January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1916  Rained all day.  We fooled around.

January 2, 1916  I went to Bob Hibbs.  The kids stayed at home.

January 3, 1916  Virgil and I went to Etown.

January 4, 1916  We hauled manure.

January 5, 1916  Rained.  The boys was sick.

January 6, 1916  I went to John's.  Barnie Day was here. Snowed at night.

January 7, 1916  I was at Mother's.  Snow on ground.

January 8, 1916  We got wood.

January 9, 1916  We went to Horace Williams.

January 10, 1916  We cut some bushes in morning.  Rained in evening.

January 11, 1916  Rained all day.  Shirlie and Dutch Day was here.

January 12, 1916  We got wood in morning.  Rained in evening.

January 13, 1916  We cut bushes.  Cold.

January 14, 1916  We hauled some fodder.  I was at Ed Pfieffer's in evening.

January 15, 1916  We went to Etown.  Boy's got new suits.

January 16, 1916  Snowed.  Barnie Day was here.  Austin Day come in from Illinois.

January 17, 1916  Virgil went to John Masters'.  Austin come home with him.

January 18, 1916  Bessie and Virgil went to Ed Pfeiffer's to see their aunt.

January 19, 1916  Virgil helped cut wood at Aunt Kit Daugherty's.

January 20, 1916  We got some wood.

January 21, 1916  I was sick with the grip.  Boys helped cut wood for Mother.

January 22, 1916  I was sick.  Boys nothing doing.  Bessie sick with grip.

January 23, 1916  Horace Williams and wife was here.  Bessie still sick.

January 24, 1916  Annie Masters was here.  Boys cut some bushes.

January 25, 1916  Boys went to last day of school in morning and hauled manure in evening.

January 26, 1916  We hauled manure.

January 27, 1916  I went to Etown.  Boys hauled manure.

January 28, 1916  Rained.  Cut wood for Mother in morning.

January 29, 1916  Alice Williams and Earl was here.  Went hunting.  Rained.

January 30, 1916  Austin Day and I went to Ed Pfeiffer's.

January 31, 1916  Rained.  We fixed telephone line.

February 1, 1916  We cleaned out hen house and cut wood.  Austin Day went home.

February 2, 1916  I went to Ed Pfeiffer's.  Boy cut stalks. Cold today.

February 3, 1916  We cut stalks at Mother's in the morning and cut wood for self in evening.

February 4, 1916  I cut stalks in morning.  Boys hauled fodder in morning and wood for Mother in evening.

February 5, 1916  I went to Etown.  The boys went to singing. Jennie Irwin died at 9pm.

February 6, 1916  I went to Etown with Sanford.

February 7, 1916  We went to the funeral at Mt. Zion.

February 8, 1916  I went to Etown to telephone meeting.

February 9, 1916  Rained.  We shelled corn for hogs.

February 10, 1916  We went to singing school at Mt. Zion.

February 11, 1916  We hauled straw in morning and manure at Mother's in evening.

February 12, 1916  Rained.  I went to mill in morning.  The boys cut wood for Mother.  Rained in evening.

February 13, 1916  We stayed at home today.  Went to church at night at Sycamore.

February 14, 1916  Snow this morning.  Nothing doing.

February 15, 1916  James Lee and I cut bee tree.

February 16, 1916  We hauled manure.

February 17, 1916  We hauled manure.

February 18, 1916  I went to Etown.  Mother went with me. Boys hauled manure.

February 19, 1916  We hauled in hay stack in morning and got wood in evening and went to singing at Wm. T. Peck's at night.

February 20, 1916  Bessie and I went to Elonzo Bershiers in evening.

February 21, 1916  We began plowing at Mother's.

February 22, 1916  We plowed and burnt off some old fields.

February 23, 1916  Rained all day.

February 24, 1916  Rained.  Boys cleaned out stalls in barn.

February 25, 1916  I helpled appraise Nancy Smith's property at H. B. Peck's.  Boys got some wood.

February 26, 1916  I went to Etown.  Turned cold.  Snowed.

February 27, 1916  Wm. A. Day's girls was here.

February 28, 1916  We baled hay.  Snowed.

February 29, 1916  We hauled manure in morning and hauled fodder in evening.

