January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1928  We went to Elmer's.  Zero this morning.

January 2, 1928  5 below zero.  I helped Elmer fix barn to keep his calf warm.

January 3, 1928  Elmer and I hauled stack of fodder.

January 4, 1928  S. R. Irwin's got Wheeler's corn.  Bone Wheeler was here.

January 5, 1928  We hauled stack of hay from Virgil's place.

January 6, 1928  We gathered load of wood for Mother.  Otis Kerrick helped 1/2 day.

January 7, 1928  I went to Etown.

January 8, 1928  Rained all day.  We stayed at home.

January 9, 1928  Elmer and cut some wood.

January 10, 1928  I cut wood.

January 11, 1928  I cut some wood.  Warm today.  Sale at James Bogard's place.

January 12, 1928  We gathered 4 loads of corn at Mother's.

January 13, 1928  We gathered 3 loads at same.

January 14, 1928  I was at Mrs. Lee's today.

January 15, 1928  Virgil and family.  Elmer and Mildred, Mrs. Kerrick's family, and Bill Sherrard was here.

January 16, 1928  We gathered corn at Mother's.  Kerrick helped.

January 17, 1928  Rained.

January 18, 1928  Rained all day.

January 19, 1928  Rained in morning.  We got wood in evening.

January 20, 1928  We killed hog.  Cold today.

January 21, 1928  We hauled load of hay for me and for Elmer.  Still cold.  12 above.

January 22, 1928  We went to church at night.

January 23, 1928  We helped Virgil killed hogs.

January 24, 1928  Rained all day.  Lot of wind in evening.  Turned cold at night.

January 25, 1928  We was at Elmer's and I was at Ely Sherrard's.

January 26, 1928  We hauled load of fodder for me and fixed place for Elmer's sow and took her over there.

January 27, 1928  I weighed up my corn at Wheeler's place and sent him check for corn and corn drill.  Elmer hauled me a log of hay.

January 28, 1928  Cold.  4 above zero.  Not much doing.

January 29, 1928  Snow.  About 1 1/2 inches.  Bessie and I went to Otis Kerrick's.

January 30, 1928  Cold.  Not much doing.

January 31, 1928  I cut some stalks and cut wood at woodpile.

February 1, 1928  I cut some wood and some board timber.  Elmer hauled me load of wood.

February 2, 1928  I cut some board timber.  Clear all day.  Groundhog saw its shadow I guess.

February 3, 1928  We gathered load of corn for Mother and hauled in some fodder.

February 4, 1928  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled 4 loads of manure for me.

February 5, 1928  We had lots of company today.  Fenley Masters and family, Virgil Masters and family, Elmer Masters and wife, Mrs. James Lee and family, Dick O'Toole, and Mary Peck.  Rained some.  Turned colder at night.

February 6, 1928  We hauled some manure.  I worked pigs.

February 7, 1928  Rained.  Not much doing.

February 8, 1928  I made stall door in barn.  Rained.

February 9, 1928  Elmer went to Etown after feed.  Henry Peck was here to buy Wheeler's fodder.

February 10, 1928  We was at Elmer's.  Helped him kill pig.

February 11, 1928  We got some wood.  I sharpened hoes for Elmer Hibbs.

February 12, 1928  We was at Virgil Masters'.

February 13, 1928  I worked some in shop.  Rained.

February 14, 1928  Elmer and I worked some in shop.  Rained.

February 15, 1928  Elmer and I hauled two loads of hay and one load of fodder for him.

February 16, 1928  I went to Etown.

February 17, 1928  Light snow this morning.

February 18, 1928  Snow and cold today.

February 19, 1928  Elmer and Mildred was here.  Cold.

February 20, 1928  We got some wood in evening.

February 21, 1928  Elmer and I finished gathering Mother's corn and went to Virgil's and got plow.

February 22, 1928  We began baling straw.  It rained us out and rained rest of day.

February 23, 1928  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.  Sow had pigs.

February 24, 1928  I cut some wood.

February 25, 1928  I cut some wood.

February 26, 1928  We had the preachers at night.

February 27, 1928  I cut some wood in morning.  We hauled load of hay in evening.

February 28, 1928  I helped Elmer take his hogs to Dixie.

February 29, 1928  We hauled stack of hay.  Began snowing in evening.

