom.

April 30, 1930  We hauled manure.

May 1, 1930  Elmer went after disc harrow and disced tobacco patch.  Bill and I built some fence.  We watered tobacco bed.

May 2, 1930  We went and got new buggy.  Kit found calf.

May 3, 1930  We hauled in some feed.  I went to John Masters' in evening.

May 4, 1930  I was at John Masters'.  Elmer and Mildred went to Sunday School.

May 5, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.

May 6, 1930  We fixed screen doors.  Lady found calf.

May 7, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to J. H. Shelton's and got eggs to set.

May 8, 1930  I went to Etown.  Pudge went to Virgil's.  Elmer sheared his sheep.

May 9, 1930  We went to Vine Grove.  Took wool off.

May 10, 1930  We fixed some fence and took calves to my orchard.  I went to Virgil's at night.

May 11, 1930  We went to Fenley Bailey's.

May 12, 1930  We worked on yard fence.

May 13, 1930  We worked some on fence in morning.  Rained good rain.  Elmer went to Etown in evening.

May 14, 1930  We dragged in bottom.

May 15, 1930  We planted corn in bottom.

May 16, 1930  We finished planting corn in bottom in morning and fixed drag in evening.

May 17, 1930  We rolled the corn field by the shop.  Rained in evening.  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown in evening.

May 18, 1930  Rain today.  We had lots of company.  Ely Sherrard's family, Knoop's family, John and Dorothy Daughterty, Jimmy Jones, and Jessie Mildred Hobbs.

May 19, 1930  Rained.  We wet tobacco and brought the cattle over to Elmer's pasture.

May 20, 1930  We worked on hard fence in morning.  Replanted corn in evening.

May 21, 1930  We replanted and harrowed corn.

May 22, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer harrowed corn and plowed some in new ground.

May 23, 1930  We worked in new ground and worked out the garden.  Set some cabbage and tomatoes.

May 24, 1930  We finished clearing new ground.

May 25, 1930  Elmer and Mildred was at Bob Sherrard's.  I was at Virgil's and Sunday School.

May 26, 1930  Elmer broke new ground.  I went to Etown.

May 27, 1930  We planted some cane and cut clover in garden patch at my place.

May 28, 1930  O. T. Viers' boy died.  We planted some cane and watermelon.  Set out sweet potatoes.

May 29, 1930  Rained.  We hauled in some hay and harrowed corn.

May 30, 1930  Harrowed corn and hauled in some hay.

May 31, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I went to J. E. Hibbs in morning.  Elmer and Mildred got chickens from Fenley Bailey.

June 1, 1930  Bob and his wife was here.  We went to Sunday School.

June 2, 1930  We cut the clover next to Harley Irwin's place and worked potatoes.

June 3, 1930  We put up hay.  Virgil helped in evening.

June 4, 1930  We hauled in hay in morning and harrowed corn in bottom in evening.

June 5, 1930  Boys harrowed corn in bottom.  I went to John Masters' in evening.

June 6, 1930  Elmer plowed corn in pond field.  I come home from John's and cut bushes out of corn in evening.

June 7, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown in evening.  I went to Elmer Hibbs in evening.  We worked in corn in morning.

June 8, 1930  We was at Virgil's and to Sunday School.

June 9, 1930  Elmer rolled corn in bottom.  I cut bushes out of cane patch.

June 10, 1930  Elmer harrowed corn in bottom.  I cleared.

June 11, 1930  Elmer finished harrowing bottom corn and went to Etown.  I worked in corn.

June 12, 1930  Elmer went to Bryan's after corn I cleared.

June 13, 1930  Elmer plowed corn in morning and went to Etown to get medicine in evening and plowed some corn when he got home.

June 14, 1930  Nothing doing.

June 15, 1930  I went to Sunday School.

June 16, 1930  Rained in morning.  Elmer went to Andrew Atcher's.  Elmer plowed corn in evening.

June 17, 1930  Elmer plowed corn and cut some wheat.

June 18, 1930  We helped Lee's cut wheat.

June 19, 1930  We cut our wheat.

June 20, 1930  Elmer plowed corn in evening.  Rained in morning and at night.

