January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1918  We went to Mr. James Lee's.

January 2, 1918  I helped James Lee work on shed.

January 3, 1918  The boys hauled in some corn and cane.  I worked at Mr. Lee's.

January 4, 1918  I finished Mr. Lee's shed.  Virgil went to Vine Grove and got new buggy wheels.

January 5, 1918  We hauled cane and corn in morning and cut wood in evening.

January 6, 1918  It rained.  We was at Ural's in evening.

January 7, 1918  We cut wood for mother.

January 8, 1918  We gathered two loads of corn and shoed Mollie.

January 9, 1918  I went to Vine Grove.  The boys jobbed around.

January 10, 1918  We gathered three loads of corn at other place.

January 11, 1918  We hauled in fodder.  It rained, sleeted, and snowed.

January 12, 1918  14 degrees below zero this morning.  Nothing doing.

January 13, 1918  Still cold.  Harlie and Stanley Irwin, Dutch Day, and Mrs. Sims was here.

January 14, 1918  We cut wood.  Snowed big snow.  Big boy at Fenley Masters'.

January 15, 1918  Cold.  Nothing doing.  Wall was here.

January 16, 1918  Still cold.  Nothing doing.

January 17, 1918  We cut and hauled wood for Ural.

January 18, 1918  We cut and hauled wood for us.  Ural helped.

January 19, 1918  We went to sale at R. E. Hancock's.

January 20, 1918  Bessie and I was at Mother's in evening.

January 21, 1918  Ural and I cut some.  Boys hauled load of cane.  Snowed at night.

January 22, 1918  We broke the road on the mail route.

January 23, 1918  We got in some corn and cane.

January 24, 1918  We went to Vine Grove.

January 25, 1918  Ural and I made hominy.

January 26, 1918  Rained.  Bessie and I went to Mother's.

January 27, 1918  Colder today.  Sleeted at night.

January 28, 1918  Nothing doing.  Big sleet on.  Sycamore school was out.

January 29, 1918  We cut some wood.  Cold.

January 30, 1918  We fooled around.  Dr. O'Conner died.

January 31, 1918  We shucked some corn.

February 1, 1918  Nothing doing.

February 2, 1918  We shucked some corn.

February 3, 1918  I was at Mother's.  Bessie was at Ural's.

February 4, 1918  Cold.  Nothing doing.

February 5, 1918  We fooled around.  The snow began to thaw.

February 6, 1918  We hauled in fodder in morning and cane in evening.  Mode Nall and Hugh Woodring and Geneva Wall and Harlie Irwin was married.

February 7, 1918  We went to Tanner's and helped him swing crippled horse and hauled load of cane and some wood.

February 8, 1918  Hauled in some fodder and corn in morning and cut some wood for Ural in afternoon.

February 9, 1918  We cut some wood for Ural in morning.  Virgil and I went to Etown in afternoon.

February 10, 1918  We went to church at Sycamore.

February 11, 1918  We got some wood for Mother in morning and hauled in some corn and fodder in the evening.

February 12, 1918  Rained.  I went to Etown.  Virgil went to Lizzie Cofer's wedding.

February 13, 1918  We moved the calves to the other place and the cows home.

February 14, 1918  We gathered some corn.

February 15, 1918  We hauled load of cane and gathered load of corn.

February 16, 1918  We finished gathering corn.

February 17, 1918  I was at George Tanner's in evening.

February 18, 1918  We killed hog.  Weighed 356.

February 19, 1918  Rained.

February 20, 1918  We sawed some wood.  Cold.

February 21, 1918  We cut stalks in bottom.

February 22, 1918  I finished cutting stalks in morning.  Elmer and I was sick at night.

February 23, 1918  Virgil went to Etown.  Elmer and I was sick.

February 24, 1918  We stayed at home.

February 25, 1918  We fixed up some mangers at the barn and cut up some fodder.

February 26, 1918  I was sick.  The boys hauled some wood and cane.

February 27, 1918  Virgil went to Etown after me some medicine.  Elmer hauled some rails out of bottom.

February 28, 1918  Mother was here to see me.  Boys hauled manure at Mother's.

March 1, 1918  I was worse.  Had Dr. Strickler to see me.

March 2, 1918  I was in bed.  Boys plowed at Mother's.

March 3, 1918  I was sick.  John and Lena, Horace Williams and Alice, and George Tanner was here to see me.

March 4, 1918  It rained.  The boys made corn tester in morning and shucked some corn in afternoon.

