January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October November  December

January 1, 1904  I shoed Dan and fixed saw for H. T. Nall.  Rained.

January 2, 1904  I stripped tobacco, shelled corn, and went to mill.  Turned cold.  Snowed some.

January 3, 1904  Virgil is sick today.  I went to Vine Grove and got some medicine for him.  Cold today.

January 4, 1904  Virgil still sick.  Had the doctor with him.  I got some wood.

January 5, 1904  I made some splits and bottomed chair.  Went to Wetterer's and got coal oil.  Virgil better.

January 6, 1904  I went hunting and bottomed chairs.

January 7, 1904  I went hunting in the morning.  Killed 6 squirrels and owl.

January 8, 1904  I went to Lawrence Froman's and got 8 roosters.

January 9, 1904  I went to look at John W. Peck's place.

January 10, 1904  We went to Elmer Hibbs'.

January 11, 1904  I went to J. W. Peck's.  Rained.  Went to mill.

January 12, 1904  Rained.  Went to see about renting place at Peck's.  Snowed at night.

January 13, 1904  Snowed.  I fixed saw for Bud Day.

January 14, 1904  I got some wood.

January 15, 1904  I cleared.

January 16, 1904  Shelled corn.  Went to mill and made hog trough.

January 17, 1904  We was at home.

January 18, 1904  I went to Etown.

January 19, 1904  I cleaned out hog pen.  Hauled wood.

January 20, 1904  I was at Mother's.  Rained some.  Cleared some.

January 21, 1904  Rained all day.  I worked at the shop.

January 22, 1904  I cleared.  Rained.

January 23, 1904  I cleared 1/2 day.  Sharpened hoe and ax.

January 24, 1904  We went to George Williams'.

January 25, 1904  I cleared.  We was at Howard Nall's at night until bedtime.

January 26, 1904  Snowed.  I shelled corn.  Went to mill and got wood.

January 27, 1904  I went to school with the children and went to Elmer Hibbs' and got cow to milk.

January 28, 1904  Shelled corn.  Got wood.

January 29, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

January 30, 1904  Shelled corn and got wood.

January 31, 1904  We stayed at home.  Snowed.

February 1, 1904  Shelled corn and went to mill in the morning and cleared in the evening.

February 2, 1904  I cleared.  Awful windy.  Rained and snowed.

February 3, 1904  I cleared.

February 4, 1904  I cleared and hauled wood.

February 5, 1904  I cleared and tapped sugar trees.

February 6, 1904  I cleared today.  Cleaned out the spring.  Went to Henry Peck's.  Went robin hunting at night.

February 7, 1904  Rained and wind blowed before day.  Rob Day was here.

February 8, 1904  I killed hogs.  Howard helped me.

February 9, 1904  H. N. Stovall was here.  I fixed fence where the wind blowed down.

February 10, 1904  Snowed.  I ceiled the upstairs.

February 11, 1904  I cleared some.

February 12, 1904  I cleared.  Cold.

February 13, 1904  I went to Henry Peck's and got seed oats and cleared some in the evening.

February 14, 1904  I went to church at Sycamore.

February 15, 1904  I cleared in the morning.  Cut bushes on hillside after.

February 16, 1904  Shelled corn and went to mill.

February 17, 1904  Finished cleaning of hillside.

February 18, 1904  I ceiled house.  Sleeted all day.

February 19, 1904  I ceiled house.  Snowed.

February 20, 1904  I went to Etown with Howard Nall.

February 21, 1904  We stayed at home.  Rained.

February 22, 1904  I worked at the shop.  Stocked 2 horse plows.

February 23, 1904  Tapped sugar trees and got wood.

February 24, 1904  Fixed hog pen.  Sharpened hoe.  Mooch Brown died.

February 25, 1904  I sowed oats.

February 26, 1904  I went to Etown.

February 27, 1904  I shoed Joe.  Went fishing at night.

February 28, 1904  We was at Mother's.

