January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

January 1, 1907  I hauled load of cane and went to Bill Peck's at night.

January 2, 1907  Rained big rain.  I was at Howard Nall's.

January 3, 1907  I fixed some fence.  It rained.  I went to set up with Tom Figg.

January 4, 1907  I fixed some fence and went hunting.  Henry and Rob killed 2 foxes.

January 5, 1907  I hauled some fodder for Howard and cleared out hen house.

January 6, 1907  We went to Howard's in the evening.

January 7, 1907  I gathered corn.  Rob and Charlie Irwin helped me.

January 8, 1907  I gathered some corn.  It rained.

January 9, 1907  It rained.

January 10, 1907  I finished gathering corn.  Lon helped.

January 11, 1907  I went to Etown.  It rained.

January 12, 1907  It rained.  I fooled around.

January 13, 1907  We went to Sycamore church.  It rained.

January 14, 1907  I fixed old plow.  It rained.  Tina was sick.

January 15, 1907  It rained.  Tina was sick.  Ed Ash stayed all night here.

January 16, 1907  I went with Ed Ash to W. C. Stader's.  Rained.

January 17, 1907  Howard Nall was here.  Rained.

January 18, 1907  Rained big rain.  I put bottom in chair.

January 19, 1907  I gonged round.  Storm at night.

January 20, 1907  Lon and Rob Day was here.

January 21, 1907  Lon worked here.  We began garden fence.

January 22, 1907  Hauled some cane.  Worked on garden fence.

January 23, 1907  Worked on garden fence.

January 24, 1907  Finished hauling cane.  Eunice Barry and John Williams was married.

January 25, 1907  It snowed big snow 8 inches deep.  John Hall got scalded to death.

January 26, 1907  Lon and I went hunting.  Cold.

January 27, 1907  Cold today.  John Hall was buried.

January 28, 1907  I helped haul wood for Howard.  Cold.

January 29, 1907  I went to Vine Grove.

January 30, 1907  I helped John kill hogs.

January 31, 1907  It rained.  We made basket.

February 1, 1907  Dug post holes in the evening.

February 2, 1907  Worked on garden fence and made paling (pickets for a fence).

February 3, 1907  I was at John's in morning.  Pearl and Stell was here.

February 4, 1907  I went to Etown.  It snowed.

February 5, 1907  I went to Clint Gills'.

February 6, 1907  I fixed the sled.

February 7, 1907  We hauled manure.  Lon helped me.  Snowed.

February 8, 1907  I hauled manure and hauled hay stack.  Lon helped.

February 9, 1907  I hauled wood.  Lon helped.

February 10, 1907  John and Lena (Masters) and Bro. Chapel was here.

February 11, 1907  I went to Etown to telephone meeting.  Lon Day worked for me.

February 12, 1907  We made paling fence and tore down hay shed.

February 13, 1907  We cut trees off the fence and made paling fence.

February 14, 1907  We hued sills for hen house and hauled lumber from hay shed and hauled sills for hen house and rock for foundation for hen house.

February 15, 1907  We moved hen house.

February 16, 1907  We built shed to crib.

February 17, 1907  We went to Grandmother's.

February 18, 1907  I went to Etown.

February 19, 1907  I plowed.  Lon and Rob Day started to Illinois.

February 20, 1907  I plowed.

February 21, 1907  I plowed.

February 22, 1907  I went to mill and plowed in evening.

February 23, 1907  It snowed and sleeted.  I went to Etown.

February 24, 1907  I was at James Lee's.  It rained.

February 25, 1907  Made some paling and finished covering shed.

February 26, 1907  It rained.  I made axe handle.

February 27, 1907  Hauled some manure.

February 28, 1907  It rained.  I was at Henry's.

March 1, 1907  I went to Sanford's and bought hog.  George Larkin's two children was buried.

March 2, 1907  I went to Vine Grove.  Ben Melton was buried.

March 3, 1907  We was at Howard's.  Henry Peck and Clarence Williams stayed all night here.

March 4, 1907  I burnt tobacco bed in the morning and plowed in the evening.

March 5, 1907  I plowed.

March 6, 1907  I hauled manure.

March 7, 1907  Rained.  I went to Henry's.  We made boards.

March 8, 1907  Henry and I made boards.

March 9, 1907  We went to Etown.

March 10, 1907  I went to Ed Ash's in the evening.

March 11, 1907  I bought colt from Ed Ash.

March 12, 1907  Rained all day.

March 13, 1907  Rained.

March 14, 1907  I went to Albert Wetterer's.