March 5, 1918  The boys got wood for Mother.

March 6, 1918  We burnt the tobacco bed.  Ural helped.

March 7, 1918  The boys cut wood in morning and moved hay press to Joe Enlow's in afternoon.

March 8, 1918  The boys baled hay for Joe Enlow.  I went to Etown.

March 9, 1918  Elmer plowed and Virgil went to church at Mt. Zion.

March 10, 1918  The children went to church.  Leila Ash and girls was here.

March 11, 1918  The boys cut some stalks and plowed at Mother's.

March 12, 1918  The boys hauled some boards in morning and plowed in evening.

March 13, 1918  The boys plowed at Mother's.

March 14, 1918  The boys plowed at Mother's.

March 15, 1918  Virgil went to Etown after oats, grass seed, and fertilizer.  Elmer finished plowing big field at Mother's.

March 16, 1918  The boys took the 5 hogs to Vine Grove.  Weighed 875 pounds.  Got 17.4 cents per pound for them.  Brought $151.85.  Dr. Strickler was here to see me.

March 17, 1918  We stayed at home.  I was sick.  Mr. Sims' folks, Alice Day and Alice Williams was here in afternoon.

March 18, 1918  We planted potatoes.

March 19, 1918  The boys plowed for oats.

March 20, 1918  The boys plowed and sowed some oats.

March 21, 1918  The boys sowed oats.

March 22, 1918  The boys finished sowing oats at the other place.

March 23, 1918  The boys went to Etown.

March 24, 1918  We stayed at home.  Maude Kilgus, Mrs. Sims, Arthur Bailey and family was here.

March 25, 1918  The boys hauled manure.  Dr. Strickler was here to see me.

March 26, 1918  The boys plowed at Mother's.

March 27, 1918  The boys finished sowing oats at Mother's.

March 28, 1918  Virgil hauled manure.  Elmer plowed.  Stanley helped.

March 29, 1918  The boys hauled manure and plowed.  Stanley helped.  Dr. Strickler was here this morning.

March 30, 1918  We hauled manure in morning and fooled around in afternoon.  Bought a cow from Bud Day.

March 31, 1918  We stayed at home.  Henry and Bud was here to see me.

April 1, 1918  We hauled manure.  Dr. Strickler was here to see me.

April 2, 1918  Virgil went to Etown.  We plowed in afternoon.

April 3, 1918  We cut willows on the creek.

April 4, 1918  We hauled slabs from George Tanner's.

April 5, 1918  We hauled slabs from George Tanner's.

April 6, 1918  We went to Etown to Liberty Loan rally.

April 7, 1918  Ed Ash, Alice Williams, Mrs. Sims and George Tanner was here.

April 8, 1918  We plowed in bottom and fixed fence.

April 9, 1918  We plowed in bottom.

April 10, 1918  Snowed all days.  Nothing doing.  Nellie and Christina Ash was here.

April 11, 1918  Boys shelled some corn in morning and plowed in evening.

April 12, 1918  Virgil went to Vine Grove to wheat mill.

April 13, 1918  Virgil went to Etown.  Bred Moll and Pearl to McMurty's stock.

April 14, 1918  We stayed at home.  Horace and Alfred, Ural Kilgus and Willie Lee was here in afternoon.

April 15, 1918  The boys plowed.

April 16, 1918  The boys finished plowing the hill field and plowed garden.

April 17, 1918  Virgil went to Etown.  Elmer helped make garden.

April 18, 1918  The boys harrowed at Mother's.

April 19, 1918  The boys harrowed at Mother's.

April 20, 1918  We shelled seed corn.  Rained good rain.

April 21, 1918  Rained.  We stayed at home.

April 22, 1918  Boys fixed fence at Mother's.

April 23, 1918  Virgil and I went to Etown.  Elmer went to Etown to get fertilizer.

April 24, 1918  Boys fixed some fence.

April 25, 1918  Boys cut some bushes.

April 26, 1918  Boys fixed some fence.

April 27, 1918  Boys cut bushes.

April 28, 1918  We went to Horace Williams' in evening.

April 29, 1918  We planted corn at Mother's.

April 30, 1918  We planted corn at same.

May 1, 1918  We finished planting corn at Mother's.  Virgil and I went to Etown.  Bred Moll.

May 2, 1918  Boys helped Ural Kilgus plant corn.

May 3, 1918  Boys harrowed and dragged new ground for corn.