June 21, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I was at Elmer Hibbs'.

June 22, 1930  I was at Virgil's and Sunday School.

June 23, 1930  We worked in corn.  Rained early this morning.

June 24, 1930  Elmer plowed corn.  I hoed watermelons and tomatoes and beans in morning.  Rained in evening.

June 25, 1930  We broke and planted late corn patch in new ground.

June 26, 1930  Elmer plowed corn.  I went to Etown.

June 27, 1930  Elmer plowed corn.  I helped Virgil cut oats.

June 28, 1930  Elmer plowed corn.  I helped Virgil cut oats.

June 29, 1930  We was at Sunday School.

June 30, 1930  We began cutting oats.  Elmer sold Andrew Atcher's cow.

July 1, 1930  We cut oats.  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.

July 2, 1930  We cut oats.

July 3, 1930  We helped Virgil cut oats.  Broke the binder down.

July 4, 1930  We cut oats with cradle.  We got done cutting oats.

July 5, 1930  I went to Etown.  Elmer harrowed some cane.  Doc Smith was here to see cow.

July 6, 1930  We was at Ely Sherrard's and I was at Sunday School.

July 7, 1930  We finished cutting oats at Virgil's.  Elmer helped Harley Irwin cut oats in evening.

July 8, 1930  Elmer helped Lee's cut oats.

July 9, 1930  We fixed hay frame and helped Virgil in hay.

July 10, 1930  Elmer harrowed corn in morning and helped Virgil in hay in evening.

July 11, 1930  Elmer helped Lee's cut oats.  Rained.

July 12, 1930  Elmer helped Lee's cut oats.  Rained.  The thermometer stood at 100.  I went to Colesburg to picnic.

July 13, 1930  I was at Virgil's.  We went to Sunday School.

July 14, 1930  Elmer harrowed corn in bottom.  I thinned corn in same.  Virgil cut hay for us.

July 15, 1930  We worked in hay.  Andrew Atcher's baby died.

July 16, 1930  We shocked some hay in morning.  I thinned some corn.

July 17, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Vine Grove to see the doctor for Mildred.  Elmer helped thresh at Bryant Viers'.  I thinned some corn.

July 18, 1930  We threshed at A. N. Garner's and Miles McMillen's and moved to our yard and threshed some.  I finished thinning bottom corn in morning.

July 19, 1930  We finished threshing.  We had 342 bushels of oats and 52 bushels of wheat.  We helped thresh at Stanley Irwin's and Virgil Masters'.

July 20, 1930  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely Sherrard's.  I was at Knoop's and Sunday School.

July 21, 1930  We worked in hay.

July 22, 1930  Rained.  We worked in hay.

July 23, 1930  We worked in hay.

July 24, 1930  I was at Etown at Virgil's.  Elmer worked in hay.

July 25, 1930  We helped thresh at Lee's in the morning and hauled load of hay for Virgil in evening.

July 26, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I helped Virgil haul hay in morning and went to Elmer Hibbs' in evening.

July 27, 1930  Jessie Cowley and family was here.  We went to Sunday School.

July 28, 1930  We cut and put up hay.

July 29, 1930  We cut and put up hay.

July 30, 1930  We finished putting up hay.

July 31, 1930  We went to Andrew Atcher's.

August 1, 1930  We worked some cleaning out spring and took some honey.

August 2, 1930  We helped cut bee trees at Lee's and went to pie supper at Sycamore.

August 3, 1930  We went to Sunday School.

August 4, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I was at Lee's.

August 5, 1930  We baled straw.

August 6, 1930  We baled straw in morning.

August 7, 1930  We finished baling straw.

August 8, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Vine Grove.  I was at Ely Sherrard's.  R. R. Hibbs died.

August 9, 1930  We was at quarterly meeting and at R. R. Hibbs' funeral.

August 10, 1930  Bob Sherrard and wife was here.

August 11, 1930  We hauled in some straw.  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown in evening.

August 12, 1930  We finished hunting in straw.  Elmer and Mildred went to Vine Grove to see doctor for Mildred.

August 13, 1930  We moved hay press to Virgil's.

August 14, 1930  Rained this morning.

August 15, 1930  We baled straw for Virgil.

