January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1927  Elmer and I went to John Masters'.  Ben Day is here.

January 2, 1927  We was at Fenley Masters' today.

January 3, 1927  Boys hauled cane.  I made bolster for hay frame and cut some wood.

January 4, 1927  Boys hauled cane in morning.

January 5, 1927  We gathered load of corn in morning and got wood in the evening.

January 6, 1927  Boys went to Etown and got some feed crushed.

January 7, 1927  We gathered load of corn and hauled in some fodder.

January 8, 1927  We gathered 3 loads of corn.

January 9, 1927  Snowed.  Logston moved to the Sims' place.

January 10, 1927  We got load of wood for Mother.

January 11, 1927  We hauled some manure and got some wood.

January 12, 1927  We done some jobs.  7 above zero.

January 13, 1927  I went to W. T. Peck's.  Rained.

January 14, 1927  We cut some wood for Mother and hauled load of straw for Virgil.  Cold and windy.  Wilber Fox, Charlie Peck, and Roy Fox was here at night.

January 15, 1927  5 below zero.  We got some wood for Mother.

January 16, 1927  We stayed at home.  Turned warmer.

January 17, 1927  We gathered load of corn and hauled some manure.

January 18, 1927  Rained all day.  I made ax handle and singletree.

January 19, 1927  I made ax handles and singletree.  Rained all day.

January 20, 1927  Elmer and I went to Etown.  Rained all day.

January 21, 1927  Rained and thundered.  We marked some pigs.

January 22, 1927  Still it rains.  Nothing doing.

January 23, 1927  Ben Day died at 5 o'clock.  Rained.

January 24, 1927  We went to Ben Day's funeral at Sycamore.  Jeff Day came in today.

January 25, 1927  We all went to Virgil's and spent the day.  Jeff Day was with us.

January 26, 1927  We went to Andrew Atcher's.  Jeff Day was with us.

January 27, 1927  We was at Mother's.

January 28, 1927  I took Jeff Day to Wm. T. Peck's.  Rained.

January 29, 1927  We got some wood and made singletrees for buggy tongue.

January 30, 1927  We was at Virgil's.  Elmer Hibbs and wife was there.

January 31, 1927  We went to Mrs. Lee's and got some corn crushed.

February 1, 1927  Boys went to Etown.  Got dry feed.  Alfred Williams come here this morning.  Rained in evening.

February 2, 1927  Groundhog saw his shadow.  Not much doing.

February 3, 1927  Boys hauled cane and fodder.  I cleared some and we got some wood.

February 4, 1927  We got wood for Mother.  Rained little in evening.

February 5, 1927  We cleared.  Elmer got pig from Virgil.  Rained little.

February 6, 1927  Rained in morning.  We stayed at home.  Old Mable had calf.

February 7, 1927  We cleared today in old field.

February 8, 1927  We gathered 4 loads of corn.  Logston helped us all day.  Hugh and Will Lee helped in evening.

February 9, 1927  Boys gathered 4 loads of corn.  The Lee boy helped.  Tom Fig died.

February 10, 1927  Boys hauled in the last load of our cane.  Snowed today.  Tom Sherrard died.

February 11, 1927  Boys went to Etown.

February 12, 1927  I went to Etown.  Virgil's sow found pigs.

February 13, 1927  Rained.  We stayed at home.

February 14, 1927  I was sick.  The boys grubbed some.

February 15, 1927  The boys hauled in haystack in morning.  Had Dr. Rogers with me in afternoon.  Gertie and children were here.  We sold George and Pat to Henry Peck.

February 16, 1927  The boys gathered load of corn in morning and drug the roads in afternoon.  Buck Williams was here to see me in morning.

February 17, 1927  Boys gathered load of corn.  Elmer bought a mule from Stanley Irwin.

February 18, 1927  Rained and snowed all day.

February 19, 1927  Snowed most all day and night.

February 20, 1927  Snowed most all day.  About 3 1/2 inches snow.

February 21, 1927  Boys went to Etown to get some feed.  J. D. Nall was here.