May 4, 1918  Elmer, Bessie and I went to Etown.  Got load of fertilizer.

May 5, 1918  Bessie and I went to Ural Kilgus' in evening.

May 6, 1918  Boys fixed ground for corn.

May 7, 1918  The boys planted corn.  Lon Pate and Hiram Miller got seed corn.  Alice Williams was here.

May 8, 1918  We planted corn in morning and weeded tobacco bed.

May 9, 1918  Rained a good rain.  We cut posts in afternoon.

May 10, 1918  I went to Etown.  Virgil plowed and Elmer cut bushes.

May 11, 1918  It rained.  We fixed fence in afternoon.

May 12, 1918  Rained.  We was at Mother's.

May 13, 1918  We took calves over to Mother in morning and cut bushes on the creek in afternoon.

May 14, 1918  I went to Etown.  The boys cut bushes and plowed.  Frank Sherrard and Alta Cowley was married.

May 15, 1918  Dave Talbott got load of corn.  We plowed in bottom.

May 16, 1918  Boys worked in bottom.  Plowed and harrowed.

May 17, 1918  H. B. Peck got 10 bushes of corn.  I was at C. E Irwin's and George Tanner's.  Boys worked in bottom.

May 18, 1918  Boys harrowed in bottom in morning.  Rained in evening.  I was at James Lee's.

May 19, 1918  We was at Sycamore to church and to Horace Williams'.

May 20, 1918  I went to Etown.  Boys helped Ural plant corn.

May 21, 1918  We planted corn in the bottom.

May 22, 1918  We finished planting corn in morning and plowed tators.

May 23, 1918  We harrowed corn at Mother's.

May 24, 1918  We harrowed corn at same in morning and fixed tobacco ground.

May 25, 1918  We all went to Etown.

May 26, 1918  Bessie and I was at Henry Peck's.

May 27, 1918  We harrowed and replanted corn at home.

May 28, 1918  We harrowed and replanted corn at home and fixed cane ground in morning.  James Williams brought the hogs.  We planted some cane at home in the evening.

May 29, 1918  Boys broke cane ground at Mother's.  I replanted corn and cut bushes at Mother's.

May 30, 1918  We harrowed and dragged ground for cane at Mother's and planted some cane at same.

May 31, 1918  We finished planting corn.  Lester Day was married.

June 1, 1918  Boys harrowed corn.  Virgil hepled Bud put hay in evening.

June 2, 1918  Rained.  Bessie and I was at U. Kilgus'.  Truman Cowley was here.

June 3, 1918  We set some tobacco in the morning and harrowed and replanted corn.

June 4, 1918  I was sick.  Boys replanted an harrowed corn in bottom.

June 5, 1918  Boys harrowed corn and fixed up cultivator.

June 6, 1918  Boys plowed corn at Mother's.

June 7, 1918  Boys plowed corn at Mother's.

June 8, 1918  Boys plowed corn.

June 9, 1918  We went to church at Sycamore.

June 10, 1918  Boys harrowed corn in bottom.

June 11, 1918  We cut wheat.  Set some tobacco.

June 12, 1918  We cut wheat for us in morning.  Helped Bud Day in evening.

June 13, 1918  We helped Bud in wheat and cut some for us.  George Tanner cut with binder.

June 14, 1918  We finished cutting wheat at Mother's.

June 15, 1918  We cut wheat at home.  Got done cutting wheat.

June 16, 1918  We was at James Lee's.

June 17, 1918  We plowed corn in bottom.

June 18, 1918  We helped Ural Kilgus stack hay in morning and cleaned out well and plowed corn in evening.

June 19, 1918  We plowed corn at Mother's.

June 20, 1918  Plowed corn at Mother's.

June 21, 1918  We hoed tobacco and plowed corn.

June 22, 1918  We went to Etown to Masonic picnic.

June 23, 1918  We was at Mother's and Mr. Sims'.

June 24, 1918  We helped Ural put up hay.

June 25, 1918  Rained.  I went to Vine Grove.  The boys thinned corn.

June 26, 1918  We thinned corn in morning and plowed corn in afternoon.  Verde White was here.

June 27, 1918  Boys plowed corn in morning.  I cut some oats, tied oats, and hauled rails for stack bottoms in evening.

June 28, 1918  Rained.  We shucked some corn and cut some weeds.

June 29, 1918  We thinned corn in morning.  Planted late potatoes, late corn and watermelons in evening.  I went to Etown in evening.