March 1, 1916  We hauled manure in morning. Grubbed some in evening.  Rained in evening.

March 2, 1916  We grubbed in evening.  James Atcher's wife died.

March 3, 1916  Snowed.  We shelled some corn and cut some wood.

March 4, 1916  We got some wood.

March 5, 1916  Bessie went to to J. D. Nall's.  I stayed at home.

March 6, 1916  We took our hay to Vine Grove.  8 weighed 1710 pounds at 8 1/2 cents for $145.35

March 7, 1916  We grubbed at Mother's.  I paid Mother $50 on wheat I owed her and paid interest on the rest I owe her.

March 8, 1916  Bessie and I went to Etown.  Boys grubbed.

March 9, 1916  We cut wood.

March 10, 1916  We cut and hauled wood in morning and plowed in evening.

March 11, 1916  We plowed and grubbed.

March 12, 1916  We went to church at Sycamore and S. B. Williams'.

March 13, 1916  We plowed and grubbed in evening.

March 14, 1916  Boys plowed.  I worked in shop.  Rained in evening.  Snowed at night.

March 15, 1916  We worked in shop.

March 16, 1916  Boys hauled wood for Mother.  I worked in shop.  Grubbed in evening.  17 above zero.

March 17, 1916  We went to Vine Grove to mill.

March 18, 1916  We plowed and grubbed at Mother's.

March 19, 1916  Bessie and I went to George Tanner's.

March 20, 1916  We plowed and grubbed at Mother's.

March 21, 1916  We went to Etown to get fertilizer.

March 22, 1916  We began sowing oats.

March 23, 1916  We sowed oats.

March 24, 1916  We sowed oats and grass seed.

March 25, 1916  We planted potatoes.  Rained in evening.

March 26, 1916  Bessie and I was at D. B. Sims in evening.  Rained.

March 27, 1916  We hauled haystack and fodder stack.  Roy Irwin got load of hay for Bob Bailey.  Sims, Horace Williams, and Charlie Irwin got oats.  Old Mol found colt.

March 28, 1916  We plowed and grubbed.  Roy Irwin got some oats.

March 29, 1916  Plowed and hauled manure.

March 30, 1916  We worked for Mother.

March 31, 1916  Boys plowed and grubbed.

April 1, 1916  Boys hauled manure.

April 2, 1916  I was at T. R. Owens.

April 3, 1916  Boys hauled manure.  I went to Rineyville to Dr. Rogers.

April 4, 1916  Virgil plowed for James Stovall.  I sowed clover for Mother.

April 5, 1916  We hauled manure.  Rained in evening.

April 6, 1916  We plowed and hauled manure and grubbed.

April 7, 1916  We plowed and grubbed at Mothers in morning. Snowed in evening.

April 8, 1916  Virgil and I went to Etown.  Snowed all day.

April 9, 1916  We went to church at Mt. Zion.

April 10, 1916  We made rails.

April 11, 1916  We fixed grape arbor.

April 12, 1916  Boys plowed.  I grubbed.

April 13, 1916  We plowed and hauled manure.

April 14, 1916  We plowed and hauled manure.

April 15, 1916  Bessie and I went to Etown.  Virgil plowed.

April 16, 1916  We went to Sunday School at Zion.

April 17, 1916  Virgil plowed.  We done jobs.

April 18, 1916  We went to Etown and got Tina's tombstones and put them up at Sycamore.

April 19, 1916  We fixed fence in morning and worked for Mother in evening.

April 20, 1916  We made garden in morning.  Rained.  Harrowed some in evening.

April 21, 1916  We made and hung gates.

April 22, 1916  We was at Mother's to birthday dinner.  Went to Etown in morning.

April 23, 1916  We had lots of company.  Ed Ash and family. Jess Cowley and family and Mother and Annie.

April 24, 1916  We harrowed.

April 25, 1916  Hauled stack of oats and harrowed.

April 26, 1916  We worked at Mother's.  Rained.

April 27, 1916  We plowed and grubbed at Mother's.

April 28, 1916  Elmer harrowed.  Virgil and I went to Etown to get fertilizer.