February 29, 1904  Uncle Joe Masters died.  I went to Henry Peck's.

March 1, 1904  Went to the burying and I went to Henry Peck's in evening.  Rented corn ground.

March 2, 1904  Sowed oats in the morning.  Made single trees.

March 3, 1904  I worked for Albert Wetterer.  Rained in morning.  Turned cold.

March 4, 1904  I went to Henry Peck's to work.

March 5, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

March 6, 1904  We stayed at home.  It rained.

March 7, 1904  Shelled corn and went to mill.

March 8, 1904  Went to Vine Grove.

March 9, 1904  I went to Henry Peck's to work.  Stayed all night up there.

March 10, 1904  I plowed at Peck's.  Uncle Dick Wheatley died.

March 11, 1904  I sharpened hoe, made hoe handle and hauled some wood.

March 12, 1904  I went to Peck's to work.

March 13, 1904  We went to John Masters' and stayed all day.  Rained.  George Pate's wife died.

March 14, 1904  I went to Peck's.  Cold.

March 15, 1904  I worked at Peck's.  Snowed.

March 16, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

March 17, 1904  I worked at Peck's.  Rained.

March 18, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

March 19, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

March 20, 1904  We stayed at home.  Rob and Sanford was here.

March 21, 1904  Shelled corn and went to mill.

March 22, 1904  I helped John sharpen mill.  Big rain.

March 23, 1904  I went to Peck's to work.

March 24, 1904  I worked at Peck's.  Amy stayed all night here.

March 25, 1904  I sowed oats.  Rained at night.

March 26, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.  Ed Ash and wife was here and stayed all night.

March 27, 1904  I stayed at home.  Jim was at Howard's.  Cold.  (Tina's writing)

March 28, 1904  Hauled in oat stack and fixed to take hogs off.  Howard helped 1/2 day.

March 29, 1904  I took my hogs to Vine Grove.  Weighed 870 pounds.

March 30, 1904  Worked in shop and went to mill.

March 31, 1904  Plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 1, 1904  Sowed oats.

April 2, 1904  I sowed oats.

April 3, 1904  We went to Jack Irwin's.

April 4, 1904  I sowed oats.

April 5, 1904  I sowed oats.

April 6, 1904  Rained.  I sowed tobacco bed and set apple trees and plowed for oats.

April 7, 1904  I finished sowing oats.

April 8, 1904  I sowed clover seed and went to Vine Grove.

April 9, 1904  I hauled manure and planted potatoes.

April 10, 1904  We stayed at home.

April 11, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 12, 1904  I went to a sale at Mr. Hoard's.

April 13, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 14, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 15, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 16, 1904  I plowed at Henry Peck's.

April 17, 1904  We went to Bud Day's in the evening.

April 18, 1904  I plowed at Peck's.  Jennie Irwin stayed all night here.

April 19, 1904  I plowed at Peck's.

April 20, 1904  I worked at Peck's.  Snowed a little.

April 21, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

April 22, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

April 23, 1904  I went to Etown in the morning and to log rolling at H. T. Nall's in the evening.

April 24, 1904  We went to H. T. Nall's.  Rained.

April 25, 1904  Rained.  I worked at the shop.

April 26, 1904  Rained.  I went to Vine Grove.

April 27, 1904  I hauled some wood from Howard's new ground.

April 28, 1904  I went fox hunting.

April 29, 1904  I went fox hunting and worked at Henry Peck's in the evening.

April 30, 1904  I finished plowing at Peck's.

May 1, 1904  We stayed at home.  Howard and Clara (Nall) was here in the evening.

May 2, 1904  I worked at Henry Peck's.  Addie Hargan was here.

May 3, 1904  I worked at Henry Peck's.

May 4, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

May 5, 1904  I worked at Peck's.

May 6, 1904  I worked at Peck's planting corn.

May 7, 1904  I planted corn at Peck's.  The old cow got down.