March 15, 1907  I helped Howard bale hay.

March 16, 1907  I helped Howard take hay press home and hauled in oat stack.

March 17, 1907  We was at Mother's.

March 18, 1907  Helped make chicken pen at Howard's.

March 19, 1907  I plowed.

March 20, 1907  I plowed.

March 21, 1907  I plowed in the morning and went to Etown and got our new chickens in the evening.

March 22, 1907  We finished fixing our chicken pen and coop.

March 23, 1907  I planted potatoes.

March 24, 1907  We went to D. C. Bailey's.

March 25, 1907  I broke the garden and orchid and planted some potatoes.

March 26, 1907  I picked some brush off the new ground and plowed in same.

March 27, 1907  I plowed in the new ground.

March 28, 1907  I cut poplar in the new ground.  Howard helped me.

March 29, 1907  I hauled poplar off the new ground.

March 30, 1907  I went to Etown.  Ed Ash and family stayed all night here.

March 31, 1907  We stayed at home.

April 1, 1907  I worked at the shop in the morning and cleared off new ground in the evening.

April 2, 1907  I cut some posts in the new ground.

April 3, 1907  I hauled posts and rails off the new ground.  Woodcock was here.

April 4, 1907  I went to Vine Grove.

April 5, 1907  I helped fix telephone line in the morning and plowed in the evening.  Rained.

April 6, 1907  I worked at the shop in the morning and plowed in the evening.

April 7, 1907  Rained in the morning.  We stayed at home.

April 8, 1907  I plowed in new ground.  We took up potatoes.  Cold.

April 9, 1907  I plowed in new ground.

April 10, 1907  I plowed new ground.  Brought new carpet home.

April 11, 1907  I plowed in new ground.

April 12, 1907  I finished plowing new ground.

April 13, 1907  Took sow to Henry's.  Cold.

April 14, 1907  I was at Howard's.  Tina was at Sanford's in evening.

April 15, 1907  I harrowed in new ground.

April 16, 1907  I hauled rock off hill side.  Clint Kilgus helped me.

April 17, 1907  Harrowed in new ground and plowed some.

April 18, 1907  I hauled some poplar to Wetterer.

April 19, 1907  I fixed telephone line.  Sharpened harrow teeth.

April 20, 1907  I went to Etown.

April 21, 1907  Bud Day and wife was here in evening.  Big girl at Henry Hargan's.

April 22, 1907  Ab Burnet died.  Shelled seed corn and planted some corn.

April 23, 1907  It rained good rain.

April 24, 1907  I harrowed in the morning and planted corn in the evening.

April 25, 1907  I plowed in the bottom.

April 26, 1907  Rained.  I worked for Henry Masters in the evening.

April 27, 1907  I helped Howard plant corn.

April 28, 1907  Howard and me went to hawks nest in the morning.

April 29, 1907  Made chicken coop and harrowed.

April 30, 1907  Hunted crows nest in the morning and made chicken pen in the evening.

May 1, 1907  I shelled seed corn in the morning and harrowed in the evening.

May 2, 1907  I harrowed all day.  Made garden.

May 3, 1907  I planted corn.

May 4, 1907  I finished planting corn.

May 5, 1907  We was at Howard's.

May 6, 1907  Rained.  Sorted some potatoes.

May 7, 1907  I went to Etown.

May 8, 1907  Rained.

May 9, 1907  I went to Jack Irwin's log rolling.

May 10, 1907  I went to mill.  It rained big rain.

May 11, 1907  Ed Ash and I went fishing.  Cold today.

May 12, 1907  Ed Ash was here.  Big boy at Jim Hargan's.

May 13, 1907  Planted corn at Howard's.

May 14, 1907  Planted corn at Howard's.  Big rain.  Tina white washed.

May 15, 1907  I rained.  I was at Henry's and Will Owen's.  Tina put down carpet.

May 16, 1907  Made chicken coop.  Tina washed.  I worked on cultivator.

May 17, 1907  I worked on cultivator.

May 18, 1907  We all went to Etown.

May 19, 1907  We was at John's in evening.  Brother Walsh died.

May 20, 1907  Big boy at Cyrus Bailey's.  I broke Mother's garden.

May 21, 1907  I replanted new ground.

May 22, 1907  I plowed in new ground.

May 23, 1907  I plowed in new ground.

May 24, 1907  I finished new ground and replanted in bottom.

May 25, 1907  Planted some corn over in the bottom.  Big rain.

May 26, 1907  Stayed at home.  Mrs. McKinley died.

May 27, 1907  I went to Vine Grove.  Cold today.