August 16, 1930  Boys cut some tobacco.  We made rock bed in evening.

August 17, 1930  I went to baptizing at Mt. Zion.  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely Sherrard's.

August 18, 1930  We went to Etown.

August 19, 1930  We planted some potatoes and sowed some turnips in and hauled gravel on the road in evening.

August 20, 1930  We hauled gravel on road in evening.

August 21, 1930  I went to Etown.  Boys hauled gravel on road.

August 22, 1930  We all went to picnic on J. Herb Atcher's place.

August 23, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I hoed some watermelons.

August 24, 1930  I was at S. B. Williams'.  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely's.

August 25, 1930  We worked on road.  Hauled gravel.  Meeting began at Sycamore.

August 26, 1930  We worked on road.  Lucille Humphrey was here at night.  Preacher was here.

August 27, 1930  We worked on road.

August 28, 1930  We worked on road.

August 29, 1930  We worked on road.

August 30, 1930  I went to Etown.  Boys cut tobacco.  Bob Sherrard and wife was here at night.

August 31, 1930  We was at church at Sycamore.  Big meeting broke at night.

Entries for September 1 - 24 are missing.

September 25, 1930  We made some molasses.

September 26, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Vine Grove.  We got in some feed.

September 27, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.

September 28, 1930  Went to Bluford Bewley's.  I was at Virgil's.

September 29, 1930  We fenced off pasture.  Virgil and wife was here.

September 30, 1930  Elmer helped Virgil scrape out ditch.

October 1, 1930  Elmer helped Virgil cut bushes on creek.  Wm. Coffer died.

October 2, 1930  Elmer helped Virgil.  I worked on creek.

October 3, 1930  Elmer helped Virgil scrap out pond.  We got in load of corn and fodder.

October 4, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I finished cutting bushes out of creek banks.

October 5, 1930  Fenley Bailey and family and Ely Sherrard was here.

October 6, 1930  We cut cane.

October 7, 1930  We cut cane and dug sweet potatoes.

October 8, 1930  We gathered some corn for hogs.

October 9, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I done some jobs.

October 10, 1930  We picked some pears in morning and went to the church and done some cleaning up.

October 11, 1930  We hauled some strips.

October 12, 1930  I was at J. D. Nall's.  Elmer and family went to Frank Wise's.

October 13, 1930  We began gathering corn.

October 14, 1930  We gathered corn and went to a speaking at Sycamore at night.

October 15, 1930  We gathered corn.

October 16, 1930  We gathered corn.  Went to church at night.  Elmer went to Etown.

October 17, 1930  We cut cane in evening.

October 18, 1930  We sowed wheat for Knoop in evening.

October 19, 1930  We went to Noah Williams'.  Turned cold.

October 20, 1930  First hard frost last night.  We gathered corn today.

October 21, 1930  We gathered corn.

October 22, 1930  We gathered corn.

October 23, 1930  Rained light rain all day.  Elmer helped Virgil take his cattle home.

October 24, 1930  Elmer took his tobacco to Delbert Gray's in morning and helped Virgil haul fodder in evening.

October 25, 1930  We stacked fodder.  Virgil helped.

October 26, 1930  Elmer and Mildred went to Bob Sherrard's.  I went to Maggie Masters'.

October 27, 1930  Rained.  We pulled some corn in bottom.

October 28, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  We went to church at night.

October 29, 1930  We gathered corn.  Bud Irwin's house burnt.

October 30, 1930  I went to church and to Emma Cowley's with Preachers.  Elmer and Bill gathered load of corn.

October 31, 1930  Preacher was here.

November 1, 1930  We gathered load of corn.

November 2, 1930  We all went to church and to Virgil's.

November 3, 1930  We gathered load of corn.  Ruby found calf.

November 4, 1930  We all went to election.

November 5, 1930  We helped S. B. Williams gather corn in morning and killed calf in evening.

November 6, 1930  We finished gathering corn.

November 7, 1930  Arch Williams died at 4:45.  We hauled some fodder.

November 8, 1930  Elmer helped dig grave and we all went to funeral.

November 9, 1930  We was at Virgil's and Bud Miller's.