March 1, 1928  Snow about one inch deep this morning.  We got some wood.

March 2, 1928  We hauled some fodder and load of board timber in morning and boys hauled fodder in evening.  I went to store for Annie in evening.

March 3, 1928  I went to Etown.  Elmer began plowing for corn.

March 4, 1928  We was at Ely Sherrard's.  Rained little.

March 5, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I cut bushes.

March 6, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I cut bushes.

March 7, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I cleared some fence row between Wheeler and myself.

March 8, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I cut some briars.

March 9, 1928  I went to Etown.  Elmer plowed.

March 10, 1928  Elmer plowed in morning and we went to Rogersville in evening.

March 11, 1928  We stayed at home.

March 12, 1928  We planted early potatoes and corn.

March 13, 1928  Rained all day.  I worked some on shed.

March 14, 1928  Boys hauled hay stack.  I finished shed.

March 15, 1928  Elmer hauled me load of wood and hauled him load of fodder.

March 16, 1928  Rained all day.  Snowed at night.

March 17, 1928  We got some wood in morning.  Snowed all evening.

March 18, 1928  We stayed at home today.  Went to church at night.

March 19, 1928  I cut wood.  Elmer hauled manure.

March 20, 1928  Elmer and I went to Etown get corn and feed.

March 21, 1928  We worked in the 8 acre patch cleaning up and plowing.

March 22, 1928  We worked at same.

March 23, 1928  I went to Vine Grove to Owen Bailey's wife's funeral.  Elmer began plowing in bottom for oats.

March 24, 1928  We went to Ed Ash's in evening.  Rained little.

March 25, 1928  We was at Ed Ash's.

March 26, 1928  Boys plowed in bottom for oats.

March 27, 1928  Boys plowed in bottom for same.

March 28, 1928  Elmer plowed.  Virgil went to Etown to get fertilizer and clove and grass seed.

March 29, 1928  We sowed oats in bottom.

March 30, 1928  Sowed some oats in bottom in evening.

March 31, 1928  Elmer disced for oats in morning and sowed oats in evening.  I went to Rogersville in evening for Annie and Elmer.

April 1, 1928  We sent to Sunday School in evening.  H. B. Peck was here.

April 2, 1928  Boys hauled stack of hay.

April 3, 1928  We finished sowing oats in morning and helped Virgil sow oats in evening.

April 4, 1928  We helped Virgil sow oats.  Got done sowing oats.

April 5, 1928  We went to Etown.  Got some corn.  20 bushels.

April 6, 1928  Elmer plowed.  Bessie and I went to the church in evening.

April 7, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I went to Rogersville in evening.  Turned cold.

April 8, 1928  We went to church to Sunday School Easter program.

April 9, 1928  We made some garden.  Elmer plowed.

April 10, 1928  Elmer plowed.  I cut bushes.

April 11, 1928  Elmer and I cut bushes.  Bessie went to Virgil's.

April 12, 1928  I cut bushes.  Elmer plowed.

April 13, 1928  I burnt plant bed.  Elmer plowed for cane at Mother's.  Rained at night.  Big rain.

April 14, 1928  I went to Etown.  Turned cold.  Bertha Williams Logston died at 9 o'clock at night.

April 15, 1928  Cold.  30 this morning.  We went to Sunday School.

April 16, 1928  Bessie and I was at Virgil's.  Elmer went to Etown for corn for me.  Cold.  23 above.

April 17, 1928  We baled our straw.

April 18, 1928  I sold straw to Bobby Worth.

April 19, 1928  Elmer and I hauled some manure.  Elmer bred his cow Murt.

April 20, 1928  I worked clearing on creek bank in evening.  Rained at night.

April 21, 1928  Rained big rain.

April 22, 1928  We was at Mother's and at Sunday School.

April 23, 1928  I went to telephone meeting in evening.

April 24, 1928  I worked on creek cutting brush.

April 25, 1928  I sent my hogs off.  I worked cutting brush on the creek.  13 hogs weighed 2515.  Brought $255.98.  Average 193 1/2.  Brought $19.69 apiece.

April 26, 1928  I worked some on the creek in morning and Elmer and I hauled manure in afternoon.

April 27, 1928  I went to Etown.

April 28, 1928  We went to sale at Mr. Shane's in evening.