February 22, 1927  Rained.  H. T. Shelton was here this morning.

February 23, 1927  Boys worked making hog house.  Elmer took calf to Dixie for Annie Masters.  Fair today.

February 24, 1927  Boys worked on hog house in morning and we gathered load of corn in evening.  Fair today.

February 25, 1927  Boys finished hog house in morning and hauled wood the rest of the day.

February 26, 1927  I went to Henry Masters'.  Boys gathered a load of corn at other place.

February 27, 1927  We was at Mother's and at church at night.  Bro. Nichols was here at night.  Henry Stovall and family come by here and went to see the old place where he was born.

February 28, 1927  We got load of wood for Mother.

March 1, 1927  Snowed and blowed all day.  I went to telephone meeting at A. N. Garner's.  Red sow found 7 pigs.

March 2, 1927  I was at S. B. Williams' in evening.  Cold.  18 above.

March 3, 1927  Cold.  14 above.  Boys hauled stack of hay from other place in morning and cut posts at Stan Irwin's in evening.

March 4, 1927  We hauled two load of posts from Stan Irwin's.

March 5, 1927  We got two loads of posts from Stan's in the morning and done jobs in the evening.  Rained in evening and at night.  Henry Masters went to the Deaconess Hospital.

March 6, 1927  We stayed at home.

March 7, 1927  Rained all day.  Elmer went to Henry Masters in evening.  The white sow found 8 pigs.

March 8, 1927  We finished cutting and hauling posts from Stan Irwin's and cut our posts the right lengths.  We got 150 posts.

March 9, 1927  We all went to Etown.

March 10, 1927  We worked at Mother's.  Boys hauled manure.  I grubbed.

March 11, 1927  Boys scraped out ditch and we got some wood.

March 12, 1927  Rained.  Nothing doing.

March 13, 1927  We stayed at home.  Logston's folks was here in evening.  Rained.

March 14, 1927  We got wood for Mother.  Alfred Williams is here tonight.

March 15, 1927  Boys hauled in stack of hay.  I done jobs.

March 16, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys began plowing at Mother's.

March 17, 1927  Rained.  Elmer helped Ely Sherrard move.  Virgil plowed at Mother's in the evening.

March 18, 1927  Rained big rain.  I worked in shop.  Boys helped Harl Irwin hang gate and fix fence.

March 19, 1927  We sealed the shed and trimmed some fruit trees in morning and went to Rogersville in evening.  Elmer moved load for Ely Sherrard.

March 20, 1927  Rained all day.  Bessie and I went to Mr. Kerrick's in the evening.

March 21, 1927  Elmer and I went to Henry Masters'.

March 22, 1927  Boys took calves to Dixie in the morning and we fixed some fence around bottom field in evening.

March 23, 1927  We worked on fence between us and Wheeler.  Got calf check for $23.29.  Weighed 200 pounds.

March 24, 1927  We moved our hogs to the bottom in the morning and cut stalks off the wheat in evening.

March 25, 1927  We went to Etown.

March 26, 1927  Elmer plowed.  Virgil and I cleaned up some at Mother's in morning and went to Rogersville in evening.

March 27, 1927  Bessie and I went to Ely Sherrard's.

March 28, 1927  Boys plowed and disced.  Had the doctor with Mother.

March 29, 1927  Virgil went to Etown to get fertilizer.  Elmer disced for oats at Mother's.

March 30, 1927  We sowed oats at Mother's.  Rained big rain at night.

March 31, 1927  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.

April 1, 1927  Elmer and Bessie went to Etown.  I cut some stalks off the wheat.

April 2, 1927  We finished cutting stalks off the wheat in morning and I went to Rogersville in evening.  Claudie and Mildred Sherrard was here at night.

April 3, 1927  We went to church at night.  The Preacher came home with us.

April 4, 1927  We cleaned off the orchard and sowed it to grass.

April 5, 1927  Rained.  Elmer bred his jersey cow.  We worked in clearing in the evening.

April 6, 1927  We sowed red clover and sweet clover.  Elmer broke the wagon down and we worked fitting the wheel.

