January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1913  Went to Arthur Bailey's.  Went hunting.

January 2, 1913  Worked the road on the hill.  Rained in evening.  Snowed at night.

January 3, 1913  I was at Mother's.  Snowed.

January 4, 1913  Kate Pfeiffer was here all night.  I was at Sanford's.

January 5, 1913  Rained.  Kate Pfeiffer was here.  William McBride's daughter died.

January 6, 1913  Rained big rain.

January 7, 1913  Rained all day.  Mr. Sims and family was here at night.  Tina was sick at night.

January 8, 1913  Turned cold and snowed some.

January 9, 1913  Went to Vine Grove and got some flour.

January 10, 1913  We cut wood in morning.  Rained in evening.  Mr. James Cowley died.

January 11, 1913  Rained all day.  Creek was big.

January 12, 1913  I went to Mr. Cowley's burying and to Clarence Gunnings.  Hattie Chenault was here.

January 13, 1913  Fixed the stove and cut some wood.

January 14, 1913  We hauled some wood and worked some in the shop.

January 15, 1913  We cut wood.

January 16, 1913  We cut wood.

January 17, 1913  Rained.  New boy at Rob Day's.

January 18, 1913  I was at Etown.  Hattie Chenault come home with me.

January 19, 1913  We stayed at home.  Barnie Day and Hattie Chenault was here.

January 20, 1913  Rained.  Worked some in shop.

January 21, 1913  We fixed to kill hogs.  Ruby Garwood and Fenley Masters was married.

January 22, 1913  We killed hogs.  I sold hog to Mr. Sims.  Brought $14.

January 23, 1913  Rained all day.

January 24, 1913  We cleared some.

January 25, 1913  I went to Etown.  Barnie Day was here at night.

January 26, 1913  Mother and Annie was here.

January 27, 1913  We grubbed and cut and piled logs.

January 28, 1913  We hauled wood in the morning and began plowing in the evening at Mother's.

January 29, 1913  I plowed.  Boys hauled manure.

January 30, 1913  I plowed.  Boys hauled manure.

January 31, 1913  Rained.  Worked some in shop.

February 1, 1913  I went to Clarence Hays to sale.

February 2, 1913  We stayed at home.

February 3, 1913  I worked in the shop.  Sleeted in morning and snowed in evening.

February 4, 1913  I worked in shop.  Cold.

February 5, 1913  I worked some in shop.  Still cold.

February 6, 1913  7 above zero this morning.  Worked in shop.

February 7, 1913  Worked in shop.  Was at Mother's in evening.

February 8, 1913  Went to Etown with Mother.  We took 102 dozen eggs.  Rob Irwin moved to the Thorton Nall place on the creek.

February 9, 1913  Went to church at Sycamore.

February 10, 1913  We cut some stalks and cut some willows.

February 11, 1913  We went to James Lee's.  Fixed telephone line.

February 12, 1913  We cleared.  Cold.

February 13, 1913  I was at Mother's.

February 14, 1913  Cut willows on creek in morning and cut and hauled wood for Mother in evening.

February 15, 1913  Went to the Alvy sale and to Etown.  Boys cut willows.

February 16, 1913  We was at Mother's in evening.  Rob Irwin and wife was here until bedtime.

February 17, 1913  We worked at Mother's.  Plowed and made fence.

February 18, 1913  I went to Vine Grove.  Boys grubbed at Mother's.

February 19, 1913  We worked at Mother's.  Plowed and hauled rail and wood.

February 20, 1913  We plowed at Mother's. New boy at Roy Irwin's.

February 21, 1913  We plowed at Mother's.

February 22, 1913  Plowed at Mother's in evening.

February 23, 1913  (no entry)

February 24, 1913  We went to W. A. Day's.

February 25, 1913  Took hay press to James Stader's hay and baled some hay.

February 26, 1913  We finished baling hay for Stader.  Had 3 1/2 tons.

February 27, 1913  Rained all day.  Nothing doing.

February 28, 1913  I moved Thomas Williams to Colesburg.

March 1, 1913  We burnt and sowed tobacco bed.

March 2, 1913  We stayed at home.

March 3, 1913  I went to Etown to telephone meeting.

March 4, 1913  Rained.  Sanford Irwin got ton of hay.  Arthur Bailey got 1000 pounds of hay.  Worked some in shop.

March 5, 1913  Worked in shop in morning.  Hauled posts and rails for Mother in evening.  New boy at Miles McMillen's.