April 29, 1928  We went to Sunday School.  Hazel was here at night.

April 30, 1928  Elmer went after fertilizer.  I fixed corn drill and shelled seed corn.

May 1, 1928  Elmer harrowed Virgil and Bob Sherrard hauled stack of hay.  I done jobs.

May 2, 1928  We began planting corn in field next to Wheeler's place.

May 3, 1928  Boys planted corn.  I disced for corn.

May 4, 1928  Boys planted corn in field.  Went to Harl Irwin's.  I harrowed some.

May 5, 1928  Rained.  I went to Etown.

May 6, 1928  We went to Elmer's and to Sunday School.

May 7, 1928  We planted over corn where pigs took up.

May 8, 1928  Elmer disced at Virgil's.  I cut some brush along the creek.

May 9, 1928  We helped Virgil plant corn.

May 10, 1928  Elmer helped Virgil plant corn.  I worked early potatoes.

May 11, 1928  Elmer went to Etown to get fertilizer and feed.  I dressed sticks to put under roofing.

May 12, 1928  I took Annie to Etown.  Cool today.

May 13, 1928  Virgil Masters and family was here.

May 14, 1928  We planted some corn at Mother's in morning.  Boys worked at Virgil's in evening.

May 15, 1928  Rained.  We worked on harrow frame.

May 16, 1928  We helped Virgil plant corn.

May 17, 1928  We helped Virgil plant corn in morning.  Rained big rain in evening.

May 18, 1928  Rained all day.

May 19, 1928  Virgil and I made harrow frame.  Rained in evening.

May 20, 1928  We went to Sunday School and to church.

May 21, 1928 Boys sheared their sheep.  I worked some in shop.

May 22, 1928  Boys took their wool off.  I worked potatoes.

May 23, 1928  Virgil and I worked on harrow in morning.  I replanted corn in evening.  We set some tomatoes.

May 24, 1928  I replanted corn.

May 25, 1928  Replanted some corn.  Rained in evening.

May 26, 1928  I went to Etown.  Rained.

May 27, 1928  We went to Virgil's and to Sunday School.

May 28, 1928  I replanted corn.  Bill Sherrard helped 1/2 day.  Elmer plowed.  Bred the black sow.  New girl at Otis Kerrick's.

May 29, 1928  Ed Ash and John Masters helped me cut two bee trees.  John and his wife was here.  Ed and his wife and three children was here and Elmer and his wife was here.

May 30, 1928  I replanted corn.

May 31, 1928  We finished planting corn.  I sharpened harrow teeth.  Had Dr. Rogers with Bessie.

June 1, 1928  I cut some bushes.  Elmer broke old garden and patch by the house and harrowed corn.

June 2, 1928  I went to Rogersville in evening.  Elmer harrowed corn.  Gertie and children was here.

June 3, 1928  Rained.  Virgil and family was here.

June 4, 1928  Mary Kate Sherrard come to stay this week.  Rained all night.

June 5, 1928  Rained.  I worked some in shop.

June 6, 1928  Ed Ash was here.  We cut bee tree at Mrs. Lee's.  Rained.

June 7, 1928  I was at Virgil's in evening.

June 8, 1928  Elmer harrowed corn in evening.  I picked up some bushes in the corn.  Rained big rain at night.  Creek was on real flood stage.

June 9, 1928  Rained.  I went to Etown.

June 10, 1928  We went to Sunday School and to church at night.  Preacher and wife was here at night.

June 11, 1928  I done some jobs.

June 12, 1928  Elmer and I hauled some hay from Wheeler place.

June 13, 1928  Rained.  Stanley Irwin and I found two bee trees.

June 14, 1928  I got some wood.  Maggie Masters and Sada Blanch was here.

June 15, 1928  I took Claudie and Christine Ash to church to do some cleaning up in the morning and helped Virgil in evening covering his house.

June 16, 1928  I planted cane patch.

June 17, 1928  We was at Mother's and Sunday School.  Rained.

June 18, 1928  I went to Etown.  Saw the stack train.  Big rain this morning.  Creek biggest of the season.

June 19, 1928  Began covering my house.  Elmer Hibbs and Harley Irwin helped in evening.

June 20, 1928  We finished covering the house.  Elmer Hibbs and Virgil and Elmer helped.  Rained.