May 8, 1904  We stayed at home.  Rained.

May 9, 1904  I went to Peck's to plant corn.

May 10, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.  Took two hogs.

May 11, 1904  I planted corn at Peck's.

May 12, 1904  I finished planting corn at Peck's.

May 13, 1904  I helped roll logs at John's.

May 14, 1904  I went to Ed Ash's and we went fishing.

May 15, 1904  We come from Ed Ash's.

May 16, 1904  I hauled manure.

May 17, 1904  I hauled manure.

May 18, 1904  I hauled manure.

May 19, 1904  I went fox hunting in the morning and plowed in the evening.

May 20, 1904  Planted potatoes and plowed.

May 21, 1904  I plowed and shoed Joe and went fishing.

May 22, 1904  Howard and family and Ed Ash was here.

May 23, 1904  I harrowed and planted cane.

May 24, 1904  I finished planting cane and rolled logs on new ground.

May 25, 1904  I went to Ed Ash's and got load of corn.

May 26, 1904  I plowed new ground.  Rained.

May 27, 1904  I finished braking new ground and planted some corn.

May 28, 1904  I finished planting corn and went to Vine Grove.  Went fox hunting at night.

May 29, 1904  We stayed at home.  Rained.

May 30, 1904  I replanted corn at Peck's.  Old Mirt had a calf.  Rained a big rain.

May 31, 1904  I deadened trees in new ground.  Went hunting.

June 1, 1904  Went fox hunting in morning.  Replanted corn in the evening.

June 2, 1904  I replanted corn.  Rained big rain.

June 3, 1904  I fixed some fence.

June 4, 1904  I replanted corn.  Rained big rain.

June 5, 1904  Howard Nall and family was here.

June 6, 1904  I harrowed corn at Peck's.

June 7, 1904  I harrowed corn.

June 8, 1904  I harrowed corn.

June 9, 1904  I finished harrowing corn at Peck's and worked in the shop.

June 10, 1904  I planted corn at Peck's.

June 11, 1904  I plowed garden and went to Vine Grove.

June 12, 1904  We went to Sanford's.

June 13, 1904  I plowed at Peck's.

June 14, 1904  I plowed corn.

June 15, 1904  I plowed corn.

June 16, 1904  I plowed corn at Peck's.  Tina and children went to Peck's with me.

June 17, 1904  I cut bushes at Peck's.

June 18, 1904  I cut bushes at same.

June 19, 1904  Tina and children went to Sunday School.

June 20, 1904  I finished cutting out corn at Peck's.  Barnie and Shirley Day helped me.  Rained.

June 21, 1904  I plowed new ground.  Corn.

June 22, 1904  I harrowed cane and went to Stader's pond fishing.

June 23, 1904  I cut bushes out of new ground and plowed cane and went hunting.  Killed 4 squirrels and 3 hawks.

June 24, 1904  I planted some corn at Peck's and plowed corn at Peck's.  Rained.

June 25, 1904  I plowed corn at Peck's.

June 26, 1904  We was at Howard's.  Rained.

June 27, 1904  I plowed corn.

June 28, 1904  I plowed corn.  Rained.  I come home at noon.  Shoed Dan.

June 29, 1904  I plowed corn at Peck's.

June 30, 1904  I plowed cane.

July 1, 1904  I finished plowing at Peck's.  Plowed feed cane patch and went hunting.  Found bee tree.

July 2, 1904  Plowed patches and went to Vine Grove in the evening.

July 3, 1904  I was at Henry Peck's.

July 4, 1904  I plowed new ground and cut bee tree.  Rained.

July 5, 1904  I worked on hay rake for Wetterer.  Rained.

July 6, 1904  I fixed cradle for Henry.

July 7, 1904  I plowed patch late corn at Peck's.  Rained.

July 8, 1904  Went to Ray's pond fishing in the evening.  Rained.

July 9, 1904  I cut some stove wood.  Rained.