March 6, 1913  Cold.  We hauled manure and caught 84 rats.

March 7, 1913  Plowed in evening at Mother's.

March 8, 1913  We plowed at Mother's.  Went to church at Sycamore at night.  J. B. Martin was here.  Bill had calf.

March 9, 1913  We went to church at Sycamore.  Ed Ash and wife was here.

March 10, 1913  We plowed at Mother's.

March 11, 1913  We plowed at Mother's.

March 12, 1913  We went to Etown.

March 13, 1913  I took load of hay to Mr. Grigg.  Rained in evening.

March 14, 1913  We cut some bushes.

March 15, 1913  We worked for Mother building wire fence.

March 16, 1913  Bud Day's girls was here.

March 17, 1913  We plowed for oats at Mother's.

March 18, 1913  We sowed oats at Mother's.

March 19, 1913  We sowed oats at Mother's and at Horace's.

March 20, 1913  Rained.  I done jobs.  Big wind storm at night.

March 21, 1913  We fixed telephone line.

March 22, 1913  Sold S. R. Irwin and Clarence Gunning each a ton of hay and went to Vine Grove.

March 23, 1913  Mrs. John W. Shelton died at 12:20 o'clock this morning.  We was at John W. Shelton's in evening.

March 24, 1913  We went to Mrs. John Shelton's funeral.  Rained in the evening.

March 25, 1913  Rained.  Worked some in shop.

March 26, 1913  Rained all day.  Worked some in shop.  Big flood in Ohio and Indiana.

March 27, 1913  Snowed.  I worked some in shop.

March 28, 1913  I sowed clover seed and got wood.

March 29, 1913  I went to Etown.

March 30, 1913  We went to R. R. Hibbs.

March 31, 1913  I plowed in the little meadow.

April 1, 1913  We plowed.  Horace helped.

April 2, 1913  We plowed.

April 3, 1913  We plowed.

April 4, 1913  Rained.  I worked some in shop.  Boys hauled manure.

April 5, 1913  We hauled in hay stack.  Rob Irwin got 1000 pounds of hay for Hue Woodring.

April 6, 1913  We was at W. A. Day's in the evening.

April 7, 1913  We hauled rock off the bottom field.  Rained.

April 8, 1913  Si Fox's wife died.  We plowed for Horace at Ben Garner's.  Rained.

April 9, 1913  Rained.  I went to Si Fox's wife's funeral.

April 10, 1913  Boys plowed 1/2 day for Horace.  Rained. Set out some peach trees.

April 11, 1913  Went to Etown.

April 12, 1913  We dug post holes in morning and plowed or Horace in the evening.

April 13, 1913  We went to church at Sycamore.  Rained.

April 14, 1913  We dug holes and set fence posts and put in box to drain the spring in the bottom.

April 15, 1913  I took load of hay to Etown.  Ordie Irwin got load of hay.

April 16, 1913  We plowed in bottom field.

April 17, 1913  We plowed in same.

April 18, 1913  We plowed in same and broke and made the garden.

April 19, 1913  Rained in morning.  We plowed in bottom.

April 20, 1913  We went to Sycamore to Sunday School.

April 21, 1913  We went to Vine Grove to see the doctor for Tina.

April 22, 1913  We finished plowing in the bottom.

April 23, 1913  Hauled rails at Mother's.

April 24, 1913  Plowed fence row at Mother's and went to fight fire in the Cedar Creek hills.

April 25, 1913  We put up string of fence between the bottom and hill side.  Ed Ash got ton of hay and James Lee got some hay.

April 26, 1913  Worked in shop.  Went fishing at night.  Ed went with us.

April 27, 1913  We stayed at home.  Ed Ash was here.

April 28, 1913  Worked on orchard fence.  Virgil harrowed.  Rained.

April 29, 1913  Finished fence.  Boys harrowed in bottom.

April 30, 1913  Went to Etown after fertilizer.  Virgil harrowed.

May 1, 1913  Boys harrowed and I shelled seed corn.

May 2, 1913  Planted corn at Mother's.

May 3, 1913  Planted corn at Mother's  Bud Day got load of hay.

May 4, 1913  I went to Vine Grove to get medicine for Tina.  Henry Masters and family was here.

May 5, 1913  We finished planting corn at Mother's.

May 6, 1913  We helped Horace plant corn at Garner's.

May 7, 1913  We helped Horace at same in morning and harrowed in the evening.

May 8, 1913  Went to Etown and got barrel of oil.

May 9, 1913  We planted corn in the little meadow.