June 21, 1928  Elmer and me fixed some fence.  Rained.

June 22, 1928  We cut some alfalfa and plowed some corn.

June 23, 1928  We planted corn in field next to Harl Irwin's place.

June 24, 1928  We went to Virgil's and to Sunday School.

June 25, 1928  Went to Mrs. Lee's and got cradle and scythe and cut some bushes.

June 26, 1928  We plowed corn in the evening.  Rained late in evening.

June 27, 1928  I cut some bushes out of corn.

June 28, 1928  Rained big rain.

June 29, 1928  I went to Etown.  Rained.

June 30, 1928  We put up some alfalfa hay.  I killed hoot owl.

July 1, 1928  We was at Elmer's and Sunday School.

July 2, 1928  We plowed corn in field next to Wheeler's place.

July 3, 1928  We plowed corn in field next to Harlie Irwin's place.

July 4, 1928  We plowed corn.  Rained.

July 5, 1928  Rained.  We cut some bushes.

July 6, 1928  Rained Elmer went to Etown.  We thinned and cleared out some corn.

July 7, 1928  We planted corn at Mother's.

July 8, 1928  Rained little.  We was at Sunday School.

July 9, 1928  We plowed some corn and planted some corn and potatoes.  Bob Sherrard helped.  Rained.

July 10, 1928  We plowed some corn and harrowed some cane and planted some late corn and watermelons.

July 11, 1928  I went to Etown.  Rained big one in evening.

July 12, 1928  We began cutting oats.  Rained big one in evening and at night.

July 13, 1928  Rained in morning.

July 14, 1928  We helped Virgil cut oats.

July 15, 1928  We went to Sunday School in evening and to church at night.

July 16, 1928  We cut oats in bottom.

July 17, 1928  Boys helped Lee's cut oats.  Bob and I finished cutting ours.

July 18, 1928  I went to Etown.  Boys helped Lee's finish cutting oats.  Planted our late potatoes.

July 19, 1928  We cut and shocked hay.  I sent cow and calf off.  Brought $75.95.

July 20, 1928  We cut and shocked hay.

July 21, 1928  We cut and stacked some hay and shocked some hay.  Rained light rain.

July 22, 1928  Virgil and Elmer and their folks was here.  We all went to Sunday School.  Rained good shower.

July 23, 1928  We cut and put up hay.

July 24, 1928  We cut and put up hay.

July 25, 1928  We put up hay.

July 26, 1928  We helped Virgil put up hay.  Cleaned off church yard.  Rained.

July 27, 1928  We hauled Virgil put up hay.

July 28, 1928  I went to Etown.

July 29, 1928  We went to Children's Day at Sycamore Church.  Big crowd.

July 30, 1928  I helped put up hog at Virgil's in evening.

July 31, 1928  We helped Virgil finish his hay.

August 1, 1928  Rained little.  We fixed road to the bottom so we could get our oats out.

August 2, 1928  Boys stacked oats for Elmer and me.  Bob and I plowed cane.

August 3, 1928  Boys stacked oats in morning.  Bob harrowed cane patch at Mother's.  I killed hawk.

August 4, 1928  Elmer and Bob went to Etown.

August 5, 1928  Rained shower.  We went to Sunday School.

August 6, 1928  Bessie and I went to Etown.

August 7, 1928  Elmer cut some alfalfa.  Rained little in evening.

August 8, 1928  I done some jobs.

August 9, 1928  Boys hauled marl.  I hoed some potatoes.

August 10, 1928  We cut some wood to thresh with.

August 11, 1928  I was at Mother's.

August 12, 1928  Mother died this evening at 10 minutes to 5 o'clock.

August 13, 1928  I was at Etown and at Mother's.

August 14, 1928  Mother was buried at Sycamore Church.

August 15, 1928  We threshed our oats.  Had 269 bushels.  I stayed at Virgil's at night.

August 16, 1928  We met at Mother's place to see about the business of her estate.

August 17, 1928  We baled straw.  Rained good shower at night.

August 18, 1928  I was at Etown.  Qualified as administrator of Mother's estate.  Rained.

August 19, 1928  I was at Virgil's at church.

August 20, 1928  I went to Etown to have sale bills struck.

August 21, 1928  We baled straw for Virgil.

August 22, 1928  We worked late potatoes and I went to Rogersville to post sale bills.