May 28, 1907  Frost this morning.  I replanted corn.

May 29, 1907  Took the cow to Henry.  Harrowed some corn.

May 30, 1907  Finished harrowing corn.

May 31, 1907  I went mill.  It rained big rain.

June 1, 1907  I went to Etown.

June 2, 1907  We was at Henry's.  Cool.

June 3, 1907  I broke up tobacco and watermelon patch.

June 4, 1907  I set out tobacco.  Worked the road.

June 5, 1907  Plowed corn on hillside and made watermelon patch.

June 6, 1907  Plowed corn in new ground.

June 7, 1907  Plowed corn.  It rained.

June 8, 1907  Went to Etown.

June 9, 1907  We stayed at home.  Rained.

June 10, 1907  I replanted some corn in the new ground in the morning and plowed corn in the new ground in the evening.

June 11, 1907  I harrowed corn in the bottom.

June 12, 1907  I harrowed and plowed corn in the bottom.

June 13, 1907  Rained.  I cut fence row in new ground.

June 14, 1907  I plowed corn in the evening.

June 15, 1907  I plowed corn.

June 16, 1907  We went to Ed Ash's.

June 17, 1907  I plowed corn.

June 18, 1907  I plowed corn.

June 19, 1907  I plowed corn.

June 20, 1907  I went to Etown.

June 21, 1907  I cut wheat.  Onie helped.

June 22, 1907  I cut wheat.  Onie helped 1/2 day.

June 23, 1907  We stayed at home.  Bud Day's kids was here.

June 24, 1907  I cut wheat.  Onie helped.  It rained.

June 25, 1907  I cut wheat until dinner.  Was sick.  Big rain at night.

June 26, 1907  I was sick.  Onie cut wheat.  Finished.

June 27, 1907  Onie plowed new ground.

June 28, 1907  Finished plowing new ground.  Plowed in bottom in evening.

June 29, 1907  I went to Etown.

June 30, 1907  We went to Jim Lee's in evening.

July 1, 1907  Plowed corn in bottom.

July 2, 1907  Big boy at Horace Viers'.  Plowed corn in bottom.

July 3, 1907  Mrs. John Hobbs died.  We planted late corn.  Plowed corn.

July 4, 1907  I cut weeds out of corn in bottom.

July 5, 1907  I plowed corn in bottom.

July 6, 1907  I went to Etown.

July 7, 1907  We was at Bob Hibbs in evening.

July 8, 1907  Cut weeds in corn in morning.  Helped Miles McMillen thresh.

July 9, 1907  Cut weeds in morning.  Helped John Henry Shelton thresh in evening.

July 10, 1907  Cut weeds out of corn.

July 11, 1907  Finished plowing corn.  Rained.

July 12, 1907  I plowed cane and tobacco and helped Howard plow.

July 13, 1907  Worked in shop.  Fixed Onie's buggy.

July 14, 1907  We stayed at home.

July 15, 1907  Stacked my wheat.

July 16, 1907  Stacked Howard's wheat.  Tina picked berries.

July 17, 1907  I cut bushes out new ground.

July 18, 1907  I went to Etown.  Uncle Clay Shelton died.

July 19, 1907  Tina went to Uncle Clay's burying.  I cut bushes.

July 20, 1907  Me and Virgil cut bushes out new ground.

July 21, 1907  Cyrus Bailey and wife and Henry Masters and wife, Grandmother, and Annie (Masters) was here.

July 22, 1907  I helped Howard in hay in evening.

July 23, 1907  I cut bushes in new ground.  Nettie Howey died.  Aaron Smith got killed.

July 24, 1907  I helped Howard in hay.  It rained in evening.

July 25, 1907  Worked in grass for Howard.

July 26, 1907  Cut bushes out new ground.  Howard helped in evening.

July 27, 1907  I went to Etown.

July 28, 1907  We went to Bill Peck's.

July 29, 1907  Howard helped cut bushes in new ground.  Killed fox.

July 30, 1907  I helped Howard in hay.

July 31, 1907  Finished Howard's grass in morning.  Cut bushes in evening.

August 1, 1907  I cut bushes.  Howard helped.

August 2, 1907  We went to Uncle Clay Shelton's sale.

August 3, 1907  Finished cutting bushes.

August 4, 1907  Went to Sycamore church.  Preacher was here.  Lee Cofer was married.

August 5, 1907  Rained good rain in the morning.  I plowed cane and late corn in the evening.

August 6, 1907  We went to Vine Grove.

August 7, 1907  I helped Howard put up wire fence in the evening.