April 29, 1916  Boys harrowed at Mother's.  I made singletrees and put shoes on Charlie.

April 30, 1916  We went to Sunday School at Mt. Zion.

May 1, 1916  We planted corn in field by shop.

May 2, 1916  Rained.  We shelled some corn.

May 3, 1916  Rained.

May 4, 1916  The boys grubbed off orchard at Henry's place.

May 5, 1916  Plowed in morning.  Planted corn in evening. Elmer harrowed at Mother's.

May 6, 1916  We planted corn at Mother's.

May 7, 1916  We stayed at home.  Alfred Williams was here.

May 8, 1916  We planted corn at Mother's.

May 9, 1916  We went to Etown.  Elmer harrowed at Mother's.

May 10, 1916  We planted corn at Mother's.

May 11, 1916  We finished planting corn at Mother's and worked potatoes.  Stella found colt.

May 12, 1916  We plowed at Mother's for sudan grass.  Charlie Egan put colt on pasture.

May 13, 1916  We harrowed some at Mother's.

May 14, 1916  We went to church at Sycamore and to Sunday School at Tunnel Hill.

May 15, 1916  Rained.  We done some jobs.

May 16, 1916  We sprouted oats.  Rained some in morning.

May 17, 1916  We sowed sudan grass.

May 18, 1916  Elmer and I went to Etown.  Virgil plowed at Henry's place.

May 19, 1916  We planted corn at Henry's place.  Got done planting corn.

May 20, 1916  We went to the rock crusher in morning.  Carl Bailey was here at night.

May 21, 1916  We went to Sunday School at Mt. Zion.

May 22, 1916  Rained.  We replanted corn.

May 23, 1916  We harrowed and replanted corn.

May 24, 1916  We harrowed and replanted corn.

May 25, 1916  We went to Vine Grove to mill.

May 26, 1916  We replanted corn and cut bushes.

May 27, 1916  I replanted corn and cut bushes in morning. Boys harrowed corn.  We went fishing at night at Enlow's pond.  Horace Williams and wife was here.

May 28, 1916  We went to Sunday School at Sycamore.

May 29, 1916  Rained.  We made some boards.

May 30, 1916  Rained.  We fixed fence for Mother.

May 31, 1916  We went to Sale at Turner's.

June 1, 1916  We harrowed and replanted corn at Mother's.

June 2, 1916  We harrowed corn at home and at Mother's.

June 3, 1916  We went to Etown.  Boy at Jesse Cowley's.

June 4, 1916  Bessie and I went to Sunday School at Mt. Zion and to Jess Cowley's.

June 5, 1916  We harrowed corn and cut bushes.

June 6, 1916  Rained.  We went fishing at Blair's pond.

June 7, 1916  We cut wood and cut some bushes.

June 8, 1916  We hauled wood in morning and harrowed corn at Mother's in evening.

June 9, 1916  We plowed corn in field by shop.

June 10, 1916  We plowed corn at Mother's.

June 11, 1916  We went to church at Sycamore and at Tunnel Hill.

June 12, 1916  We finished plowing corn at Mother's.

June 13, 1916  We went to Vine Grove and Elmer cut bushes.

June 14, 1916  Plowed corn.  Planted watermelons.  Cleaned out spring and killed 7 squirrels.  Rained.

June 15, 1916  Went to Etown.  Went to James Cowley's.

June 16, 1916  Fixed the cradle to cut wheat.  Vernie Gray and Ida Egan was here.

June 17, 1916  We cut wheat in evening.  Rained.

June 18, 1916  George Tanner and family was here.  Rained big rain at night.

June 19, 1916  We finished cutting wheat at Mother's.

June 20, 1916  We cut wheat at home.

June 21, 1916  We finished cutting wheat.

June 22, 1916  I went to Vine Grove.  Boys plowed corn.

June 23, 1916  We plowed corn.  Fenley Masters' baby died. We went up there in evening.

June 24, 1916  We plowed corn in morning and went to burying in evening.

June 25, 1916  We went to Mt. Zion to church.  "Bill" had a calf.

June 26, 1916  I cut some grass at Mother's.  Boy plowed corn.

June 27, 1916  I cut some grass down in bottom.  Boys worked in corn.  Rained.