August 23, 1928  I went to Etown.  Took some peaches.

August 24, 1928  I helped Virgil dig cistern.

August 25, 1928  I helped Virgil in cistern.

August 26, 1928  I was at S. B. Williams and at Sunday School.

August 27, 1928  We helped thresh at Lee's.

August 28, 1928  We appraised the property at Mother's place.

August 29, 1928  We sold the property at Mother's place.

August 30, 1928  Rained.  Annie and I counted up the amount of sale bill.

August 31, 1928  I went to Etown and took the appraisement bill and sale bill.

September 1, 1928  I stayed at Virgil's with Bessie.

September 2, 1928  We was at Elmer's and at Sunday School.

September 3, 1928  I went to Vine Grove.

September 4, 1928  I went to Vine Grove.

September 5, 1928  I went to Etown.

September 6, 1928  We put up some hay.

September 7, 1928  We dug some potatoes and cut and stacked some hay.

September 8, 1928  I took Bessie to see the doctor at Etown.  Boys hauled hay out of bottom.

September 9, 1928  I was at Virgil's and at Sunday School.

September 10, 1928  We began cutting corn.

September 11, 1928  We cut corn.

September 12, 1928  I went to Etown.  Boys cut corn.

September 13, 1928  I built flue for Maggie Masters.  Boys cut corn.

September 14, 1928  I built flue for same.  Boys cut corn.

September 15, 1928  I built flue for Maggie Masters.  Boys cut corn.

September 16, 1928  I was at Sunday School.  Boys cut corn.

September 17, 1928  We cut corn.

September 18, 1928  We helped cut corn at Virgil's.

September 19, 1928  We cut corn.

September 20, 1928  We cut corn in morning and helped cut corn for Bluford Bewley in evening.

September 21, 1928  We cut corn.

September 22, 1928  We helped Virgil cut corn.

September 23, 1928  I was at Barnie Day's.  Went to town and brought Bro. Toles out.

September 24, 1928  I cut some corn.

September 25, 1928  I took some peaches and apples to Etown.

September 26, 1928  We hauled Elmer some corn and cut some fodder.

September 27, 1928  We cut and hauled in some fodder.  Rained.

September 28, 1928  We cut our cane.

September 29, 1928  Rained.  Not much doing.

September 30, 1928  I went to church and to Ely Sherrard's for dinner.

October 1, 1928  Gathered corn and picked apples.

October 2, 1928  We picked apples.  Elmer helped Virgil.

October 3, 1928  We picked apples.  Elmer helped Virgil.

October 4, 1928  Boys cut logs.  I went to Louisville with Horace Masters with load of hogs.

October 5, 1928  Rained.  Elmer and Mildred went to Etown.

October 6, 1928  We took Bessie to Louisville to hospital.

October 7, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.

October 8, 1928  I come home from Louisville.

October 9, 1928  We picked apples in morning.  Moved my hogs in evening and brought some of my things to Elmer's.

October 10, 1928  I went to Louisville.  Boys hauled logs.

October 11, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer went to Etown.

October 12, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer, Virgil and Gertie went to see Bessie.

October 13, 1928  Virgil helped Elmer cover his house.

October 14, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer and Mildred went home.

October 15, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Virgil and Bob helped Elmer finish covering his house.

October 16, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer took apples to Horace.

October 17, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer went to Etown.

October 18, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Boys cut logs.

October 19, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer got in corn.

October 20, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer got in feed.

October 21, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Virgil and Gertie was here.

October 22, 1928  I came back from Louisville.  Boys hauled logs.  Rained.

October 23, 1928  Rained in morning.  Boys hauled logs in evening.

October 24, 1928  I went to Etown.  Boys hauled logs.

October 25, 1928  Cut and hauled logs.

October 26, 1928  Me and Elmer went to Louisville to see Bessie.

October 27, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Rained.

October 28, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer and Mildred went home.

October 29, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer gathered corn.

October 30, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer hauled bridge flooring.

October 31, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer finished hauling logs and bridge flooring.

November 1, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.  Elmer went to Etown.

November 2, 1928  I stayed in Louisville.  Elmer hauled load of pumpkins.  Rained.

November 3, 1928  I stayed in Louisville.  Elmer hauled lumber.

November 4, 1928  I stayed at Louisville.