August 8, 1907  I helped Howard finish wire fence in the morning.

August 9, 1907  I cut fence row.

August 10, 1907  I helped Howard make gate in the evening.

August 11, 1907  We went to church at Cedar Creek and to Bud Shelton's for dinner.

August 12, 1907  I hauled manure.

August 13, 1907  Got threshing wood.

August 14, 1907  I went to Etown.

August 15, 1907  We went to quarterly meeting at Sycamore.  Dinner on ground.

August 16, 1907  It rained.  Shelled corn and went hunting.

August 17, 1907  Henry Peck and Sam Humphrey was here.

August 18, 1907  We went to Ed Pfeiffer's.

August 19, 1907  Fixed some fence and wormed tobacco.

August 20, 1907  I helped Howard cut bushes.  John Gordon died at 10 o'clock at night.

August 21, 1907  I was at Henry's and Ben Garner's.  It rained.

August 22, 1907  I helped Howard cut bushes in morning.  Rained.  Blowed out the spring.

August 23, 1907  Bob Hibbs and Nora was here.  Me and Bob went to Etown.

August 24, 1907  Helped Howard Nall cut bushes.

August 25, 1907  I rode the colt.  Clara and children was here.

August 26, 1907  I helped Howard finish cutting bushes.

August 27, 1907  Helped Wetterer thresh.  It rained.

August 28, 1907  We went to Etown.

August 29, 1907  I helped Owen Bailey and Lon Hibbs thresh.

August 30, 1907  We threshed our wheat.  Had 107 bushels.

August 31, 1907  I helped Jim Lee thresh.  Me and Virgil went hunting.

September 1, 1907  We stayed at home.

September 2, 1907  I helped thresh at John Fox's and Thorton Nall's.  It rained.

September 3, 1907  Wormed and succored the tobacco.

September 4, 1907  We all went to the show.

September 5, 1907  I cut some corn.

September 6, 1907  I fixed Jack Irwin's.  Saw telephone man.  Was here fixing the boxes.

September 7, 1907  I cut corn.  Virgil and Elmer cut bushes.  Big storm in evening.

September 8, 1907  Howard and family was here all day.  Rained.

September 9, 1907  Helped Howard make rails in evening.  Rained.

September 10, 1907  Rained.  I worked for Howard.

September 11, 1907  Tina went to Ben Garner's.  I worked for Howard in morning.  Howard cut corn for me in evening.

September 12, 1907  Howard helped me cut corn.

September 13, 1907  I cut corn.

September 14, 1907  I cut corn.  Roy helped me finish new ground.

September 15, 1907  Baptizing at Mt. Zion.  We was at Howard's in evening.

September 16, 1907  I cut corn on hillside.

September 17, 1907  I cut corn same.

September 18, 1907  I cut corn in bottom.

September 19, 1907  I cut corn in same.

September 20, 1907  I got in some corn to feed and cut tobacco.

September 21, 1907  John Gordon's sale.  I cut corn.

September 22, 1907  I went papaw hunting on Cedar Creek.

September 23, 1907  I cut corn in bottom.

September 24, 1907  I cut corn in bottom.

September 25, 1907  I cut corn for Howard in morning.  Cut some tobacco in evening.

September 26, 1907  I helped Howard finish cutting corn.

September 27, 1907  I hauled in some feed and load of wood in the morning and cut corn in the evening.  Howard helped cut corn in the evening.

September 28, 1907  I went to Etown.  Rained.

September 29, 1907  We stayed at home.

September 30, 1907  I cut corn.

October 1, 1907  I finished cutting corn.  Howard helped me.

October 2, 1907  I cut some bushes in the new ground.

October 3, 1907  I cut bushes in the new ground.  It rained good rain at night.

October 4, 1907  I shoed Joe.  Hauled in some feed.

October 5, 1907  I cleaned up some in new ground and went to school election.

October 6, 1907  I rode the colt.  Was at Miles McMillen's.  Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Maggie O'Tool was here.

October 7, 1907  I made hog pen.  It rained big rain.

October 8, 1907  I jobbed around.  Tina washed quilts.

October 9, 1907  I went to Etown.  Got fertilizer.  Mac brought hogs.

October 10, 1907  I harrowed for wheat.

October 11, 1907  I harrowed for wheat.

October 12, 1907  Frost this morning.  Harrowed for Howard in morning.

October 13, 1907  Ed Ash was here.  We stayed at home.

October 14, 1907  I sowed wheat.  Howard helped.

October 15, 1907  Finished new ground wheat and sowed some for Howard.