July 10, 1904  Ed was here.  We was at Mother's.

July 11, 1904  I set up cradle for Howard.  Cut few oats.  Rained.

July 12, 1904  I hoed watermelons and tobacco and tied some oats.

July 13, 1904  We cut oats.

July 14, 1904  We cut oats.

July 15, 1904  We cut oats.  Boy at Henry B. Peck's.  Girl at Wm. A. Day's.

July 16, 1904  We cut oats.

July 17, 1904  We went to Henry Peck's.  Rained up there.

July 18, 1904  We cut oats.  Tina picked blackberries.

July 19, 1904  We cut oats.

July 20, 1904  We finished cutting oats.  Susie Crow died.

July 21, 1904  Rained this morning.  I plowed late patch of corn at Peck's.

July 22, 1904  I plowed cane.

July 23, 1904  I cut some bushes and went to Vine Grove.

July 24, 1904  We was at John Masters' in the evening.

July 25, 1904  Howard and I stacked oats.

July 26, 1904  We stacked oats.

July 27, 1904  I took Virgil to the doctor at Vine Grove.

July 28, 1904  I stacked oats.  Rained.

July 29, 1904  I plowed late corn at Peck's.

July 30, 1904  I cut some bushes out of new ground corn.

July 31, 1904  We was at Wm. A. Day's.

August 1, 1904  I cut bushes out of new ground corn.  Rained.

August 2, 1904  I worked at the shop.

August 3, 1904  I worked at the shop.

August 4, 1904  I shoed Joe and helped John stretch wire fence.

August 5, 1904  We went to Vine Grove.  George Wetterer died 2pm.

August 6, 1904  I cut and hauled some clover and took Virgil to see the doctor.

August 7, 1904  John Masters and family was here.  I was at Wetterer's.

August 8, 1904  I cut bushes.

August 9, 1904  I cut bushes.

August 10, 1904  I helped thresh at Lee's.

August 11, 1904  I went to burying at Sycamore and to Henry Peck's.

August 12, 1904  I cut bushes.

August 13, 1904  I worked at Wetterer's.  Fixed wagon.

August 14, 1904  I was at Mother's.  We went to burying at Sycamore.

August 15, 1904  I took Virgil to Dr. Willis and cut some bushes.

August 16, 1904  I cut some bushes.

August 17, 1904  I helped Owen Bailey thresh.

August 18, 1904  I helped Howard cut some posts.

August 19, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

August 20, 1904  We threshed.  Rained good rain.

August 21, 1904  Howard and Clara was here.  Big rain today.

August 22, 1904  I helped thresh at S. B. Williams and went to Dr. Miller's and got some medicine for Tina.

August 23, 1904  I helped Howard haul some posts and he helped me haul some weeds from along the race.

August 24, 1904  I dug some potatoes and went to see about getting the bailer to bail straw.

August 25, 1904  Tina was sick.  I went to the doctor and got some medicine for her.

August 26, 1904  I stayed at the house.  Tina still sick.

August 27, 1904  Howard and I bailed straw.

August 28, 1904  Amy was here.  Tina some better.

August 29, 1904  Went to the store.

August 30, 1904  Dug potatoes and went hunting.

August 31, 1904  Dug potatoes.  I helped thresh at Wetterer's.

September 1, 1904  I helped finish threshing at Wetterer's.

September 2, 1904  I went squirrel hunting and we was at Howard's.

September 3, 1904  I dug some potatoes.  Rained.

September 4, 1904  We was at Henry Peck's.

September 5, 1904  I cut some corn.

September 6, 1904  I dug some potatoes and went to Mother's and got some peaches.

September 7, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

September 8, 1904  I cut corn.

September 9, 1904  I cut corn.  Howard helped me.

September 10, 1904  I cut corn half day.  Howard helped me.

September 11, 1904  We went to Ed Ash's.

September 12, 1904  Rained.  I was at Henry Peck's.