April 7, 1927  Boys hauled load of hay in morning.  I finished wheel.  We planted potatoes in evening.  Rained at night.

April 8, 1927  Boys hauled manure.  I worked some in shop and went to Henry Masters'.  Rained at night.

April 9, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys cleared some in old field.  Rained in evening late.

April 10, 1927  We went to Sunday School at Sycamore.

April 11, 1927  I went to Otis Kerrick's to show him how to sow oats and helped him doctor sow.  Boys hauled manure.

April 12, 1927  I burnt plant bed in morning.  We finished sowing oats in evening.

April 13, 1927  The heifer with a spot on her forehead was bred today.  Rained.  We made hog trough.

April 14, 1927  I put tongue on wagon.  Boys fixed fence at Mother's.

April 15, 1927  Elmer and I cleared in dogwood patch.  Mrs. Nannie Hobbs died.

April 16, 1927  Rained in morning.  I went to the other place in evening.

April 17, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

April 18, 1927  Rained.  We worked in dogwoods in evening.

April 19, 1927  Boys hauled hay stack.  I piled and burnt brush in old field.

April 20, 1927  Virgil and I gathered load of corn at other place in morning.  Fixed some fence in evening.  Elmer plowed at Mother's.

April 21, 1927  Elmer plowed some.  Rained.

April 22, 1927  Boys plowed at Mother's.  I cleaned fence row.  Cold 26 above.

April 23, 1927  Cold.  25 above.  The jersey heifer was bred.  Bessie and I went to Etown.  Boys gathered 2 loads of corn at other place.

April 24, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

April 25, 1927  Elmer began plowing in the bottom.  The farm agent was here to castrate lambs.

April 26, 1927  Elmer plowed in bottom.  We made garden.

April 27, 1927  Elmer plowed in bottom.  Virgil began discing for alfalfa.

April 28, 1927  Elmer plowed.  Virgil disced.  I was at Henry Masters'.

April 29, 1927  Elmer and I went to Etown.  Rained and wind.  Big wind storm in Louisville.

April 30, 1927  I went to Rogersville in evening.  Virgil sold Si Hobbs a cow and bought boar from him.

May 1, 1927  Bob and Mildred Sherrard was here.  We went to Sunday School.

May 2, 1927  Boys plowed and dragged ground in the bottom.  Alfred Williams was here at night.

May 3, 1927  We sowed some alfalfa.  Charlie Peck come in evening to take our hogs off.  Rained in evening.

May 4, 1927  We sent our hogs off today.  I worked some in shop.  We fixed some fence in evening.

May 5, 1927  The white sow was bred.  We plowed and hauled wood in dogwood patch in morning and sowed some alfalfa in evening.  Rained in evening.

May 6, 1927  Rained little.  We all went to Etown to see the livestock demonstration.

May 7, 1927  I went to Rogersville and to W. O. Shelton's.  Boys hauled some manure.

May 8, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

May 9, 1927  I went to Lizzie Cowley's to get some seed corn.  Boys sheared their sheep.

May 10, 1927  I went to Henry Masters'.  Boys hauled manure.

May 11, 1927  Elmer went to Etown after fertilizer.  Virgil plowed in dogwood patch in morning and harrowed at Mother's in evening.

May 12, 1927  Boys harrowed at Mother's.  I shelled seed corn and worked potatoes.

May 13, 1927  We began planting corn at Mother's.  Rained in evening.

May 14, 1927  I went to Etown.

May 15, 1927  We sent to Sunday School.

May 16, 1927  Boys plowed some in dogwood patch.

May 17, 1927  We planted corn at Mother's.

May 18, 1927  We planted corn little while and it rained us out.  We cut bushes out of oats in evening.  J. C. Cowley died.

May 19, 1927  We cut bushes out of oats.

May 20, 1927  Boys plowed in morning and harrowed in evening.  I sharpended harrow teeth in morning.  I went to J. C. Cowley's funeral.

May 21, 1927  Boys harrowed in bottom in morning and finished planting corn at Mother's in evening.  I plowed potatoes and went to Rogersville.