October 16, 1907  Fixed ground in morning.  Sowed wheat in evening.

October 17, 1907  Fixed ground in morning.  Finished sowing wheat in evening.  Mattie Bell Miller was married.

October 18, 1907  Took load wheat to Vine Grove.

October 19, 1907  Took load wheat to Vine Grove.

October 20, 1907  I was at Will Stader's in morning.  Tina stayed home all day.

October 21, 1907  I went to Will Stader's and got cow and hauled in some corn and fodder.

October 22, 1907  I helped Howard bale hay.

October 23, 1907  I helped Howard bale hay.

October 24, 1907  Made hog pen and weaned pigs.

October 25, 1907  I done jobs.

October 26, 1907  I sowed grass seed in the morning.  Went to Etown in the evening.

October 27, 1907  We was at Mother's.

October 28, 1907  I helped Henry kill beef in the morning and hauled pumpkins in the evening.

October 29, 1907  I worked on wagon.

October 30, 1907  Hauled in feed in morning.  Worked on wagon in evening.

October 31, 1907  Worked on wagon in morning.  Fixed wagon for Will Owen.

November 1, 1907  Worked on wagon.  It rained.

November 2, 1907  Finished wagon.

November 3, 1907  Ed Ash and family, Grandmother and Annie was here.

November 4, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 5, 1907  I went to the election.  Wilson was elected governor of Kentucky.

November 6, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 7, 1907  I went to a sale at Robert Viers.

November 8, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 9, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 10, 1907  We went to church at Sycamore.

November 11, 1907  I went to Etown after fruit trees.

November 12, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 13, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 14, 1907  I gathered corn.  Finished gathering corn in new ground.

November 15, 1907  I took load of wheat to Vine Grove.

November 16, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 17, 1907  We stayed at home.

November 18, 1907  It rained.  Me and Bessie went to Ed Ash's.

November 19, 1907  Went hunting and come home from Ed's.

November 20, 1907  It rained.  Rodman Sherrard and Lula Atcher was married.  Finley Willis died.

November 21, 1907  Went to sale at Williams'.

November 22, 1907  Gathered load of corn and hauled out manure.

November 23, 1907  Rained.  Took Will Stader's cow home.  Went to Jim Lee's.

November 24, 1907  We was at Bud Day's.

November 25, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 26, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 27, 1907  I gathered corn.  Uncle Cal Hibbs died.

November 28, 1907  We went to burying and I went hunting in evening.

November 29, 1907  I gathered corn.

November 30, 1907  I gathered corn until dinner.  Snowed in evening.

December 1, 1907  We stayed at home.

December 2, 1907  Gathered corn.  Charlie and Rob helped.

December 3, 1907  Finished gathering corn.  Howard, Charlie, and Rob helped.

December 4, 1907  Stacked fodder for Howard.

December 5, 1907  Hauled fodder for me until noon and for Howard after noon.

December 6, 1907  I helped Mr. Lee kill hogs.

December 7, 1907  Went to Vine Grove to mill.

December 8, 1907  I went to Sycamore.  Bro. McCoy and Jim Gray was here.

December 9, 1907  It rained.  Tina and I went to Etown.

December 10, 1907  Shoed Joe in morning and me and Ed Ash went hunting in evening.

December 11, 1907  Went hunting all day.

December 12, 1907  Finished stacking fodder for H. T. Nall.

December 13, 1907  Hauled fodder for me until dinner.  Rained.

December 14, 1907  It rained.  Made ax handle.  Rob was here.

December 15, 1907  We stayed at home.

December 16, 1907  Fixed up saw and got some wood.

December 17, 1907  We went to Cal Hibbs' sale.  Charlie Wetterer and Mary Smith was married.

December 18, 1907  Snow this morning.  I hauled manure.

December 19, 1907  I cut wood in morning.  Henry got 10 bushels corn in the evening.

December 20, 1907  Killed hog.  Cut wood for Grandmother.

December 21, 1907  I went to Vine Grove after box Ben sent.  Billy Atcher died.

December 22, 1907  We stayed at home.  Rained all day.

December 23, 1907  I went to Etown.  Rained.

December 24, 1907  I went squirrel hunting.

December 25, 1907  We was as Grandmother's.

December 26, 1907  We stayed at home.

December 27, 1907  I went to blaze out road on Hibbs' place.

December 28, 1907  Virgil and I went hunting.

December 29, 1907  We had doctor with Elmer.

December 30, 1907  Put soles on sled and hauled in some cane and fodder.

December 31, 1907  Helped on road in the evening.