May 10, 1913  We done jobs and went hawk hunting and to church at night.  Brother Martin was here.

May 11, 1913  We went to church at Sycamore.

May 12, 1913  Big frost this morning.  We plowed for Horace in new ground.

May 13, 1913  We plowed in new ground for Horace.  Ellie McMillin got hurt.

May 14, 1913  We plowed in new ground for Horace.  Ellie McMillin got hurt.  (Same entry as the 13th.)

May 15, 1913  I went to Etown and bred Mollie to Red Rush.

May 16, 1913  We planted corn for Horace.  Rained at night.

May 17, 1913  We set the tires on the spring wagon wheels.  Boys harrowed in bottom.

May 18, 1913  Went to Sunday School.  Ed Ash was here.  Bred old Bill to Hibbs' brute.

May 19, 1913  We harrowed and rolled for corn in the bottom.

May 20, 1913  We harrowed and rolled in the bottom in the morning and planted corn in same in evening.  Rained.  Rained good rain in evening and at night.

May 21, 1913  We harrowed and rolled in the bottom in the morning and planted corn in evening.  Rained in evening.

May 22, 1913  We planted same corn in morning.  Rained.  Fixed log bolster for D. B. Sims.  Mr. Sims got 8 1/2 bushels of corn.

May 23, 1913  We hauled some manure and broke truck patch in morning and finished planting corn in evening.

May 24, 1913  I moved Thomas Williams to Horace Williams' from Colesburg.

May 25, 1913  We stayed at home in morning.  I went to Sunday School in the evening.

May 26, 1913  We plowed new ground at Horace's.

May 27, 1913  We finished plowing at Horace's and finished corn at same.

May 28, 1913  We all went to Vine Grove to mill.

May 29, 1913  We worked in the corn at Mother's.

May 30, 1913  We worked at corn at same.

May 31, 1913  I helped Horace harrow corn at Garner's and worked potato patch and garden.

June 1, 1913  The children went to Cedar Creek to Decoration Service.  Rained at night.

June 2, 1913  We replanted corn in the fresh ground.

June 3, 1913  We finished replanting corn in same and scraped the pond.

June 4, 1913  I went to Vine Grove.  Went to Arthur Bailey's and got cultivator and holed the garden and set tobacco.

June 5, 1913  We made watermelon patch.  Cut patch of clover for Mother.

June 6, 1913  We plowed corn at Mother's. Rained in evening.

June 7, 1913  We plowed in morning.  Rained some.  Boys helped Mr. Sims set tobacco in evening.

June 8, 1913  Children went to church at Sycamore.

June 9, 1913  We plowed corn at Mother's.  Cold this morning.  45 degrees.

June 10, 1913  We finished plowing at Mother's and put up her hay.

June 11, 1913  I went to Vine Grove to see doctor for Tina.  Virgil plowed in fresh ground.

June 12, 1913  I harrowed corn in bottom.  Virgil plowed in the fresh ground.

June 13, 1913  I finished harrowing in the bottom.  Boys replanted.

June 14, 1913  We done jobs and rested.

June 15, 1913  Dr. Miller was here to see Tina.

June 16, 1913  We fixed up cradles and cut some wheat in the morning and plowed corn at Mother's in the evening.

June 17, 1913  We cut wheat at Rob Irwin's and Horace Williams helped.

June 18, 1913  Dr. Miller was here.  We cut wheat.

June 19, 1913  We finished cutting wheat.

June 20, 1913  Plowed corn at Mother's.  Clara Nall and Bertha Williams and Kate Pfeiffer was here.

June 21, 1913  We finished plowing our corn over at Mother's.  Rained shower in evening.

June 22, 1913  Children went to Sunday School rained good rain in evening.

June 23, 1913  Rained.  I went to Vine Grove to see doctor for Tina.

June 24, 1913  Worked some in shop.

June 25, 1913  I plowed corn in bottom.

June 26, 1913  Dr. Miller was here to see Tina.  We plowed in bottom.

June 27, 1913  I finished plowing bottom corn over and plowed some in fresh ground and help W. A. Day thresh in the evening.

June 28, 1913  We plowed corn in fresh ground and took our calf to Mother's to wean it.

June 29, 1913  Children went to Sunday School.  John Masters and wife was here.

June 30, 1913  We cut and put up some hay.

July 1, 1913  Dr. Miller was here.  We stayed at home.

July 2, 1913  We stacked wheat.

July 3, 1913  We cut oats at Mother's.