May 22, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

May 23, 1927  We planted corn in bottom.  Rained late in evening.

May 24, 1927  Boys hauled manure.  I went to Henry Masters'.  Rained.

May 25, 1927  Wet today.  We shelled some seed corn for Mr. Kerrick in morning and went to other place in evening.

May 26, 1927  Boys hauled manure.  I done jobs.

May 27, 1927  Boys plowed in dogwood patch.  I cut some bushes.  Jack Sherrard was here.  Rained big rain at night.

May 28, 1927  Elmer and I went to sale at Hilery Sherrard's place.  We bought cow.  Rained.

May 29, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

May 30, 1927  Rained.  I went to Etown.  Boys hauled load of hay.

May 31, 1927  We worked at the church.  Boys took calf to Dixie.  Rained in morning.

June 1, 1927  We worked at the church.  Rained little in morning.  D. B. Sims died at 5 o'clock this morning.

June 2, 1927  Rained.  Boys went to Etown.  I mowed some weeds.

June 3, 1927  We went to Etown to D. B. Sims' burying.  Rained.

June 4, 1927  Rained.  Boys hauled some manure.  I cut some weeds.

June 5, 1927  I went to Henry Masters'.  Took Annie and we went to church at night.  Preacher was here in evening.

June 6, 1927  Rained.  We replanted some corn.  Boys harrowed.

June 7, 1927  Boys planted cane in evening.

June 8, 1927  We sowed some soy beans.

June 9, 1927  We planted corn in bottom.

June 10, 1927  Planted some corn bottom and some in old field.  Elmer harrowed at Mother's in evening.  Rained late in evening.

June 11, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys harrowed corn and planted some can.

June 12, 1927  We had company.  Ely Sherrard's family and Virgil Masters' folks was here.

June 13, 1927  We planted some corn in bottom in morning and boys harrowed corn at Mother's in evening.  Rained little.

June 14, 1927  I went to Rogersville and we moved the binder on the hill in the evening.  Rained in morning.

June 15, 1927  We cut wheat at other place.

June 16, 1927  We plowed at other place.

June 17, 1927  Boys plowed at the other place.  I shelled some seed corn and worked some in shop.  Rained some in evening and at night.

June 18, 1927  I was at Henry Masters'.  Elmer went to Etown.

June 19, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

June 20, 1927  We cut wheat.  Nan Williams died.

June 21, 1927  We finished cutting wheat in morning and moved the binder to Mrs. Lee's.  Rained.

June 22, 1927  We cut some wheat for Mrs. Lee.  Rained big rain.

June 23, 1927  Boys finished helping cut wheat at Mrs. Lee's this morning.

June 24, 1927  Annie and I went to see Henry Masters.  Elmer went to Etown to get feed.  Virgil plowed corn at Mother's in evening.

June 25, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys plowed corn at Mothers'.  Rained at night.

June 26, 1927  We went to Virgil's and to Sunday School.

June 27, 1927  Annie and I went to Hnery Masters'.  Boys cut oats at other place.

June 28, 1927  We planted corn at other place.  Henry Masters died at 5:28 o'clock today.

June 29, 1927  I went to Henry's this morning.  We went to Henry's funeral.

June 30, 1927  We planted some corn and potatoes at other place.  Hot today.

July 1, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys plowed corn at Mother's.  Hot.

July 2, 1927  Boys plowed corn at Mother's in morning.  Rained big rain at noon.

July 3, 1927  We went to Sunday School and to church at night.  The Preacher and his wife was here for supper.

July 4, 1927  Boys harrowed cane and plowed corn.  Bob Sherrard helped.

July 5, 1927  Boys stacked wheat and plowed some corn.  Bob helped.

July 6, 1927  Boys stacked wheat and plowed corn.  Bob helped.

July 7, 1927  We cut our oats at Mother's.

July 8, 1927  Boys stacked wheat and plowed corn.  I went to Etown.  Cool today.

July 9, 1927  We planted late potatoes.