September 13, 1904  I cut corn 1/2 day.  Howard helped me.

September 14, 1904  I cut corn 1/2 day.  Howard helped.

September 15, 1904  I cut corn.

September 16, 1904  I cut corn.  Howard helped.

September 17, 1904  I cut corn.

September 18, 1904  We stayed at home.  Rained.

September 19, 1904  I cut corn.  Rained.  Wm. Pearl died.

September 20, 1904  I cut corn.  Rained.

September 21, 1904  I cut corn.  Howard helped me.

September 22, 1904  I cut corn.

September 23, 1904  I cut corn.  Onie Day helped me get done at Peck's.

September 24, 1904  I was at Mother's.  Bought hog.  Cut some corn.

September 25, 1904  Ed Ash and wife was here.

September 26, 1904  Brought hog from Mother's.  Sharpened plows.  Howard got 7 bushels oats.  Rained.

September 27, 1904  I sowed oats at Henry Peck's.

September 28, 1904  I sowed oats at Henry Peck's.

September 29, 1904  I sowed oats at Henry Peck's.  Henry Peck and Lula Chenault was married.

September 30, 1904  I cut some tobacco.

October 1, 1904  I made cupling pole for Howard's wagon.  Went to Peck's and got load of corn and fodder.

October 2, 1904  Bud Day and family was here.

October 3, 1904  I finished cutting corn in new ground and sowed new ground to oats.

October 4, 1904  I cut bushes on new ground.

October 5, 1904  Howard and I made boards for Henry.

October 6, 1904  We made boards 1/2 day.  Cut tobacco.

October 7, 1904  Fixed stakes to put cane in.

October 8, 1904  We made boards for Henry.

October 9, 1904  We was at John Masters' in the evening.

October 10, 1904  We made boards for Henry.

October 11, 1904  We made boards for same.

October 12, 1904  We made boards 1/2 day.  I cut cane in the evening.  Howard helped me.

October 13, 1904  Cut cane for John 1/2 day and for me 1/2 day.  Howard helped.

October 14, 1904  I finished cutting my tobacco and cut cane.  Howard helped me 1/2 day.

October 15, 1904  I went to Henry Peck's and got load of fodder.

October 16, 1904  Howard Nall and wife was here.

October 17, 1904  I hauled load of corn and fodder from Peck's and load of pumpkins.

October 18, 1904  We made boards for Henry.

October 19, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

October 20, 1904  Howard and me hauled wood.

October 21, 1904  I hauled load of lumber for John and snapped some corn.  Rained.

October 22, 1904  I hauled load of fodder and corn and finished cutting cane and helped Howard haul load of corn and fodder.

October 23, 1904  Lillie Williams was here.

October 24, 1904  I snapped corn and fixed log chain.

October 25, 1904  I went to Peck's and got load of corn and fodder.

October 26, 1904  Gathered load of corn at Peck's.

October 27, 1904  I helped Howard gather corn.  First biting frost today.

October 28, 1904  I hauled load of fodder and load of corn for Howard.

October 29, 1904  I hauled load of fodder for Howard and Howard helped me gather load of corn.

October 30, 1904  Tina went to Wm. T. Peck's.  I was at Howard's.

October 31, 1904  I helped Howard haul fodder 1/2 day and fixed road in the evening.

November 1, 1904  I went to S. B. Williams' and got some apples and went to Vine Grove.  Lula Woods died.

November 2, 1904  I hauled two loads of fodder from Henry Peck's.

November 3, 1904  I worked on crib.  Howard helped me.

November 4, 1904  I worked on crib.  Howard helped me.

November 5, 1904  I worked on crib.  Howard helped me.  We hauled some cane.  Ed Ash was here at night.

November 6, 1904  We was at John's in the evening.

November 7, 1904  I gathered load of corn at Peck's in the morning.  Howard helped me.  We hauled pumpkins in the evening.

November 8, 1904  I went to the election.