July 4, 1913  We finished cutting oats and plowed some in the bottom.

July 5, 1913  I went to Vine Grove to get medicine for Tina.  Virgil plowed in the bottom.

July 6, 1913  Children went to Sunday School.

July 7, 1913  We cut and put up hay.

July 8, 1913  We cut and put up hay.

July 9, 1913  We put up load of hay and planted late corn.

July 10, 1913  We cut and put up hay.

July 11, 1913  We cut and put up hay.

July 12, 1913  I went to Etown.  J. B. Martin was here.

July 13, 1913  We went to church at Sycamore.  Ed Ash and wife and Judge Stovall and wife and James Lee and wife and Henry Peck and Bud Day was here.

July 14, 1913  We helped Horace in grass and put up some grass for mother.

July 15, 1913  We finished plowing corn.  Lizzie Gunning and Becca Hobbs was here.

July 16, 1913  We cut weeds and hoed the watermelon vines.

July 17, 1913  We scraped in the pond in the morning and helped James Lee thresh in evening.

July 18, 1913  I went to Etown.

July 19, 1913  Worked in the shop in the morning and helped work at the church in the evening.  Elmer got hurt.  Had the doctor with him.

July 20, 1913  Mother was here to stay all day.

July 21, 1913  I sharpened some hoes for John Masters and put pair of shoes on Charlie.  Kate Pfeiffer came to stay with us.

July 22, 1913  We cut wood for the thresher in morning.  Hauled wood in the evening.

July 23, 1913  Went to Vine Grove.

July 24, 1913  Worked some at the shop.

July 25, 1913  We threshed.  Had 99 bushels of wheat.

July 26, 1913  Worked in shop.

July 27, 1913  The children went to church at Mt. Zion.

July 28, 1913  I took hogs to Vine Grove.  Brought $73.08.

July 29, 1913  We baled straw.

July 30, 1913  We finished baling straw.

July 31, 1913  I helped Rob Irwin stack his oats in the morning.

August 1, 1913  I went to Etown.

August 2, 1913  Dug some potatoes and went to the school election.

August 3, 1913  Virgil and Bessie went to church at Zion.

August 4, 1913  I went to Etown.

August 5, 1913  We baled straw for J. R. Shelton.

August 6, 1913  We baled straw for same.

August 7, 1913  We done jobs at home.

August 8, 1913  We worked in shop.

August 9, 1913  Mr. Felix Humphrey was here to try for water.  I went to Etown in the evening.

August 10, 1913  Children went to church at Sycamore.

August 11, 1913  I began to dig a well.  Horace helped me.

August 12, 1913  I worked in the shop for John Masters and James Lee.  Boys worked on well some.

August 13, 1913  We worked at the well.  Rained a little.

August 14, 1913  We worked I well.  Rained shower.

August 15, 1913  We worked some on well.  Struck rock.  I made drill.  Boys hauled some rails.

August 16, 1913  I went to Etown.

August 17, 1913  We stayed at home.

August 18, 1913  We worked in the well.  Filmore Humphreys helped me.  Rained.

August 19, 1913  We worked in the well.  Rained.

August 20, 1913  We worked in the well.  Virgil had the doctor with him at night.

August 21, 1913  We worked in the well in the morning.  Rained good rain.

August 22, 1913  We worked in the well.

August 23, 1913  We worked in the well.  Cool this morning.

August 24, 1913  Tina and I was at Mothers in the morning.

August 25, 1913  We worked in the well.

August 26, 1913  We worked in the well.

August 27, 1913  We got out rock in the morning and went to Vine Grove in the evening.

August 28, 1913  We worked in the well.  Dr. Montgomery was here to see Virgil.

August 29, 1913  We began to wall the well.  Monroe Write helped.

August 30, 1913  We worked walling well.

August 31, 1913  James Lee and wife and Mary was here.

September 1, 1913  We worked walling well.  Monroe Write helped.

September 2, 1913  I helped D B Sims on barn in the morning.  Miles McMillen was here for dinner.  Dr. Miller was here to see Virgil.

September 3, 1913  We cut corn at Mother's.  Got done cutting corn at Mothers.  Had 276 shocks.

September 4, 1913  We went to Horace Williams and threshed the rest of our corn.

September 5, 1913  Went to Vine Grove.

September 6, 1913  Went squirrel hunting in morning and in evening.  Killed four in morning and six in evening and cut some corn.

September 7, 1913  We stayed at home.  Children went to Sunday School.