July 10, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

July 11, 1927  We cut and put up our alfalfa.

July 12, 1927  We worked in hay at other place.

July 13, 1927  We worked in hay at other place.  Alfred helped.

July 14, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys worked in hay at other place.  Bob helped.

July 15, 1927  Boys worked in hay.  Elmer plowed corn in the bottom in morning.  Rained at noon.  Boys plowed some cane and corn late in evening.

July 16, 1927  Elmer and Bob plowed some corn and cane in evening.  Rained at noon and evening.

July 17, 1927  We went to Sunday School.  Bred Nellie.

July 18, 1927  We worked corn and potatoes at other place and went to quarterly meeting at Sycamore at night.

July 19, 1927  Elmer and Bob helped thresh at Irwin's.  Virgil plowed some in bottom.  New girl at Homer Logston's.

July 20, 1927  We worked in hay.  I went to Etown.

July 21, 1927  We worked in hay.  Alfred helped breed spotted heifer.

July 22, 1927  We worked in hay in morning.  Elmer plowed corn.

July 23, 1927  We done jobs.  I killed chicken hawk.

July 24, 1927  We went to Cedar Creek to Children's Day.

July 25, 1927  We cut hay at other place.

July 26, 1927  We stacked hay and oats.  I went to town.

July 27, 1927  We cut threshing wood and finished stacking oats.

July 28, 1927  We helped thresh at Harl Irwin's and S. B. Williams' and done our threshing.  We had 159 bushels oats and 166 bushels wheat.

July 29, 1927  Boys took two loads of wheat to Etown.

July 30, 1927  Rained good rain today.

July 31, 1927  Rained.  We went to Sunday School.

August 1, 1927  Boys took two loads of wheat to Etown.  I went to Etown.

August 2, 1927  We cut and put up hay and plowed corn and worked potatoes.

August 3, 1927  Rained. Elmer bought two calves from Atwood Houston.

August 4, 1927  We worked in corn and potatoes and hay.

August 5, 1927  We finished putting up hay.

August 6, 1927  We went to Etown.

August 7, 1927  We went to Sunday School.  William Hibbs died.

August 8, 1927  I went to William Hibbs' burying.  We worked late potatoes.  Bred Wetterer cow.

August 9, 1927  We worked corn and potatoes at other place.

August 10, 1927  Boys went to Etown.  Got new crosscut saw.

August 11, 1927  Boys cut logs.

August 12, 1927  Boys cut logs.  I went to Etown.

August 13, 1927  We fixed log wagon and done jobs.  Rained late in evening.

August 14, 1927  We went to Sunday School convention at Tunnel Hill in evening.  Rained.

August 15, 1927  Boys cut and drug out logs.  Herby Masters shot his arm off.

August 16, 1927  Boys hauled logs.  Jess Cowley helped.  We cut some logs.

August 17, 1927  Rained.  Boys took bull to James Kennedy's and got cow.

August 18, 1927  We cut logs.  Rained little.

August 19, 1927  I went to Etown.  We went 15 hogs off.  Brought $291.11.  Boys hauled logs.

August 20, 1927  Boys hauled logs and cut logs.

August 21, 1927  We went to Sunday School at Sycamore.

August 22, 1927  Onie Day and his boys and Rob and Barney Day was at Mother's.  Bessie and I were over there.  We went hunting.

August 23, 1927  We cut and hauled logs.

August 24, 1927  Boys hauled lumber.  I helped.

August 25, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys hauled lumber.

August 26, 1927  Boys hauled logs.  I helped cut roads.

August 27, 1927  We fixed the log wagon and done some jobs.

August 28, 1927  We went to Sunday School.  The young white sow found 9 pigs.

August 29, 1927  We cut and hauled logs.

August 30, 1927  Bessie and I went to Rineyville to see the doctor for her.  Harlie Irwin took us.  Boys stacked lumber.

August 31, 1927  Dr. Smith and I went hunting.  Boys hauled some lumber.

September 1, 1927  I went to Etown.

September 2, 1927  We worked in hay in alfalfa patch.