June 30, 1918  We stayed at home.  Rained good shower.

July 1, 1918  We cut oats.

July 2, 1918  We stacked wheat and cut oats.

July 3, 1918  We stacked wheat and cut oats.

July 4, 1918  We finished cutting oats.

July 5, 1918  We stacked wheat.

July 6, 1918  We finished stacking wheat.

July 7, 1918  Bessie and I went to Mill Creek Church and to Fenley Masters'.  Rained little.

July 8, 1918  Rained good rain.  I went to Etown in evening.

July 9, 1918  I cut clover.  Boys hoed tobacco.

July 10, 1918  We cut and put up hay and went to church at night at Sycamore.

July 11, 1918  We put up hay.

July 12, 1918  We put up hay.  Preacher and wife was here.

July 13, 1918  We sold load of corn to Annie Masters.  I went to Etown in evening.

July 14, 1918  We was at church at Sycamore.

July 15, 1918  We finished cutting hay and stacked oats.

July 16, 1918  We finished hauling in oats and finished the hay.

July 17, 1918  Wm. A. Day died at George Tanner's.  We was at Bud Day's.

July 18, 1918  We was at Bud Day's.

July 19, 1918  Wm. A. Day was buried at Sycamore.  Bud's boys came in.

July 20, 1918  I was at Etown.  The boys cut some bushes.

July 21, 1918  We went to church at Mt. Zion in morning and to Bud's in evening to see the boys.

July 22, 1918  We went with Bud's boys fishing on the creek.  Rained.

July 23, 1918  We cut bushes out of corn.  L. M. Hibbs got some corn.

July 24, 1918  We cut some bushes and plowed potatoes and tobacco.

July 25, 1918  I went to Vine Grove after flour.  They boys worked out the cane.

July 26, 1918  We cut threshing wood.  It rained.

July 27, 1918  We went to Etown.

July 28, 1918  We went to Frank Cowley's.

July 29, 1918  Rained big rain.  We moved hay press to fix.

July 30, 1918  I went with Onie to Ed Ash's.  Boys cut some fence rows.

July 31, 1918  We fixed the hay press.

August 1, 1918  We baled hay.  Stanley Irwin helped 1/2 day.

August 2, 1918  We baled hay.  Stanley helped.

August 3, 1918  I worked in shop in morning.  Boys plowed and hoed potatoes.  Went to Etown in evening.

August 4, 1918  We went to church at Cedar Creek and to C. E. Froman's.

August 5, 1918  We dug some potatoes.  Hot.

August 6, 1918  We dug some potatoes.  Hot.

August 7, 1918  Fixed place to get water for the threshes and fixed the wagon in the morning.  Boys helped thresh at Roy Irwin's and I went to Etown to get tooth pulled for Bessie.

August 8, 1918  We helped boys finish threshing and helped Barnie Day and Horace Williams thresh and moved to our yard.

August 9, 1918  We began threshing.  Got nearly all the wheat threshed and the machine broke.  We helped James Lee thresh some in evening.

August 10, 1918  We finished threshing in morning and took the rest of the day off.  We threshed two hundred and sixteen bushels of wheat and hundred and nine bushels oats.  We had 147 bushels wheat and 86 bushels of oats to our part.

August 11, 1918  Bessie and I was at Mother's.  Mother was sick.

August 12, 1918  Tanner and Hibbs got 26 bushels corn.  I topped tobacco and dug a few potatoes.

August 13, 1918  We finished digging potatoes. I helped Barnie fix set of buggy wheels.

August 14, 1918  We helped George Tanner and S. B. Williams thresh.

August 15, 1918  We baled hay.  Will Hobbs got load of hay.

August 16, 1918  We baled hay.

August 17, 1918  The boys and I went to Etown.  Rained big rain.

August 18, 1918  We was at Sam Gunning's.

August 19, 1918  We worked potatoes in morning and set hay press.  Boys cut bushes along the road at Mother's in evening.

August 20, 1918  We baled hay for Ural Kilgus.

August 21, 1918  We baled hay for same and moved the press to James Lee's and set and baled some.

August 22, 1918  We baled straw for James Lee.

August 23, 1918  Will Hobbs got load of hay.  Boys baled straw for Amos Garner.

August 24, 1918  I went to Vine Grove.

August 25, 1918  We went to church at Sycamore.  Sam Fox and his folks was here.

August 26, 1918  Boys baled straw for S. B. Williams.  Rained big rain.