June 28, 1916  We worked in corn in morning and put up grass in afternoon.  Horace helped in PM.

June 29, 1916  We worked in hay.  Horace helped.

June 30, 1916  We worked in hay.  Horace helped.

July 1, 1916  We put up hay.  Horace and Uncle Tom helped.

July 2, 1916  We went to Mother's.  Rain and windstorm at night.

July 3, 1916  We jobbed around.  It rained.

July 4, 1916  We went to Etown to Redmen picnic.

July 5, 1916  We helped S. B. Williams thresh and worked in hay.

July 6, 1916  We put up hay.

July 7, 1916  We cut oats.  Rosebud found calf.

July 8, 1916  We cut oats in morning.  Boys went to Zion. We hoed watermelon patch.

July 9, 1916  Bessie and I was at Tunnel Hill in evening.

July 10, 1916  We finished cutting oats.  Harley Irwin helped us.  Virgil took the measles.

July 11, 1916  We put up stack of wheat.  Rained.  We mowed weeds in orchard.

July 12, 1916  Rained.  Nothing doing.  I killed 5 squirrels and 3 crows.

July 13, 1916  I went to Etown.  Rained.

July 14, 1916  We cut some bushes.

July 15, 1916  We worked cane patch in morning and helped Wm. A. Day thresh in evening.

July 16, 1916  I stayed at home.

July 17, 1916  We stacked wheat and cut some clover.

July 18, 1916  We finished stacking wheat and put up some hay.

July 19, 1916  We cut and put up hay.

July 20, 1916  We put up some hay in morning.  Rained.  Done jobs in evening.

July 21, 1916  Bessie is taking measles.  Nothing doing.

July 22, 1916  Virgil and I went to sale at Brachers.  Set out some tomatoes.

July 23, 1916  We stayed at home and took care of the measles.

July 24, 1916  We cut and put up hay.

July 25, 1916  We cut and put up hay.  D. C. Bailey moved to my place.

July 26, 1916  Sacked oats.  Wm. A. Day helped.

July 27, 1916  I had the measles.  D. C. Bailey and wife was here.

July 28, 1916  I was sick with measles.

July 29, 1916  Nothing doing.

July 30, 1916  We stayed at home.

July 31, 1916  Boys got threshing wood.

August 1, 1916  Helped thresh at Mc's and threshing machine come.

August 2, 1916  We threshed.  Had 186 bushels of wheat and 55 bushels of oats.

August 3, 1916  We helped clean up and fixed some fence at Bailey's.

August 4, 1916  We went to Vine Grove.

August 5, 1916  We went to Sunday School picnic at Mill Creek.

August 6, 1916  We went to Sunday School at Sycamore.

August 7, 1916  We cut our sudan grass.

August 8, 1916  We cut weeds at Mother's.

August 9, 1916  We got some wood and took load of lumber to church to make tables for Children's Day dinner.

August 10, 1916  We helped James Lee thresh and worked at the church.

August 11, 1916  I went to Etown.

August 12, 1916  We went to Sycamore to Children's Day.

August 13, 1916  We went to Mt. Zion to church and to W. T. Peck's for dinner.  Bessie was sick and had to stay up there.

August 14, 1916  I went after Bessie in morning.  D. C. Bailey and wife was here.  We jobbed around.

August 15, 1916  We cut hay for Mother.  It rained.

August 16, 1916  We dug potatoes in morning and put hay for Mother in evening.  Alice Williams and Hattie Marr and children were here.

August 17, 1916  We jobbed around.  D. C. Bailey and wife was here.

August 18, 1916  We found bee tree.  Mr. Jim Boling and wife came after grapes.

August 19, 1916  I went to John's and bought two hogs in morning and Ed Ash's in evening.

August 20, 1916  We was at Ed Ash's and went to church at Tunnel Hill in evening.

August 21, 1916  We cut hay in bottom.

August 22, 1916  We jobbed around.

August 23, 1916  We all went to the fair.

August 24, 1916  We went to Tunnel Hill after fertilizer in morning.  Went after hogs at John's in evening.

August 25, 1916  We cut and put up two loads of hay.  Pearl Wall died.

August 26, 1916  We done jobs.