September 8, 1913  We cut corn.  Rained some in evening.

September 9, 1913  We cut corn.

September 10, 1913  Went to sale at Mrs. Pawley's.

September 11, 1913  I went to Etown.  New girl at Ed Ash's.

September 12, 1913  Worked on the well.

September 13, 1913  Finished well in morning and played in the evening.

September 14, 1913  We went to church at Sycamore.

September 15, 1913  I went to Wm. A. Day's in morning.  Rained in evening.

September 16, 1913  I sowed some rye for Arthur Bailey.  Bought four pigs from Bud Day.

September 17, 1913  We cut some corn.  Rained big rain.  Dry spell broke.

September 18, 1913  We went hunting in the morning.  Helped work some I peaches.  Rained.

September 19, 1913  We cut corn.  Rained.

September 20, 1913  May Viers died.  I worked some in shop.

September 21, 1913  Bessie and I went to Ed Ash's.

September 22, 1913  We cut corn in bottom.  Some frost this morning.

September 23, 1913  We went after the wheat drill in morning and cut corn in the bottom.

September 24, 1913  Went to Etown after fertilizer.

September 25, 1913  We took fertilizer to Mother in morning and hauled some pumpkins for her and cut corn in the bottom in evening.

September 26, 1913  We finished cutting corn.

September 27, 1913  Hauled some fodder, wood, and water and went to Vine Grove in evening.  Boys harrowed.

September 28, 1913  We stayed at home.  Children went to Sunday School.  Rained.

September 29, 1913  Hauled load of household goods for Horace Williams.

September 30, 1913  Began sowing wheat.  It rained.

October 1, 1913  Screened some wheat and cleaned weeds off the orchard.  Too wet to sow wheat.

October 2, 1913  We sowed wheat at Mother's.

October 3, 1913  Sow wheat at Mother's in morning and went to Etown in evening and got fertilizer.

October 4, 1913  We finished sowing wheat at Mothers.  Had 14 acres.

October 5, 1913  We stayed at home.

October 6, 1913  We hauled in some fodder and sowed some wheat.

October 7, 1913  We finished sowing wheat.  We sowed 18 9/10 acres.  Took drill to John Masters in evening.

October 8, 1913  We cut bushes off the wheat at Mother's.

October 9, 1913  Went to Vine Grove to mill.

October 10, 1913  We finished cutting bushes off the wheat.

October 11, 1913  Put blast in spring.  Boys hauled some wood and fodder.  Went hunting in evening.

October 12, 1913  We had company.  Thomas Shelton and wife.  Mother and Annie.  Alfred Williams.  Bud Day.  Mrs. Lee and daughter.  Stanley Irwin was here.  Frost this morning.

October 13, 1913  We gathered corn at Horace's place.

October 14, 1913  We finished gathering corn and hauling fodder at same.

October 15, 1913  We cut some posts and cut some tobacco.

October 16, 1913  I went to Etown to get some fence.

October 17, 1913  Rained big rain.  I sowed grass seed on the 5 acre patch of wheat.

October 18, 1913  I went to Vine Grove in morning and dug sweet potatoes and cut some tobacco in evening.  Rained some.

October 19, 1913  Dr. Miller was here to see Tina.  Rained.

October 20, 1913  Rained all day.  Worked some in shop.

October 21, 1913  We went to Etown.  Snowed some.

October 22, 1913  Arthur Deckard and Kate Pfeiffer was married.  We hauled posts in morning.  Children went to wedding in evening.  John Masters was here in evening.  Tina had a bad hemorrhage.  Dr. Miller was here at night.  Rained in evening.

October 23, 1913  Rained all day.  J. H. Shelton and wife was here.

October 24, 1913  Rained.  We bottomed some chairs.

October 25, 1913  We hauled some corn and pumpkins in evening.

October 26, 1913  Henry Masters and wife was here.

October 27, 1913  Rained.  We worked some on fence.

October 28, 1913  I went to Vine Grove to get medicine for Tina.  We dug some post holes.  Tina had a hemorrhage.

October 29, 1913  We worked on fence.  Rained.

October 30, 1913  We finished fence.

October 31, 1913  Went to Etown.

November 1, 1913  We cut wood and hauled some wood and fodder.

November 2, 1913  We had lots of company.  Ed Ash and wife, Fenley Masters and wife, John Masters and wife, Elmer Hibbs and wife, Henry Stovall and wife.  Bud Day and wife, Jenny Irwin, Zaly Pfeiffer, Kate Cowley, Jenny Williams, Bertha Williams, Clarcy Williams, D. B. Sims and wife, Sanford Irwin and a lot of little folks was here today.