August 27, 1918  Rained.  George Tanner and Charlie Egan was here.

August 28, 1918  We went to Etown.  James Stovall's baby was buried at Mill Creek.

August 29, 1918  Rained.  We wormed tobacco.

August 30, 1918  Boys baled for S. B. Williams.

August 31, 1918  Boys finished baling hay for S. B Williams.  I went to Stithton with Buck Williams.

September 1, 1918  We stayed at home.  Grace, Golda and Barnie Day and Horace Masters and Hazel Sims was here.

September 2, 1918  Mr. D. C. Bailey and wife was here.  We worked in tobacco in morning and the boys cut corn in evening.  Rained.

September 3, 1918  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 4, 1918  We cut corn at Mother's.  Rained big rain.

September 5, 1918  We made tobacco sticks and cut bushes along the road.

September 6, 1918  We cut out the road in morning and cut corn in evening.

September 7, 1918  We wormed tobacco in morning.  Boys cut corn and I went to Etown in evening.

September 8, 1918  Wilber Fox was here.

September 9, 1918  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 10, 1918  We cut corn in morning and wormed tobacco in evening.

September 11, 1918  We went to state fair.

September 12, 1918  Boys and I went to Etown.  Registration Day.

September 13, 1918  We cut corn at home.

September 14, 1918  We cut corn.  Pat Patterson's baby died.  I went to Pat Patterson's at night.

September 15, 1918  I was at Sycamore to burying.

September 16, 1918  Rained.  We cut some poles to make tobacco scaffold.

September 17, 1918  We cut some tobacco and hauled load of pumpkins and some corn from the other place.

September 18, 1918  We cut some tobacco and some corn.

September 19, 1918  Boys plowed some for wheat.  I worked in tobacco.

September 20, 1918  We plowed some.  Cut some corn and worked some in tobacco.

September 21, 1918  We went to Etown and got load of fertilizer.

September 22, 1918  R. E. Day and family was here.

September 23, 1918  We cut corn.

September 24, 1918  We cut corn.  Aunt Linda Roser died.

September 25, 1918  We cut corn.

September 26, 1918  We cut corn.

September 27, 1918  We cut corn.  Aunt Dink Miller died.

September 28, 1918  We finished cutting corn in morning and went to Etown in evening.

September 29, 1918  Bessie and I went to church at Tunnel Hill in evening.

September 30, 1918  We helped George Tanner fill silo.

October 1, 1918  We helped Tanner fill silo.

October 2, 1918  We helped Tanner 3/4 of day and hauled in some tobacco in evening.

October 3, 1918  We cut tobacco and hauled in some corn and pumpkins.

October 4, 1918  We sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 5, 1918  We sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 6, 1918  We was at Wm. T. Peck's.

October 7, 1918  We done jobs.

October 8, 1918  Went to Etown.  Got fertilizer.

October 9, 1918  We finished sowing wheat at Mother's.

October 10, 1918  We finished cutting and housing tobacco and fixed wheat ground at home.

October 11, 1918  We finished sowing wheat at home.  S. S. Irwin got 37 1/2 bushels of wheat.  Wheat come to $79.87.

October 12, 1918  We picked some apples and sowed some grass seed.

October 13, 1918  We stayed at home.  Mrs. Lee and daughters was here in evening.

October 14, 1918  We cut bushes off the wheat.  Arthur Scott got 17 bushel of wheat.

October 15, 1918  We cut bushes off wheat.  Horace Nall got 5 bushels of wheat.

October 16, 1918  We cut cane.  Virgil went to Etown in evening.

October 17, 1918  We finished cutting cane.

October 18, 1918  We worked in shop.  Cut tires on big wagon.  James Lee got 6 bushel of wheat for $12.78.

October 19, 1918  Rained.  Boys cut some wood for Mother.

October 20, 1918  Mrs. Kilgus, Jim, D. B. Sims, and wife was here.

October 21, 1918  H. B. Peck got 10 bushels of wheat.  We fixed some fence.

October 22, 1918  We fixed fence and hauled load of pumpkins in morning and hauled manure in evening.

October 23, 1918  We hauled load of pumpkins and some fodder and corn in morning and went to Etown in evening.  Rained.

October 24, 1918  We cut board tree and worked some in shop for Barney.  Rained.

October 25, 1918  We made boards in morning and stripped tobacco in evening.  Rained.

October 26, 1918  We put bottom in wagon box.  Shoed Joe and hauled load of pumpkins.