September 3, 1927  I went to Etown.  Boys put up some crabgrass hay.  Rained in evening.

September 4, 1927  We went to Sunday School and to church at night.

September 5, 1927  We began work on Virgil's barn.  Brother Toles was here at night.

September 6, 1927  We worked on barn.  Preacher was here.

September 7, 1927  We worked on barn.  Preacher was here.

September 8, 1927  Rained in morning.  We worked in evening.

September 9, 1927  Bessie went to see Dr. Rogers.  We worked on Virgil's barn.

September 10, 1927  We raised frame of barn for Virgil.

September 11, 1927  We went to church at Sycamore.  Preacher was here.

September 12, 1927  We worked on Virgil's barn.

September 13, 1927  We began boring well.  Roy Nett on the job.

September 14, 1927  We worked on well.  Elmer cut soybeans.

September 15, 1927  We got done boring well.

September 16, 1927  We helped Virgil on barn.  Virgil began boring well.

September 17, 1927  We helped Virgil on barn.

September 18, 1927  We went to Eli Sherrard's and to Sunday School.

September 19, 1927  We helped Virgil on barn.

September 20, 1927  We helped Virgil.

September 21, 1927  Frost this morning.  Elmer hauled in soybeans for Virgil.  Logston helped.

September 22, 1927  Boys went to Nett's and got two calves.  I went to Etown.

September 23, 1927  Boys cut corn.  Lee's boys got hay press.

September 24, 1927  Boys finished cutting corn at Mother's.  Bessie and I went to Etown.

September 25, 1927  We went to Sunday School.

September 26, 1927  Boys hauled logs.

September 27, 1927  Boys hauled logs.

September 28, 1927  Rained good rain.

September 29, 1927  Rained.  We went to other place and got cedar logs.

September 30, 1927  Rained in morning.  Elmer and I went to Etown to the agriculture fair.

October 1, 1927  Elmer went to Etown to school fair.  I done jobs.

October 2, 1927  We stayed at home went to church at night.  Bro. Nichols come home with us and spent the night.

October 3, 1927  We helped Virgil.  Rained.

October 4, 1927  I went to Etown.  Elmer disced for wheat.

October 5, 1927  Elmer went to Etown after fertilizer and we helped in some pumpkins.

October 6, 1927  Elmer sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 7, 1927  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.

October 8, 1927  Elmer went to Etown.

October 9, 1927  We was at Maggie Masters'.

October 10, 1927  Boys cut tops in bottom.

October 11, 1927  Boys sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 12, 1927  Rained.

October 13, 1927  We cut cane.

October 14, 1927  Elmer sowed wheat.  Alfred cut cane and I went to Etown.

October 15, 1927  We cut cane.

October 16, 1927  We went to John Masters'.

October 17, 1927  Boys finished cutting cane.

October 18, 1927  We cut corn.

October 19, 1927  We went to Bro. Nichols to Elmer's wedding.  Robert Viers died.

October 20, 1927  We cut some corn and helped Virgil on his house.

October 21, 1927  We helped on Virgil's house.

October 22, 1927  We helped on Virgil's house.

October 23, 1927  We went to Jess Cowley's.  Elmer and Mildred went to Maggie Masters'.

October 24, 1927  I went to Etown.  Elmer helped Virgil on house.

October 25, 1927  We helped Virgil.

October 26, 1927  We helped Virgil.

October 27, 1927  We got load of feed and wood and done jobs.

October 28, 1927  We went to Robert Viers' sale at Etown.

October 29, 1927  We went to Etown and got Elmer's stuff he bought at sale.

October 30, 1927  We was at Virgil Masters'.

October 31, 1927  I helped Virgil on his house.

November 1, 1927  We cut logs for Elmer and I bred the black sow.

November 2, 1927  Rained.  We hauled logs in evening.

November 3, 1927  We hauled logs.

November 4, 1927  Elmer went to Etown.  I helped Virgil on house.

November 5, 1927  We worked on wagon bed and went to singing at night.  Bred Elmer's sow.