August 27, 1916  We went to Pearl Wall's funeral and to Ed Pfeiffer's.

August 28, 1916  I went to town.  Virgil cut grass in bottom.

August 29, 1916  We cut corn in morning and put up grass in evening.

August 30, 1916  We cut corn at Mother's.

August 31, 1916  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 1, 1916  We helped work the road down on the Hibb's place.

September 2, 1916  Got wood for Mother in morning and cut corn.  Gertie Cofer, Mary Ella and Leona Pfeiffer was here at night.  We went to pie supper at night.

September 3, 1916  John Masters and family was here.

September 4, 1916  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 5, 1916  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 6, 1916  I went to Vine Grove.  The boys cut corn.

September 7, 1916  We cut corn.  D. C. Bailey and wife and Kate Bailey was here.

September 8, 1916  Rained.  We fooled around.

September 9, 1916  We cut corn at home.

September 10, 1916  We went to Mt. Zion and to Bud Miller's.

September 11, 1916  I went to Etown.  The boys cut corn.

September 12, 1916  We cut corn at home.

September 13, 1916  We finished cutting corn.

September 14, 1916  We dug potatoes.  Rained.

September 15, 1916  We finished digging potatoes.  Plowed some for wheat.

September 16, 1916  We hauled load of corn and fodder and got load of wood.

September 17, 1916  Henry Masters and family was here.

September 18, 1916  We helped George Tanner.

September 19, 1916  We helped same fill silo.

September 20, 1916  We fixed ground for wheat.

September 21, 1916  We fixed ground for wheat.  Hauled some pumpkins and helped Jim Stovall cut corn in evening.  Owen Nall got 10 bushels of wheat.

September 22, 1916  We fixed ground for wheat.

September 23, 1916  We cut some bushes.

September 24, 1916  We went to Sycamore to Sunday School.

September 25, 1916  We plowed for wheat.

September 26, 1916  We fixed ground for wheat.

September 27, 1916  We went to Etown after coal oil.

September 28, 1916  Rained.  We watched it rain.

September 29, 1916  We cut corn at Mother's.

September 30, 1916  We plowed for wheat and gathered some corn.

October 1, 1916  Mother and Annie was here.  D. B. Sims and wife was here in evening.

October 2, 1916  We harrowed for wheat.  Charlie Ash's wife died this morning.

October 3, 1916  We harrowed in morning and sowed wheat in evening.

October 4, 1916  We sowed wheat and harrowed.

October 5, 1916  We harrowed and sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 6, 1916  I went to Etown after fertilizer.  Boys harrowed and bushed.  Brother Carrier come home with me.

October 7, 1916  Boys harrowed and cut bushes.  We went to church at Sycamore at night.

October 8, 1916  We went to church at Sycamore and Tunnel Hill.

October 9, 1916  I sowed grass seed in the morning.  Boys harrowed and cut bushes.

October 10, 1916  We sowed some wheat.  I took Brother Carrier to Etown.

October 11, 1916  We sowed wheat.

October 12, 1916  We cut bushes and sowed grass seed.

October 13, 1916  We finished sowing wheat.

October 14, 1916  We finished cutting bushes off the wheat.

October 15, 1916  We stayed at home.  Golda and Manola was here.  It rained.

October 16, 1916  It rained.  Alice Williams was here.  Mrs. Casteel got her roosters.  We cut some wood.

October 17, 1916  We cut and hauled wood for Mother.

October 18, 1916  We took a load of wheat to Vine Grove. It rained.

October 19, 1916  We worked on buggy and went to Fenley Masters at night to see his little boy.  Bryan spoke at Etown.

October 20, 1916  We came home from Fenley's and put potatoes away.

October 21, 1916  We got a load of wood and I went to Fenley's after Annie.

October 22, 1916  We stayed at home.  Ed an Leila was here.

October 23, 1916  We gathered corn.  Bessie went to Etown.

October 24, 1916  We helped John sow wheat.

October 25, 1916  We helped John sow wheat.

October 26, 1916  We helped John sow wheat.

October 27, 1916  We helped John sow wheat.

October 28, 1916  We went to Etown.  Fenley Masters' little boy died.