November 9, 1904  I gathered load of corn at Peck's.  Howard helped me.  Rained at night.

November 10, 1904  Rained.  Howard and I went to Peck's and set up fodder and got load of corn and fodder and killed beef in the evening.

November 11, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

November 12, 1904  I gathered load of corn at Peck's.

November 13, 1904  We went to Wm. A. Day's.

November 14, 1904  I gathered corn at Peck's.  Howard helped me.

November 15, 1904  I gathered corn at Peck's.  Howard helped me.

November 16, 1904  I hauled load of fodder from Peck's and finished gathering corn at Peck's.  Howard helped me.

November 17, 1904  I hauled load of fodder.  Howard helped me and I helped Howard snap corn in the evening.

November 18, 1904  I hauled load of fodder.  Howard helped me and I helped Howard gather corn in the evening.

November 19, 1904  I hauled load of fodder in the morning.  Howard helped me.  I went to Vine Grove in the evening.

November 20, 1904  I was at Mother's and John's.

November 21, 1904  I last load of fodder from Peck's in the morning and helped Howard in the evening.

November 22, 1904  I went hunting with Charlie and Lee Ash and Dave Ash and Frank Hockinsmith.

November 23, 1904  I went hunting with same.  Lethia Williams and Ely Sherrard was married.

November 24, 1904  I took cow to Wetterer's.  Went to stable raising at J. S. Irwin's.

November 25, 1904  I helped Howard kill hogs.

November 26, 1904  I helped Howard haul corn and fodder and finished digging potatoes and buried potatoes and went hunting.

November 27, 1904  Tina was at Mother's.  Bettie Gray was buried.

November 28, 1904  I finished snapping corn.

November 29, 1904  I finished hauling corn and fodder and cane.  Howard helped me.

November 30, 1904  We made boards for Henry.

December 1, 1904  We made boards for Henry.

December 2, 1904  Finished making boards.  I went to Vine Grove.  Rained.

December 3, 1904  I made 3 ax handles.  Rained and sleeted.

December 4, 1904  We was at Howard's.

December 5, 1904  Rained and sleeted.  I hauled some wood.

December 6, 1904  I killed hogs.  Howard and John Masters helped me.

December 7, 1904  I helped Tina about the lard and went to Mother's.

December 8, 1904  I helped Howard make boards.

December 9, 1904  I helped Howard make boards.  Rained in the evening.  We quit work at half past three o'clock.

December 10, 1904  Howard and I went to Etown.  Snowed in the morning.

December 11, 1904  We stayed at home.

December 12, 1904  I helped Howard make some boards and went to Sam Williams' place.

December 13, 1904  Got wood at Howard's and for me and the schoolhouse.

December 14, 1904  I fixed saw for Bud Day.

December 15, 1904  I went hunting in the evening and went to Sanford's.

December 16, 1904  I was at Howard's.  Cut patterns for wagon rims and cut some rims.  Snowed at night.

December 17, 1904  I cut some wagon rims and went hunting.

December 18, 1904  We was at Sanford's.

December 19, 1904  I fixed saws for Bud Day.

December 20, 1904  I cleared some and went hunting.

December 21, 1904  I built flue for Bud Day.

December 22, 1904  I went to Vine Grove.

December 23, 1904  I hauled some wood and went hunting.

December 24, 1904  We went to Etown.  Rained.

December 25, 1904  We was at Mother's.  Rained.

December 26, 1904  Ed Ash and I went hunting.  Rained.  Onie Day and Rob stayed all night here.  Rained.

December 27, 1904  Onie, Rob, and I went hunting.  Rained.  Turned cold.

December 28, 1904  I was at Henry Peck's.  Cold today.  Snowed.

December 29, 1904  Henry was here.  I went hunting.

December 30, 1904  I went to the last day of school and went hunting.

December 31, 1904  Tina went to R. R. Hibbs.  I went with Ed Ash and Rob Day hunting.  Dave Crow died.