November 5, 1928  I came home from Louisville.  Elmer gathered corn.

November 6, 1928  We went to Etown in the morning.  Fixed the wagon in evening.

November 7, 1928  We gathered corn.  I went to Etown in evening and stayed at night with Virgil.  Rained at night.

November 8, 1928  We gathered corn.

November 9, 1928  We gathered corn.  I took Claudia to Etown in evening to have her tooth pulled.  Rained.

November 10, 1928  I went to Louisville.  Elmer jobbed.  Rained.

November 11, 1928  I stayed in Louisville.  Virgil stayed all day at Elmer's.

November 12, 1928  I came home from Louisville.  Elmer gathered corn.

November 13, 1928  I went to Etown.  Elmer gathered corn.

November 14, 1928  I helped Virgil on his house.  Elmer gathered corn.  Stayed at night with Virgil.

November 15, 1928  I went to Louisville.  Elmer jobbed around.

November 16, 1928  We brought Bessie home from hospital.  Elmer dug some late potatoes.

November 17, 1928  We finished digging our late potatoes.  Rained.

November 18, 1928  I went to Virgil's in evening and to church at Sycamore at night.  Rained.

November 19, 1928  Rained in morning.  Worked on Elmer's barn in evening.  Bred red heifer.

November 20, 1928  Snowed.  We worked on Elmer's barn.

November 21, 1928  I went to Etown.  Elmer hauled boards and manure.

November 22, 1928  I went to Virgil's.  Big girl at Elmer's.

November 23, 1928  I worked on warm house.  Elmer hauled sawdust.  Alton Crutcher has a big girl.

November 24, 1928  Elmer went after Annie and we covered warm house.

November 25, 1928  I went to Virgil's.  Virgil, Gertie, Alton, Louise, Elmer and Minnie Hibbs were at Elmer's.

November 26, 1928  We put apples in warm house and helped Eli kill hogs in evening.

November 27, 1928  Annie and I went to Vine Grove to Murt Hays' funeral and Elmer went to Etown.

November 28, 1928  I went to Kerrick's.  Elmer went to Si Hobbs' and Fred Wetterer's.  Rained.

November 29, 1928  We done jobs.  Rained.

November 30, 1928  We helped Virgil.

December 1, 1928  We fixed corn stalls.

December 2, 1928  I went to Virgil's.

December 3, 1928  I took my hogs to Louisville.  Eli and Bob helped gather corn.

December 4, 1928  I come home from Horace's.  Elmer gathered corn.  Rained.

December 5, 1928  We set up fodder in morning.  Helped Virgil kill hogs in evening.

December 6, 1928  We gathered corn.

December 7, 1928  We gathered corn.  Bob helped.

December 8, 1928  We set up some fodder.

December 9, 1928  Me and Annie went to Lizzie's.  Elmer and Mildred went to Virgil's.

December 10, 1928  Elmer helped to move Annie out to Mag's.

December 11, 1928  We gathered corn.  Bob helped.

December 12, 1928  We went to Etown.  Rained all day.

December 13, 1928  Rained.  Nothing doing.

December 14, 1928  We went to Virgil's.

December 15, 1928  We got wood.

December 16, 1928  I went to Virgil's.

December 17, 1928  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.

December 18, 1928  We helped Virgil kill hogs.

December 19, 1928  Elmer went to town and we got some wood.

December 20, 1928  We killed hog at Elmer's.

December 21, 1928  I went to Virgil's.  Elmer rendered up their lard.  Elsie had calf.

December 22, 1928  I was at Virgil's.  Elmer got wood.

December 23, 1928  We all went to Virgil's.

December 24, 1928  We hauled in cane, fodder, wood, and some manure.

December 25, 1928  We went to Virgil's.

December 26, 1928  Elmer went to Etown.  I fixed my harness and went hunting.  Mildred and Wilma Lois went home.

December 27, 1928  We hauled some fodder and fixed the sheep's shed.

December 28, 1928  Elmer hauled manure.  I worked on sheep's shed.  Lethia, Bill and Jack Sherrard, Sophie Katzman and Bud was here.

December 29, 1928  We gathered load of corn.

December 30, 1928  I went to Virgil's.

December 31, 1928  We gathered corn.  Otis Kerrick and Bob Sherrard helped.  Rained.