October 27, 1918  We was at Ural Kilgus'.

October 28, 1918  We gathered load of corn.

October 29, 1918  We hauled manure in morning and hauled pumpkins in evening.

October 30, 1918  Rained.  We stripped tobacco in evening.

October 31, 1918  Virgil and I went to Etown.  John Frank Shane died.

November 1, 1918  We dug late potatoes.

November 2, 1918  We got load of wood for Mother.  Finished digging potatoes.  Sowed potato patch in wheat and grass.  Cut late patch of corn and hauled two loads of pumpkins.  Ural Kilgus and W. H. Masters and family was here at night.

November 3, 1918  Bessie and I was at Mother's.

November 4, 1918  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 5, 1918  We gathered corn at same.

November 6, 1918  We gathered corn at Mother's.  Finished gathering Mother's corn.

November 7, 1918  We gathered corn at home.

November 8, 1918  We gathered corn at home.

November 9, 1918  Rained.  We worked on harness.  Virgil went to town.

November 10, 1918  Fenley Masters and family, Mother and Annie, Horace Masters and Thomas Cowley was here.

November 11, 1918  We gathered corn at home.

November 12, 1918  We finished gathering corn at home.

November 13, 1918  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 14, 1918  We went to sale at D. C. Bailey's.

November 15, 1918  We gathered corn at Mothers'.

November 16, 1918  Rained.  We fooled around.

November 17, 1918  We was at Mother's.  Rained.

November 18, 1918  Rained.  We stripped tobacco.

November 19, 1918  We stripped tobacco.

November 20, 1918  Hauled load of cane.

November 21, 1918  We took 5 hogs to Etown.  Weighed 1145 pounds.  Brought $188.95.

November 22, 1918  We stacked some fodder.

November 23, 1918  We took load of wheat to mill.

November 24, 1918  Ben Day, Horace Masters, and Charlie Peck was here.

November 25, 1918  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 26, 1918  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 27, 1918  We finished our corn and fodder at Mother's and gathered some corn at home.

November 28, 1918  We stripped some tobacco and got some wood.

November 29, 1918  We gathered corn.

November 30, 1918  We gathered corn and hauled fodder.  Barnie helped.

December 1, 1918  We was at Alice Day's.  I went to Stithton.

December 2, 1918  We gathered corn.  Elmer helped Ural in morning.  Ural helped us in the evening.

December 3, 1918  We went to Etown.  Elmer and Ural gathered corn.

December 4, 1918  We went to Virgil's wedding at Mrs. Peck's.

December 5, 1918  Henry Peck and family and Will Hobb's and family, Mother, Zella Cowley, Grace, Manola, and Barnie Day, Clara Miller, Ural Kilgus and family, Louie Cofer was here to Virgil's wedding dinner.

December 6, 1918  We gathered corn and hauled fodder.

December 7, 1918  We gathered corn.

December 8, 1918  We was at Mother's in evening.

December 9, 1918  We gathered corn and hauled fodder.  Rained in evening.

December 10, 1918  We stripped some tobacco.

December 11, 1918  We stripped tobacco and loaded load of wheat.

December 12, 1918  We took load of wheat to Etown.

December 13, 1918  Rained.  We got load of wood for Mother.

December 14, 1918  I went to Vine Grove.

December 15, 1918  We was at Henry Masters'.

December 16, 1918  We got some wood for Mother and loaded some wheat.

December 17, 1918  Boys took load of wheat to Etown.

December 18, 1918  We finished gathering corn.

December 19, 1918  We made boards and covered hen house for Virgil.

December 20, 1918  Rained all day.  I made some ax handles.

December 21, 1918  We cut wood for Mother in morning and stripped tobacco in evening.  Virgil and Gertie moved.

December 22, 1918  Ed Ash and family, Alice Day and Grace, Golda, and Manola and Virgil and Gertie was here.

December 23, 1918  We got wood for Mother in morning and wood at home in evening.

December 24, 1918  Elmer went to Etown. I helped Virgil get some wood and split some wood for Mother.

December 25, 1918  We was at Mother's.

December 26, 1918  D. B. Sims and family was here.

December 27, 1918  We was at Virgil's and went hunting.

December 28, 1918  Snow on ground.  Elmer went to John's and got a couple of pigs.

December 29, 1918  We went to Ural Kilgus.

December 30, 1918  We killed hogs.  They weighed 368, 334, and 303.

December 31, 1918  We rendered lard.  Rained all day.