November 3, 1913  We sowed some patches in wheat.

November 4, 1913  I went to the election.  Austin Day came in from Illinois.

November 5, 1913  Austin Day and Aunt Joe Viers and Emma Cowley was here.  Ben Day came in from Illinois.

November 6, 1913  I went to Vine Grove.

November 7, 1913  Rained all day.

November 8, 1913  We hauled some manure.

November 9, 1913  S. R. Irwin and Stan and Clint Kilgus was here.  Snowed all day.  Bud Day, D. B. Sims and wife, Ben and Austin Day was here in evening.

November 10, 1913  Cold and snow.

November 11, 1913  I went to Etown.  The thermometer said 21 above.

November 12, 1913  We took calf to Tunnel Hill to ship.  Jeff Day came in from Iowa.

November 13, 1913  Rained.  Jeff Day and I went to D. C. Bailey's.  James Lee and wife was here at night.

November 14, 1913  Rained all day.

November 15, 1913  Jeff Day and I went to Vine Grove.  Rained in evening.

November 16, 1913  Jeff Day and Austin and Ben and Bud Day and family and Sanford and Jenny and James Lee was were.  We had oysters.

November 17, 1913  I fixed wheel for Bud Day.  Boys hauled some wood.

November 18, 1913  We hauled manure in the morning and gathered load of corn in evening.

November 19, 1913  Gathered load of corn and helped John work some in shop.  Virgie Irwin and Stanley Bailey was married.

November 20, 1913  Jeff Day and Austin left for home.  We gathered corn at Mother's for Mother.

November 21, 1913  We gathered corn at Mother's for her.

November 22, 1913  Boys finished gathering Mother's corn.  I went to Etown.

November 23, 1913  Went to church at Sycamore.  John Masters and family and Henry Masters and family was here.

November 24, 1913  We gathered corn at Mothers.

November 25, 1913  We hauled fodder and gathered some corn.

November 26, 1913  We gathered corn and hauled some fodder.  Rained.

November 27, 1913  I went to Vine Grove to get medicine for Tina.  Rained.

November 28, 1913  We done jobs.

November 29, 1913  We gathered corn in the bottom.

November 30, 1913  We stayed at home.  The children went to Jesse Cowley's in evening.

December 1, 1913  Went hunting in the morning.  Fixed telephone line and cut some wood in evening.  Virgil worked for Mother.

December 2, 1913  We gathered corn.

December 3, 1913  We gathered corn and hauled fodder.

December 4, 1913  I went to Etown.  Boys gathered corn.

December 5, 1913  We gathered corn and hauled fodder.

December 6, 1913  I went to Vine Grove.  Rained.

December 7, 1913  Rained.  D. B. Sims and wife was here.  Snowed at night.

December 8, 1913  We cut some wood.  Cold.  18 above zero.

December 9, 1913  We gathered load of corn.  17 above zero.

December 10, 1913  We gathered load of corn at Mothers and hauled the fodder and hauled manure.  James Gray died.

December 11, 1913  We gathered corn in morning and went hunting  in evening.  James Gray was buried at Sycamore.

December 12, 1913  We finished gathering corn at Mother's.

December 13, 1913  We finished gathering corn and hauling fodder.

December 14, 1913  The children went to church at Sycamore.  Joe Pfeiffer was here in evening.

December 15, 1913  We got wood for Mother.

December 16, 1913  Virgil and Bessie went to Etown.  I fixed stove.

December 17, 1913  We went to Vine Grove to Mill.

December 18, 1913  We got wood for us.

December 19, 1913  We killed hog.  Horace and Pearl and Stella Nall was here at night.

December 20, 1913  We hauled manure.

December 21, 1913  James Lee and wife, Onie and Lon Day was here.

December 22, 1913  Elmer and I went to Etown.

December 23, 1913  School was out.  I fixed some shoes.

December 24, 1913  We cut wood at the wood pile.

December 25, 1913  We stayed at home.  Rained and snowed all day.

December 26, 1913  Vernie and Leila Gray was here.

December 27, 1913  Boys went hunting.

December 28, 1913  Wm. A. Day and his three oldest boys was here.  Snowed.

December 29, 1913  I was at Bud Day's.  We put some blasts at cave and spring.

December 30, 1913  We cut some wood at wood pile.

December 31, 1913  I went to Vine Grove.