October 29, 1916  We went to burying and to Mr. Peck's.

October 30, 1916  We gathered corn.

October 31, 1916  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 1, 1916  We took load of wheat to Vine Grove.  Got $1.80 for it.

November 2, 1916  We took load of wheat to Vine Grove.  Got $1.75.

November 3, 1916  We took wheat to Vine Grove.  Got $1.70.

November 4, 1916  We watched the fire where it was out at Mother's.

November 5, 1916  I was at H. B. Peck's.

November 6, 1916  We gathered load of corn for Mother.  Made blocks for hay press.

November 7, 1916  I went to election.  Boys gathered load of corn and set up the hay press and baled some hay.

November 8, 1916  We baled hay.

November 9, 1916  We set the hay press in bottom.  Rained.  John, Fenley and Horace Masters was here.

November 10, 1916  We gathered corn for Mother.

November 11, 1916  We hauled fodder for Mother in the morning and went to Zion to church in evening.

November 12, 1916  We went to church at Zion and to Joe Pfeiffer's.

November 13, 1916  We baled hay.

November 14, 1916  I went to Etown.  Cold today.

November 15, 1916  We baled hay.

November 16, 1916  We finished baling hay.

November 17, 1916  We went hunting.  I killed 22 rabbits.

November 18, 1916  I went to John Ray's and got some roosters in morning.  Got wood in evening.

November 19, 1916  We went to Mill Creek to Dew Shelton's funeral.

November 20, 1916  We gathered corn at Mother's.

November 21, 1916  We gathered load of corn in morning and went hunting in evening.

November 22, 1916  We stacked fodder in morning and gathered load of cane in evening.  Rained at night.

November 23, 1916  Went to Etown.  Rained at night.

November 24, 1916  We cut and hauled wood for us and Horace Nall.

November 25, 1916  We gathered load of corn.

November 26, 1916  We went to George Tanner's.

November 27, 1916  We gathered corn.

November 28, 1916  Rained.  We went hunting.

November 29, 1916  Virgil went to Etown.  We set up some fodder and hauled some cane.

November 30, 1916  We took load of hay to Etown to Clint Crum.

December 1, 1916  We gathered corn.

December 2, 1916  We gathered corn and hauled in fodder.

December 3, 1916  We stayed at home.  Alfred Williams was here.

December 4, 1916  We gathered some corn and hauled some fodder.  Rained in evening.

December 5, 1916  We made boards in morning and gathered load of corn.

December 6, 1916  I went to Etown and got brick and cement for Annie.  Boys gathered corn.  We killed black snake.

December 7, 1916  We stacked fodder and gathered corn.

December 8, 1916  We set up some fodder and went rabbit hunting.

December 9, 1916  I went to Etown after preacher.

December 10, 1916  We went to church at Sycamore.  Alfred Williams was here.

December 11, 1916  I took preacher to Etown.

December 12, 1916  We finished gathering corn.

December 13, 1916  We cut hay wires and shelled corn.

December 14, 1916  We stacked fodder in morning and baled hay for D. B. Sims in evening.  Snowed.

December 15, 1916  Big snow this morning.  4 inches deep.  Zero.  We got some wood for Mother.

December 16, 1916  We got some wood and went to mill.

December 17, 1916  I stayed at home.  Bessie went to Mother's in evening.

December 18, 1916  Snowed.

December 19, 1916  Bessie and I went to Etown.  Boys cut some wood for Mother.

December 20, 1916  Rained all day.  Boys hauled load of wood for Mother.

December 21, 1916  We got wood for Mother for ourself.  Sleeted all day.  Snowed at night.

December 22, 1916  Big snow this morning.

December 23, 1916  Boys and I went to Etown.

December 24, 1916  We was at Wm. A. Day's in evening.

December 25, 1916  We was at Mother's.  John Masters and wife and Ed Ash was here at night.

December 26, 1916  We was at Bud Day's.

December 27, 1916  We was at Sanford's in evening.

December 28, 1916  I made ax handle and ground some ax's.

December 29, 1916  Modie Nall and Gertie Cofer was here.

December 30, 1916  We went to Vine Grove.

December 31, 1916  We was at Wm. T. Peck's.  Verner Sims was killed.