November 6, 1927  We went to church at night.  Cold.  First real biting frost.

November 7, 1927  We got 2 loads of wood and hauled load of fodder and corn from other place.  Snowed, sleeted, and rained.

November 8, 1927  We went to Etown to election.  Misted rain all day.

November 9, 1927  We helped Virgil in evening.

November 10, 1927  We helped Virgil on house.

November 11, 1927  We helped Virgil on house.  He began plastering.

November 12, 1927  I went to Etown.  Elmer helped Virgil.

November 13, 1927  John Nall's house burned.  I was at Mother's.

November 14, 1927  We dug our late potatoes.

November 15, 1927  I worked on wagon box.  Rained in evening.

November 16, 1927  Rained.  We worked on wagon box.

November 17, 1927  Snowed.  We worked in shop.  Finished wagon box and got in some cane and wood.

November 18, 1927  I helped Homer Logston kill hogs.  Bessie come home from Mrs. Day's.

November 19, 1927  We changed our hogs.  Boys got in some corn.

November 20, 1927  Virgil's folks and Logston's women and kids was here.

November 21, 1927  I helped Otis Kerrick make boards.  Elmer helped John Nall haul logs.

November 22, 1927  I helped Kerrick.  Elmer helped Nall do same.

November 23, 1927  I went to Etown.

November 24, 1927  We hauled lumber from mill.

November 25, 1927  Elmer went to Etown I was at home.

November 26, 1927  We gathered 3 loads of corn.

November 27, 1927  We stayed at home in morning and was at Logston's in evening.

November 28, 1927  Elmer and Virgil moved today.

November 29, 1927  I went to Etown.  Rained little about dark.  I got new rifle.  Aunt Margaret Pfeiffer died.

November 30, 1927  We gathered two loads of corn in morning.  Rained and turned colder in evening.

December 1, 1927  Elmer and I went to Aunt Margaret's funeral.

December 2, 1927  Boys hauled two loads of cane and we gathered load of corn for Mother.

December 3, 1927  We gathered 4 loads of corn in the bottom.

December 4, 1927  Elmer Hibbs and wife was here.

December 5, 1927  Boys gathered load of corn.

December 6, 1927  We surveyed the Wm. Peck place for Virgil.

December 7, 1927  We surveyed the place that Elmer got from me and made my deed and the boy's deeds to our places.  Rained some today.

December 8, 1927  Elmer got some wood for himself and me.

December 9, 1927  Elmer got in some cane and hauled load of saw dust for my warm house.  Hazel come in evening.  Still cold.

December 10, 1927  Boys gathered corn.  Got two loads.

December 11, 1927  Rained all day.  We was at S. B. Williams'.

December 12, 1927  Rained all day.  Not much doing.

December 13, 1927  Elmer and I went to Bickson sale.  Rained.

December 14, 1927  We fixed road and got in some cane.  James Bogard died.  Bud Shelton died and George Tanner got killed.

December 15, 1927  Rained all day.

December 16, 1927  Cold.  I cut some wood.

December 17, 1927  We got same.  Cold today.  Jess Swarts got killed by a train at Colesburg.

December 18, 1927  I went to Etown after Bro. Nichols.

December 19, 1927  We wet to Jess Swarts' burying at Sycamore.  Still cold.

December 20, 1927  Bessie and I went to Etown.

December 21, 1927  We gathered 4 loads of corn.

December 22, 1927  I worked on wagon tongue and coupling pole for Virgil.  Boys finished gathering corn in bottom.

December 23, 1927  Elmer and I cut and hauled wood.

December 24, 1927  I cut some wood.

December 25, 1927  We was at Mother's.

December 26, 1927  We went to the play at the schoolhouse at night.

December 27, 1927  Ely Sherrard was here.  Got 10 bushels corn from Wheeler.  Logston left the Wheeler place.

December 28, 1927  We was at Mrs. Lee's.  Rained all day.

December 29, 1927  Warm and muddy.  Not much doing.

December 30, 1927  We was at Virgil's.  Rained all day.

December 31, 1927  Turned cold and snow flurries.