November 10, 1930  Rained all day.  Elmer and Mildred was at Delbert Gray's.

November 11, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  Mildred and I was at Virgil's.  Rained all day.

November 12, 1930  We took calves to my place.  Elmer plowed in evening.

November 13, 1930  Elmer plowed.  I worked taking down fence.

November 14, 1930  Virgil and I moved fence.  Elmer plowed.

November 15, 1930  I went to John Masters' in evening.

November 16, 1930  I was at John Masters'.  Elmer and wife was at Ely's.

November 17, 1930  We hauled in cane in morning.  Plowed in evening.  Murt found calf.

November 18, 1930  Elmer and Knoop went to Etown.  I helped Virgil.

November 19, 1930  I helped Virgil.  Elmer plowed.

November 20, 1930  We hauled fodder.  Virgil helped.

November 21, 1930  Elmer and Virgil plowed in evening.  Elmer went to Etown in morning.

November 22, 1930  Elmer and Virgil plowed in bottom.

November 23, 1930  I was at Kerrick's.  Elmer and Mildred was at Ely's.

November 24, 1930  Elmer and Virgil plowed.  Lethia, Kate and Claudia was here.  Snowed.

November 25, 1930  We killed two hogs.  Snow at night.

November 26, 1930  Snowed all day.  Worked in lard.  Fonrose Nall come at night.

November 27, 1930  Snowed all day.  We went hunting.

November 28, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.

November 29, 1930  Elmer hauled manure and load of wood.  I went to church at night.

November 30, 1930  I went to church.  Rained all day.

December 1, 1930  Elmer and Virgil plowed.

December 2, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I cut some wood.  We hauled two loads of slabs.

December 3, 1930  We hauled wood in morning.  Finished plowing in bottom in evening.

December 4, 1930  Elmer and I plowed for us in morning and for Virgil in evening.

December 5, 1930  Rained all day.  Elmer and Mildred went to Bob Sherrard's.  I went to Wm. T. Peck's and to Virgil's at night.

December 6, 1930  Elmer hauled some rock to put around door.  Hazel and Alton Lewis was here.  We went hickory nut hunting.  I went home with them in evening.

December 7, 1930  I was at S. B. Williams.  Elmer and Mildred was at Lizzie Cowley's.

December 8, 1930  Boys plowed at Virgil's.

December 9, 1930  Boys plowed at Virgil's.  I went to Etown.

December 10, 1930  Boys plowed at Virgil's in morning and here in evening.

December 11, 1930  Bill and Elmer took tobacco to Virgil's in morning and plowed in evening.

December 12, 1930  Boys plowed.  I was at Virgil's at night.

December 13, 1930  Boys plowed.

December 14, 1930  Bob Sherrard and wife was here.

December 15, 1930  I went to Etown.  Boys plowed.

December 16, 1930  We killed two hogs.  Virgil and Ely helped.

December 17, 1930  We rendered lard, ground sausage, and so on.

December 18, 1930  Elmer hauled manure.

December 19, 1930  Boys plowed in morning.  Got done plowing for oats.  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.  I was at Virgil's at night.

December 20, 1930  I went to Etown with Virgil's folks.

December 21, 1930  I went to John Masters' with Virgil's folks.  Elmer and family was at Ely Sherrard's.

December 22, 1930  We hauled in some cane and hauled load of oats from my place.

December 23, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  I cut some wood.  Light snow this morning.  Charlie French died at two o'clock.

December 24, 1930  We hauled load of wood.  Elmer and wife went to school house to entertainment.

December 25, 1930  Virgil's folks was here.  Ely and Bill was here in evening.

December 26, 1930  Elmer and I went to Lizzie Cowley's.  Snowed all day.

December 27, 1930  Elmer was at Ely Sherrard's.  I cut some wood.

December 28, 1930  We all went to Ely Sherrard's.  Snowed this morning.

December 29, 1930  We all went to Virgil's.

December 30, 1930  Cold.  We shoed the mules.  Ely Sherrard's family and Bob Sherrard and wife was here.

December 31, 1930  Elmer went to Etown.  Took load of lumber for Ely Sherrard.  I cut wood.  ? Sherrard died.